Okay so yeah, this is that last chapter! Don't cry!

Don't rejoice either… Just kidding! I hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I did writing! Thank you so much for reading!

Okay, here we go!

The Roommate

Chapter 15 - Bella

I've come a long way.

I've faced pretty horrible things in my life, risked many things as well, but I've managed to get through them all, and it all led up to this.

My dress flowing around me, a bouquet in my hand, I started down the great big aisle, my arm connected to my father's. I'm pretty sure my mom, Esme, and Rose put a lot of effort in the scenery, but really, all I could see was the man standing at the altar, smiling and patiently waiting for me.

It all led up to this.

My father's arm was the only thing holding me back, the only thing keeping me from running down the aisle to my soon-to-be husband.

We've come a long way…

And as my hand met his, I knew, I just knew that this man was forever mine, and I knew I'd always be happy.

I'm sure he knew it, too.

Our vows were simple yet full of so much emotion, I found myself crying before I said the two words that'll change everything.

"I do."

And when we kissed, nothing, not the people, the scenery, or my surprise honeymoon mattered.

The man that held, no…cradled my face in his hands did.

He kissed me tenderly, with so much adoration and love I swear I was going to burst with joy. Even when the crowd of cheers erupted, I saw nothing but him. I felt nothing but him. I needed nobody but him. Despite everything we've been through, it all led up to this moment.

Not many people can say they turned out with a happy ending.

Well…I did.

And there you go! A short little chapter; now I can go ahead and post to get this story finished! I hope you enjoyed it, guys! This had to be the best story I've written, considering that I've only been doing this since November! Leave me your thoughts on the story, and add me to your alerts so you'll know when my next story is coming out! It's coming out today, so be on the lookout! I'm really confident about this next story!