Okay, so what was I doing in Small Town Minnesota this Saturday night with my bff, Kylie? We were watching Naruto, laughing our heads off and munching on popcorn and Walmart Pocky. Geeky? Definitely. Nerdy? That's us. We were complete and utter goofballs. And yes, we were aware of the patheticness of spending a Saturday night watching anime instead of going out to the football game (steroid boys tackling eachother over a ball….yeah THAT requires a lot of brains). It was thunderstorming outside, so I imagined the game had been canceled anyway.
"Okay, Neji versus Gaara, who wins?" Kylie asked, chomping down on two more pieces of strawberry pocky.
"Gaara," I decided. "Neji has a great defense, but it can only last a few seconds it seems like, he can't keep it up forever."
Kylie nodded. She was a complete Gaara freak. Obsessed with the redheaded insomniac ridden kid. I glanced out the window nervously as another bright flash of lightening and loud rumbling thunder shook the house. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind thunderstorms, it was just a little too close for comfort.
But back to our Naruto preferences, I, on the other hand, preferred the arrogant pretty boys like Neji and Sasuke. It was sad, I know, but what can I do? Can't help who ya like.
I glanced at the clock, we were nearing 4am already, jeeze we'd been at this way too long.
"I think it's time to hit the sack," I told kylie, suppressing a yawn. She'd come over at 7pm and we'd been holed up in my room ever since talking about Naruto, watching episodes, and doing other geeky things like that.
"Alright," she agreed, "but I want to check one more thing." She bounced up and out of the room, coming back a minute later with a naruto manga. "Okay let's see here…" she flipped open the page, but it was so dark she couldn't see it. "Hit the lights, would ya?"
I nodded, walking over and flipping the switch. Just as I did, a flash of lightening hit the house, I felt it connect through my hand, and everything went dark.
I groaned as I slowly started to wake up. My head was pounding, and my bed felt unusually uncomfortable. I heard voices too. What the hell was going on?
I opened my eyes slowly, wincing at the bright light.
"Hey, this one's waking up." A voice said. It was oddly familiar, but I couldn't place it. As my eyes started to focus I realized I wasn't in my bedroom, and I wasn't in my bed. I was on the ground, in the middle of a freaking forrest.
Also, as I sat up and turned around to see who the voices were, I blinked and blinked and blinked.
Naruto, Kiba, Ino, and Shikamaru were all watching me. Wtf…
I snapped out of my shock and jumped on my feet. "OI! Who..what the…how did..what's going on?" Okay, don't panic don't panic. I looked around and noticed Kylie a few feet away.
I knelt down next to her and shook her hard. "Kylieeeeeeeeeee!" I yelled in her ear. "Wake up!"
She jolted awake, shooting straight up. "I'm awake, I'm awake! What do you want?" she paused as she looked around. "Umm…we weren't drinking last night were we?"
"Turn around." I ground out. It's just a dream its just a dream.
I plugged my ears, and just as I expected, a moment later a shrill scream pierced the air.
"OH MY GOD!" Kylie screamed. "but how?" she looked at me with huge eyes.
"I dunno."
Finally the four decided it might be a good idea to intervene in whatever is going on.
Naruto walked forward. "I'm Naruto! Future Hokage! Who are you two? And why were you unconscious out here? Were you training?"
I blinked at him. "Um…no. I don't know how we got here….we were at my house last I checked and we kind of just woke up here."
Kylie was bustling with energy, so I elbowed her to calm her down.
Shikamaru looked at us bored. "Where was your house? Is it in the Leaf Village?"
"Umm. No. It's a bit hard to explain, we're not from around here." We couldn't tell them we were from another world could we?
Ino stepped forward. "Do you guys want to see Lady Tsunade? She can probably help you."
"Yeah," I said slowly, standing up and helping Kylie to her feet. "That'd be great."
Akamaru launched at us suddenly. I yelped and caught him a few inches from my face, staring at his little puppy eyes as he wagged his tail and sniffed me, barking something to Kiba.
"Sorry about that." Kiba said brightly as Akamaru jumped out of my hands and onto the ground, sniffing Kylie's feet (poor dog) and running back over to Kiba. "Akamaru says they're not dangerous."
I looked at Kylie, then down at myself. I was still wearing my jeans and teeshirt from yesterday and Kylie was still in her clothes too. What gave them the idea we were dangerous?
We let the quartet lead us into town. It was bustling with people and shops and ninjas running around excitedly doing this or that. I didn't recognize anyone off the top of my head, but Kylie and I got some weird stares as we were escorted to the Hokage's office in the middle of town.
I elbowed Kylie subtly as Naruto and Ino bickered something about Sasuke. "We can't tell them we're from another world." I muttered to her softly, keeping an eye on all four ninjas to make sure they couldn't hear me.
Kylie had calmed down and nodded slightly. "Yeah, and do you know where in the timeline we're at?"
"No idea, though it looks like it's before Sasuke ditched and after the chunin exams since Tsunade is Hokage." I muttered.
"So how do we explain all of this?" She whispered. "And how do we get back?"
"I don't know. Maybe we could play amnesia?"
"Nah, you already said we woke up here and weren't from our homes, so that implies memory. What about destroyed village?"
"They'd probably go looking for proof of that." I said grimly.
"Do you think we can do jutsu?" Kylie asked excitedly, though still in a whisper.
Again, I shook my head in an I-don't-know fashion. Too soon we had to shut up, since we were at the door to Tsunade's office.
"Granny Tsunade," Naruto exclaimed as soon as he walked through the door. "We found some really weird girls outside the village that want to talk to you!"
Kylie and I sweatdropped as a vein appeared on Tsunade's head. "Don't call me Granny you little twerp!" She slammed him on the head, leaving a large bump popping out of his hair.
The four ninja excused themselves and left us alone with the scary sanine.
We settled ourselves in our chairs and waited for her to talk.
"Okay ladies, let's start with who are you two?" she said, completely business.
"I'm Kylie Turner, and this is my friend Tawny Brooks." Kylie introduced politely. Maybe it'd be better if I let her do all the talking.
Tsunade looked at me though and asked. "How did you get to this village?"
"We woke up here." I answered honestly. I quickly tried to think of a decent explanation.
"and where were you before this?" she asked.
I bit my lip and looked at Kylie.
"Lady Tsunade, It's hard for us to explain. We don't know how we got here, but we were at my house, and lightening hit it. When we woke up, we were in the forest."
Tsunade looked skeptical. "And in what village is your house?"
Again, Kylie and I looked at eachother, not knowing what to say.
"Ladies," Tsunade said in a low voice. "I can't help you if you don't answer me honestly."
"Do you believe in other worlds?" I asked finally. Kylie elbowed me hard. What else could we do though?
"What kind of other worlds?"
"ones without chakra, and ninjas, and things like that." I said.
"Chakra is a life force in everyone. Without it, we wouldn't be here today." She looked like she was thinking of something. "So you girls are from another world huh?" she didn't believe us for a second, and that was obvious. "Well chakra sometimes can have signatures, depending on where you were raised and trained."
"Um..we weren't trained." Unless high school counts…
She shrugged, picking up a phone and calling for none other than Neji Hyuga. He was walking in the door in all his arrogant glory less than three minutes later.
"Neji, I want you to use your Byakugan to see if you can find any chakra signatures that can help us pinpoint where these girls are from. They seem to have become lost." Tsunade said, looking us both over once.
Neji nodded and made a hand sign. His Byakugan activated and I watched as the veins popped out by his eyes and he looked at us…or more accurately through us.
"That isn't possible." He said, his eyes widening in surprise.
"Have you found any distinguishing characteristics?" Tsunade asked briskly.
"No," he answered simply. "They do not have a Chakra network." I saw Kylie visibly slump in disappointment. No doubt she wanted to be able to be a cool ninja while we were here. I was a bit disappointed myself.
Tsuande shook her head. "Impossible. Could your Byakugan be incorrect?"
He shook his head. "I see my chakra network, your chakra network, the chakra networks of those on either side of your office, but these two do not have one."
Sometimes…I hated being right.