Title: Second Place
Author: nerdfightergirl/librarynerd
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: K/G
Summary: Callie and Arizona's first night at home with Sofia.
Disclaimer: I am very glad to say that I don't own Grey's Anatomy of these characters. This is purely for enjoyment and I am not making any money from it.
Callie and Arizona sleep peacefully. Well, as peacefully as any new parents can on their first night with an infant. Sofia being a newly released NICU graduate only adds to their anxiety. So it is no surprise that the instant she starts to whimper over the monitor, both of her moms pop up and race to her bedside.
"Hello, Miss Sofia. We're here. What can we do for you today?" Arizona immediately scoops their baby up into her arms, taking care not to disturb any of the wires, and presses their noses together.
A quick assessment shows that she just has a dirty diaper, so Arizona makes quick work of replacing it. They both know that they should get Sofia back to sleep, go to bed, and try to sleep until the next time Sofia wakes, but neither of them is in a particular rush to leave. Instead, they settle into the oversized rocking chair and stare down at their little miracle. They rock in silence for fifteen minutes, long after Sofia had drifted back into dreamland, cradled in Callie's arms, with Arizona's head resting on Callie's shoulder.
"She's so perfect."
"How could she not be? She's you in miniature." Arizona spent weeks learning every one of Sofia's features and she was undeniably Callie's daughter. It could make Arizona sad that her daughter bore no resemblance to her, but the fact that she was in every way exactly like Callie more than made up for that.
"So it's just me being vain?" Callie tries to look appalled, but her smile betrays her.
"You know that's not what I meant." Arizona snuggles a little deeper into her fiancée's side. They sit in silence while Sofia sleeps, content just to watch her, finally safe and healthy at home. She still has quite a ways to go before they can put her to sleep without an apnea monitor and oxygen on hand, but she is home, and that is what is most important in this moment.
"How does it feel?" Arizona finally breaks the silence, and turns slightly to look into Callie's eyes.
"How does what feel? Being home? Having her here? It feels great."
"Well, that, too. But I actually meant how does it feel to be in second place?" Arizona gives a sly smile as she looks back down at Sofia.
"Second place? For what?" Callie stares at Arizona, who is still cooing over Sofia.
"In my life. How does it feel to be second place in my life? Because this beautiful little angel stole your first place spot. How does it feel knowing that there's a new number one lady in my life?" Arizona looks up and grins, showing off her dimples.
"I think that she better be the only one taking my spot. But I'm okay that she has it." Callie drops a kiss onto Arizona's lips before adjusting to stand up. "Now, we have to let her sleep. And we need to sleep. So, we should probably put her back in her crib and get some sleep before your beautiful little angel decides she needs some more attention."
Arizona stands, and then holds out her arms for Callie to pass off Sofia. Callie stands herself and makes her way over to the crib, where Arizona is already settling Sofia back in. After five more once-overs, checking that the wires are all connected, they make their way back to their room.
Arizona slides in behind Callie and wraps her strong arms around her soon-to-be wife. "I love you."
"Love you, too." Callie is already starting to succumb to sleep when a thought crosses her mind. "Arizona?"
"How does it feel to be second place in my life?"
Arizona just grins and holds on tighter.