Chapter 1: First Chances

Arthur exhaled the cigarette smoke slowly as he watched people flow in out of the Camelot club in pulses. The golden haired young man had grown tired of the thumping techno and grinding dance floor and had retreated from the club to smoke and gather his thoughts. However, the repetitive beat radiated through his skull and tried his short patience in a way that even nicotine didn't help. The loss of concentration was suddenly broken as he spotted a young man stumble out of the same side door he himself had utilized.

He was younger, Arthur assumed, as he drank in the thin lithe body, brilliant smile and rather large ears. By his clothes he tried to judge whether his thin frame was from a hereditary or monetary cause, but he found it hard to draw his eyes from the man's face for too long. The bright cerulean eyes caught his attention and his breath hitched when he realized those eyes were now only a few inches from his.

"Can I help you?" The dark haired stranger asked, laughter lacing his voice. Arthur sputtered, cursed at his lack of eloquence and countered,

"No." And went back to his cigarette like it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen. The man was not his type and his rich sensibilities protested his bodies reaction to the youth.

"You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you. My name is Merlin by the way." He offered, sticking out a thin white hand that spoke of hard work, and a smile that made Arthur think Merlin didn't mind.

"Merlin? What kind of a name is Merlin." Arthur drawled, before begrudgingly adding, "I'm Arthur."

"Well Arthur," Merlin rolled his eyes and began to speak again when he was rudely interrupted by a shove and raucous laughter from behind him. Three men, about Arthurs age pushed him aside before clapping Arthur on the shoulder and demanding where he had been,

"Thought you'd disappeared."

"Shacked up with some girl."

"Gone for more interesting things." They all said in turn as Arthur laughed and feigned amusement towards his friends. He enjoyed his footie mates, but he had a headache which severely interfered with his desire for a passionate tryst or second round of pool.

"I was just having a smoke when..." He looked towards Merlin who stood against the wall with an eyebrow quirked ever so slightly, awaiting Arthur's next move, "When this chap started to lecture me on the detriments of smoking." Soft lips smirked ever so slightly as Arthur felt his ornery side take precedence over the unsettling, dare he say, attraction, he had felt before.

"Yeah? This mate bothering you then Arthur?" One of the men asked, stepping forward as the other two mimicked his move. An exasperated sigh left Merlin's lips,

"An introduction and I seem to have offended you already, are you royalty?"

"Well he's certainly not a commoner."

"Commoner? What year are you living in?" He bit back, mind not pausing long enough to evaluate whether his courage was attributed to the cider he'd imbibed in the last hour, "Well your highness, I thought you looked like a nice sort of mate but I was certainly wrong you prat." Turning on a worn heel, Merlin headed towards the door when he felt a hand grasp his wrist. His arm was twisted painfully behind his back as he was forced forward, yelping as the asphalt collided painfully with his knees.

"Bloody chav, who the hell do you think you are."

"Let him up." The voice that spoke surprised Merlin, as he waited to see if the cronies would listen to their leader. The hands that held him let up suddenly, but not before ripping the entry bracelet to the club from his wrist, as the man shrugged,

"Whatever Arthur, come on, lets go." Arthur flicked the spent cigarette towards a puddle after a moment, and watched with a feeling of regret and shame he'd later deny as Merlin struggled to his feet after being battered back and forth between the retreating men. Opening his mouth to speak he shut it quickly as Merlin turned and looked at him, hurt filling the previously bright eyes. Swallowing hard Arthur moved past him and flashed his bracelet before disappearing into the club to forget.

Watching him go, Merlin's throat constricted. He was used to comments and rough treatment but for some reason this incident struck more deeply than he had expected. Shaking his head he picked up the broken bracelet and went to the door. The bouncer looked at the broken tag, shook his head and told Merlin he'd either have to leave or buy his ticket again.

"But you saw me with it earlier!" He protested, but his argument lost out in the end and a slightly defeated Merlin decided that his purse was light enough as it was without dolling out another few pounds for re-entry. Dragging out a battered mobile, he texted Gwen to let her know he'd left early and not to worry about him and made his way to the bus stop as it began to rain.

Arthur on the other had begun to nurse a third pint at the bar before he decided to leave. Pendragon's did not pine after someone like that, he berated himself, letting another swallow of alcohol add to the burn in his stomach. Shoving the glass away Arthur quickly stood up, headed for the coat rack and proceeded to leave. Grabbing a cab from the queue he threw himself in the backseat, barked the directions and settled into an uncomfortable and angry silence. Merlin, what kind of a name was Merlin?