A/N: I know. It's been over a month. I am really sorry. Please don't kill me. *hides*

I was working on requests, school, life, family and I have a whole cornucopia of other excuses if you want them but I won't even bother. The good news is that there are only two chapters left of this story and this is an uber long one! Just for you! The bad news is that there is a cliffhanger and the end of this chapter. Hehehe. Again, please don't kill me.

I can't believe no one knew what the plan was. Tsk. Tsk.

I'll explain more about future chapters at the end of this chappie so be sure to read the A/N at the end.


Disclaimer: Do I own Young Justice? Nuh-uh (that's child-speak for 'no').

Day 3: The Plan

Artemis stood in a small storage closet on the second floor of the convention center. Wally stood on her right, picking through a pile of discarded walkie talkie's, Dick stood on her left, tearing open a box he'd had shipped overnight from the movie set in Hollywood and in her arms was a bundle of black and gold spandex.

"This is definitely not an Artemis costume," she said, running her fingers over the gold tiger stripes that stretched along the seams.

"No," Dick agreed, "you tore up the Artemis costume. I have another one but I don't want to risk you ruining it. This is close enough."

"Dude, she was in a car- um, an accident," Wally said, looking up from a mess of wires he was sorting through on the floor.

"Close enough?" Artemis said, interrupting Wally's argument. She hated to admit it but she almost missed the green pants and belly top of her old costume. "This looks nothing like my other costume."

"Yeah, but it's-" Wally began to explain.

Dick waved at him to be quiet before lifting a crossbow and a belt of ammunition from the finally opened crate, "It doesn't matter," he said, handing her the prop, "go get changed."

"Where?" she said, glancing around the room.

"Here?" Dick said, looking confused.

"Uh, dude, you are not watching my girlfriend get changed," Wally protested, shaking a walkie talkie at the boy.

"Good thing I'm not your girlfriend then," Artemis said, pointing to the wall behind them, "turn around."


"Wally, just turn around," Artemis repeated.

After a brief stint of grumbling Wally turned to face the wall, planting his hand on Dick's head to keep the boy from peeking even though he knew Dick was too immersed in his hand held computer to recognize that there was a girl changing behind them.

Five minutes and one round of profanities later Artemis stood in the center of the room in her new costume.

"Goddammit this thing is itchy," she complained, "is it from the 60s or something?"

"The 80s but," Dick said, looking her up and down, "close enough."

Artemis swore under her breath as she glanced at her reflection in a floor length mirror that was propped against one wall of the closet.

In it she could see herself wearing thigh length black spandex shorts that were lined in gold tiger stripes, a black spandex tank-top with a scoop neck and heavy black combat boots. She liked the boots but she hated the stripes and the fabric felt so uncomfortable. Never had she yearned for thick green spandex belly tops more than in that moment.

"Here," Wally said.

She turned to see that he was standing inches from her side, his hand pressed against hers as he handed her a working walkie talkie.

"We'll need to communicate somehow," he said, "I call them comms."


"Comms. Communicators. Y'know? It's cool right?" he said with a grin and Artemis felt the edges of her mouth lifting in to a smile.

She inched away from him, clutching the communicator to her chest and averting her eye contact before she said, "Yeah, cool."

"Guys," Dick said from the other side of the room, "hate to ruin the moment here but we have a job to do. Wally, you have your orders, get to it already."

Wally nodded and turned to look at Artemis one last time before saying, "See you later, beautiful."

He was gone before she had a chance to tell him not to call her that.

"Artemis," Dick said, snapping her from her thoughts, "braid your hair and follow me."

"Braid- what-" Artemis said, watching as Dick walked up to a wall instead of the doorway. "Dick, where are you going? The door's over there."

"We're not using the door, that'd be too obvious," Dick said, scaling the wall as if he were a spider, finding grooves in the solid concrete that she couldn't even see.

"Then where are we-" she began to ask before looking up to where Dick was climbing. Her eyes widened in recognition before she shook her head, "Oh, you have got to be kidding me."

Megan was still sitting in the cafeteria when Wally found her. She was at a small table, her head was in her hands and her shoulders were utterly still. She looked asleep and Wally would have assumed she was, if he didn't know better.

"Megs?" he said, placing a hand on her back.

Megan's head shot up and when her eyes met Wally's they were spilling over with tears. She wiped them away furiously before speaking.

"W-Wally, what are you doing here? Do w-we have a panel or something? Did Dick send you? Oh I knew I shouldn't have stayed here so long, I'll-"

"Megan, it's okay," Wally said, sitting down beside her before she could stand, "Dick canceled the rest of the panels."

"He did?" Megan said, suddenly more surprised than flustered, "Why?"

"Um, well," Wally said, "Nobody is really in the mood given what happened this morning."

"Yeah…" Megan said, staring down at her hands which were folded in her lap. She fiddled incessantly with her fingers, not looking Wally in the eye again until he cleared his throat.

"Listen, Megan, meet me in the Dealer's room in twenty minutes ok? By the Young Justice toy display."

"You mean…the one that is stacked to the ceiling?" Megan said, going over her mental picture of the room, "but why-"

"Just meet me there ok? Don't be late!" he said before getting up and dashing across the cafeteria.

Megan watched him disappear in to the crowd before glancing at her watch.

Twenty minutes, she thought, might as well leave now.



"Why are we crawling through an air vent?"

"I thought you were listening when I explained the plan. We're-"

"No, no," Artemis said, waving him off and trying to ignore the pain that was flaring in her arms and legs, "I understand the plan perfectly. It's a great plan, an awesome plan. But why are we in a vent? Especially considering that just yesterday I-"

"Because, Bruce put YJ on hiatus when I hacked the security system, imagine what he'll do if he finds out what we're doing now," Robin said.

"Oh-kay," Artemis drawled, following Dick around yet another tight corner, "So then why aren't we helping Kaldur with Isley? Isn't that more important than-"

"Bruce can handle Isley," Dick said, "and Kaldur is taking Isley straight to him. This will also keep Bruce tracted while we carry out the plan."

"But I thought the whole mole thing was this huge deal. You were all freaked out about it just this morning and-"

"Stop!" Dick said, and luckily Artemis heard him and stopped crawling or else her face would have crashed directly in to Dick's ass.

"What is it? Are we-"

"Here. We're here," Dick said, crossing his legs underneath him and sitting.

Artemis sat beside him, glancing warily through the side-opening in the vent that allowed a view of the Dealer's room.

"Is that-" she began to ask, her gaze wandering to the giant structure in the center of the room.

"Yup, get traught, Artemis. This is gonna be whelming."

"Okay, are you going to keep doing that?" Artemis asked as she leaned over his shoulder, reading from the hand held computer in his lap.


"Murdering the English language."

"Yeah, it's my thing. It's what I'm known for," Dick answered, typing a sequence of numbers on to his keypad.

"Since when are you 'known'?" Artemis said, raising an eyebrow, "I mean for anything besides being the heir to Bruce Wayne?"

"Hey, I'm infamous amongst the ladies," Robin said, looking up at her and waggling his eyebrows.

Artemis gently smacked him upside the head.

"Please, you've been spending way too much time with Wally; don't even try to act like a playboy. You're just embarrassing yourself." Artemis conveyed with a roll of her eyes.

"Okay, okay, but you never know. One day I may just be a hot commodity. And that's beside the point. You've seriously wounded my pride Artemis. I'm jured right now, jured."

"Jured?" she said.

"Injured without the unnecessary prefix," Dick supplied.

"Oh, just stop it already!" she insisted.

Their squabbles were interrupted by a commotion from below. They peered down, their eyes scanning the crowd that had assembled just underneath the tower of YJ action figures.

"The birds are in the nest, I repeat, the birds are in the nest," Wally's voice crackled over the comm.

"Wally, stop it with the weird lingo and speak English, please," Artemis said in to the comm.

Wally laughed before saying, "Ok, ok, everyone's in the Dealer's room and the pulse emitters are in place. It's now or never."

"Pulse emitters?" Artemis said.

"Time to get traught," Dick said, ignoring her as he looked down at his keyboard and pressed 'enter'.

There was a sudden, jarring, rumble that rolled through the ventilation system. Artemis curled in on herself, covering her head with her arms as a loud crash echoed through the room below her. When she looked up from her hands moments later she could hear nothing from the dealer's room but a deadly hush.

"Dick?" Artemis asked slowly, her voice cracking the self-imposed silence.

There was a minute pause before the boy replied, "Timber."

Conner entered the dealer's room with a glower on his face. His hands were shoved in to his pockets, his eyes were downcast and he was in a particularly bad mood, even for him. The only reason he was there at all was because Wally had insisted on meeting him by the tower of YJ figurines. And even Conner Kent had trouble saying no to Wally West when he was being genuinely endearing.

So here he was, trudging toward the tower, being stalked by flirtatious fangirls who were following him none too subtly through the crowd. His hands clenched in to fists as the girls began to approach him. Only when he looked up at them with narrowed eyes did they squeal in terror and run off, leaving him alone.

He sighed, pulling his hands out of his pockets and looking up at the stacks and stacks of 'action figures' as Wally called them. There were tiny doll-like replicas of just about every member of the Justice League and Young Justice, including M'gann, Kid Flash, Robin, Batman and…Superman.

Conner crossed his arms and tucked his hands underneath his armpits in order to keep himself from punching the tiny toy replica of his 'father'. If anything Clark Kent was just a contributor of half his DNA and by no means a father figure or a role model. Conner almost felt sick as he watched a ten year old kid buying a Superman doll. If only other people knew what a jerk his 'dad' really was.


Conner spun around as he recognized the voice.

Megan stood a few feet away from him. Her Miss Martian make-up had smeared all over the front of her costume, as if she had been crying. Conner felt instantly terrible. He'd been being so selfish the past few days; he hadn't even considered what Megan must have been going through.

He may not have liked his dad but he loved Megan and in a few weeks she may not even live in the same country as him.

Conner didn't say anything but he took a step toward her, his arms outstretched as if to embrace her as a burly voice echoed his name from behind him. Only it wasn't a name he was usually called in public.


Conner spun to see his 'father', Superman, Clark Kent, whoever he was, staring at him.

Conner stood between his 'father' and his girlfriend hesitantly. His feet twitched. He wanted to run. Instead he narrowed his eyes in to a glare and aimed them at Superman's face.

"I told you not to call me that. You're not allowed to call me that," Conner spat.

"Kon, I told you-" Clark said, taking a step closer to his son. The effort was in vain because Conner backed away furiously, standing in front of Megan as if to shield her, "I'm sorry for the way I treated you. When you were first born I didn't think- I didn't want to admit that you were mine. But now-"

"It's too late," Conner growled, "Mom raised me just fine without you. Just go back to your penthouse and your fiancée and leave me and my team alone."


"Only mom can call me that," Conner said, "never let me hear you say that name again."

Before Clark could protest there was a low rumble that vibrated underneath their feet as if an earthquake was beginning. Megan stumbled forward and grabbed hold of Conner's hand, he wrapped his arms around her protectively as the rumbles increased, shaking them off their feet.

"Megan! Conner!" a girl shouted from across the room, and Conner looked up to see Zatanna and her father approaching them. She was gesturing wildly with her arms and shouting something that Conner couldn't decipher, until she yelled, "behind you!"

Conner only had time to look up, recognize that the tower of figurines was falling towards them and throw his arms over Megan's head before he felt a crushing weight on his back and everything turned dark.

"You said we were gathering them in the dealer's room for an intervention and that you had found a way to keep them there. You never said you were toppling a tower of figurines on their heads!" Artemis shouted as she and Dick raced down to the dealers' room.

"I know, but if I told you what I was really doing you never would have gone along with it," Dick said.

"Well yeah, because it's crazy!" Artemis said, "This has to be the stupidest plan you've ever come up with Dick Grayson."

"Just withdraw your opinion for a few more minutes," Dick said as they approached the toppled stack of action figures, "I think you'll enjoy the result of our little explosion."

A crowd had begun to gather around the pile of toys but Artemis and Dick easily maneuvered their way to the front. Artemis watched nervously as a hand shot out from underneath the dolls.

"Z!" she said as Dick stumbled forward and grabbed the girl's wrist, pulling her free of the dolls.

"Well that was whelming," Zatanna said, catching her breath as Dick placed a nervous hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry, I figured this was the only way to solve our problems," he said.

"You did this? You had Wally tell me and my dad to meet him here?" Zatanna said, looking up at the boy. She shook her head as he grinned sheepishly and muttered, "Why am I so not surprised…"

"Zatanna!" Zatara shouted, bursting from the pile of figurines like a jack-in-the-box. His face was flushed, his eyes were wild and he swiveled his head around the room frantically before his eyes fell on Dick who was still helping Z to her feet. "You!"

"Me?" Dick said, pointing to himself as Zatara approached him.

"Yes, you boy! You saved my Zatanna!" Zatara said, scooping Dick in to a hug, "How can I thank you Rick?"

"It's Dick," Dick said.

"Right, right, Mick. How can I repay you?" Zatara asked, releasing Dick and turning to give Zatanna an enthusiastic hug.

"You can let Zatanna continue to work on the movie with us," Dick said hopefully.

Zatara peered down at the boy warily, "I am not so sure that is a wise idea, Bick. It is not a matter of trust I simply miss her a great deal when she is away."

"I think I have a solution-" Dick began to say but he was interrupted by a commotion behind them.

The figurines toward the center of the pile had begun to rise as if someone underneath were trying to free themselves. Before anyone could move to help them, however, the entire stack surged upward and a figure emerged from underneath the toys.

Clark Kent stood up from where he had been stooped over his son and Megan. Conner looked up at the man with wide eyes before glancing down at Megan worriedly.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Megan said, shaking her head and allowing Conner to help her stand.

"You…" Conner said, facing his father. Clark Kent had busied himself by brushing bits of dust from his suit but he looked down at Conner in surprise when the boy spoke. "You…saved her- us."

"You're my son, Conner," Clark said, placing a hand on Conner's shoulder.

To Clark's surprise Conner didn't attempt to brush him away. The boy only stared up at him in awe as he spoke.

"It was wrong of me to reject you for all of those years. I only did it because…of your mother's relations. I should never have been so prejudiced against my own flesh and blood."

Conner didn't speak for a moment. He merely stared up at Clark in confusion.

"It's - ah," Conner stuttered, rubbing a hand along the back of his neck, "It's alright, I guess. You saved Megan after all."

Clark smiled. Conner smiled back. And for the first time in days Megan started crying from an emotion other than burdening depression.

"And that's how it's done," Wally said, startling Artemis.

"Where did you come from?" she demanded. She had been so immersed watching the happy family moment between Conner, Clark and Megan and the exuberant discussion between Dick, Zatara and Zatanna that she'd hardly noticed Wally sneak up on her.

"C'mon babe, didn't even hear me coming didja? You're losing your touch," Wally snickered, resting an arm across her shoulders.

Artemis winced. In all of the commotion she'd forgotten that she had been in a car accident yesterday and that just about every fiber of her body hurt.

"Oh geez Artemis," Wally said, backing away from her, "are you okay? I'm sorry. Where did you leave your pain meds? The doctors did give you pain meds right? Ar-"

"Wally," Artemis said, cutting him off. "It's okay. I'm fine."

"Uh-huh, typical Artemis response. I bet you left them with your sweats huh?" Wally frowned. "Stay right here. Don't. Move. I'm going to get your medicine."

Artemis couldn't help the smile that crept its way up her face.

"Okay," she said.

She watched as Wally sped off, his red hair like a shining beacon as he made his way through the crowd.

She felt lighter than she had in months. After everything Wally had pulled this weekend he seemed to be finally making up for it. Maybe it was her turn to tell him how she felt about him.

"Whoa babe."

Artemis spun, expecting Wally to be standing behind her.

"Back alr-" she began, but her breath caught in her throat as she laid eyes on the boy standing feet away from her, "Cameron."

"I heard you were in an accident. Are you okay?" Cameron asked, leaning closer.

She frowned at the endearing look on Cam's face.

"Fine," she grumbled.

"Well you certainly look fine," Cameron purred, "I gotta say, I like this outfit better than your green one. It's more…you."

Artemis rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. She wished Wally was there to punch Cam in the face like he had last year. She would have done it herself but her hands already ached from the accident yesterday and Cam wasn't worth putting herself through any more pain.

"We need to talk Artemis," Cameron said, startling her from her thoughts, "I- uh, have something I need to tell you."

"Me too," she admitted, "I haven't been exactly straight with you, Cam. There's a reason why I've been being so nice to you this weekend and it's not because I forgive you for what you did to me."

"Well then," Cam said, leaning even closer and grabbing her wrist, "let's take this conversation somewhere more private shall we?"

The plan was Homefront guys, oh and a bit of Revelations, but mostly Homefront. Enjoy the last of the corny corniness in this story.

About the conversation Artemis has with Dick about him and 'the ladies'. I have to apologize. It's a bit OOC for YJ!Rob but I've been scrolling through the Dick Grayson tag on Tumblr waaay too much. His ass is a hot commodity, apparently. Think of this conversation as foreshadowing for his future character. And let's just blame his playboy nature on Wally's influence shall we?

To clear up any confusion for why I didn't delve any further in to Young Injustice: I have some good news. The main reason why I introduced Young Injustice and then kind of shoved them aside in this chapter is because maybe (maybe) I might write a third Cosplay. It won't be for a few months. I need a break from Cosplay. Like a long break. But I may come back to it and if I do Young Injustice is going to be a big part of the story, so I wanted Isley and the mole introduced already.

Also, I kind of need your help guys. I've pretty much reread all of Cosplay 2. Since it's been a month I needed to get back in the mood to write this again. I've known for awhile how I want this to end so that's not a problem. The problem is that I feel as if I'm leaving a lot of loose ends hanging. I'm going to try and wrap up as many as I can in the next chapter but if there's anything you want answered that you think I might miss please tell me in your review. Thanks!

Oh and if you want to be updated about this story or my other stories, or if you want previews to stuff I'm working on or just plain fangirliness, follow me on Tumblr: mynameisjustjanelle. tumblr. com

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Please Review :3