Hey everyone. ^.^First ever fanfic sighs deeply... The first chap introduces you to some of my very own charters. Sorry to say that you wont be seeing the inu gang for a few more chapters i mean a few okay see with me here... Hope you guys like it! Well Enjoy and Review please! You don't like it then the answer is quite simple just don't read IT!

Chapter One Unfair

After a long day of listening to family lectures on her spiraling life and what seemed like a gazillion room for improvement. Mayu walked out of the so-called kill spirit lectures.

"They are always comparing me to her why; I don't understand we are completely too different individuals to begin with. Shit I just hate it!"

It was hard for Mayu as she was very much different from the rest of her siblings as she thought. She was much daring than her older sister Megan who was reserved in her ways than she was. Mayu sparked a great deal of curiosity in her brother's eyes she was rough and had one of the dirtiest mouths in the world which would hardly be controlled by anyone. Mason was the only son their parents had and was adventurous in every way imaginable. He was only seventeen years old but a genius in his field of study. He attended the best university in the country. The boy put it simply was a born Einstein, he didn't fall short of any expectations set for him.

Mason was just as handsome as his father with a little of his mothers beautiful qualities but her deadly determination was an outstanding trait in his character. As girls his age gasped at his every move which annoyed him the most, light-headed and easy as they were, they just weren't worth his time. Most of the persons who attended the university were filthy rich, well their parents that is. They could afford to waste their time and money which to many of his associates was just a word with little or no value. Hell why would they worry, it's not like their breaking a single sweat to earn a dollar or anything.

Mason was indeed rich or that was undermining his finances the boy was a diamond mine there was no way he could live out his millions even if he tried. Despite his wealth and prestigious lifestyle Mason was level-headed and highly respected by all who crossed paths with him. Perhaps that was what made him understand his little sister's disposition. She was indeed different from the two first born as Mason was a fine example of his father and would out do him given time. While Megan was the splitting image of their mother only in her teenage form, she was strict and was strictly business like her father no personal feeling involved. She intimidated any boy who tried to strike up a conversation and could easily read them like an open book. Megan was too years younger than her older brother and excelled in any and everything she did. She loved the fame and attention that was centered around her life. Who else deserved it but her? No one in her school matched her academically she was in a class of her own and could be a real bitch about it every chance she got. With a clothing line and all her millions she had an image to live up to and a reputation to maintain.

Mayu on the other hand was just as successful as her older siblings, she didn't spend most of her time in her books and she really didn't need to, for a child that ramped like a wild beast she had an average that could easily speak for itself. Mayu's over all persona was rough and heartless; it was a walk in the park for her to participate in every sporting activity the school had to offer. Her stamina was unearthly for any ten-year old, she was too aggressive for any of the kids in her class liking and considered most of the girls in her class fragile as a microbe including her bitch of a sister Megan. Who disliked her ruthless mentality and brought it to their parent's attention every chance she got which annoyed Mayu to the point where a world without an older sister was sounding better by the second. Mason found the situation amusing and said nothing to support Megan's accusations.

"She is only ten years old, what do you expect from a child her age?"

He spoke in a harsh tone while looking at Megan from head o toe. That was their father's thoughts on the matter as well but he said nothing. His wife the rare beauty that she was did not tolerate her daughter's boyish behavior. Saya was stern on discipline which her youngest knew nothing of. Mayu effortlessly got herself into trouble but was a smooth talker for her little age. She had beautiful golden brown eyes unlike her older siblings striking yet lovely green ones. Her hair was long curly and thick unlike that of her sister and her mother; it was dark as a moonless night with two golden streaks on either side of her head which complimented her beautiful golden brown eyes and sun-kissed skin. She was tanned not as light as her older siblings but just a slight difference. Her almond shape eyes yelled innocence but her mother looked beyond her puppy dog eyes.

"Mayu!"Her voice echoed throughout the room booming like a blast of thunder.

"You either change your ways and act more responsible, you will be eleven in less than two days and with each year comes greater responsibilities" she said calmly.

"I will not have any child of mine acting like a barbarian, your sister is right". Mayu you're a girl and for heaven's sake you need to start acting like one and not like a wild beast". Saya regretted speaking to her like that but it had to be said. Ethan looked at his wife his gaze held no emotion but softened as it met with Mayu's. She excused herself and ran from the room she was angry, sad and hurt all at once. Saya sighed deeply as she ran her fingers through her silky dark hair.

"I'll go and speak with her. "

"No dear" Ethan interrupted "It's best if we give her some time to think about everything that was said, she might feel as if the whole world is down on her."

He was right for the feeling was all too familiar.

"She will be alright we just have to wait until she comes around and she will trust me." Saya never questioned her husband opinions or decisions. She just knew that he was right and he was. Things just seemed to flow and evolve around him. She loved everything about him and he loved her with everything that was of him. Saya found great comfort in her husband, it was peaceful staring into his radiant green eyes that shown in the dimmest of light. She loved him and would love only him.

Parents History

She found love in a man from half way around the world. They just had too much in common to be anything less than soul mates. They were both the only child for their parents and although he was not Japanese her father took great liking to him. Her mother seemed all too comfortable with him as if it was pre-destined. Their love was all that mattered to her. They met in Tokyo City on one of the busiest times ever the New Year.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on and felt that she was just meant for him. He just had to talk to her even if she paid him absolutely no mind he just had to. He got up and left the restaurant and stood outside waiting for her to cross the busy intersection, he waited on baited breath as the lights finally turned red, she made her way to the other side of the street with a few friends chatting happy on whatever issue was hot for the day unaware of the love struck heart that beats impatiently. He walked right up to her and introduced himself but the oncoming traffic was so noisy she could only hear bits and pieces of what he was saying. The noise mellowed into the background and she could no longer hear anything only the handsome image standing in front of her kept her tied to reality he was beyond a looker he was just to put it simply gorgeous! She couldn't believe his boldness but little did he know she respected him for it. Her friends on the other hand were so caught up in tradition that they felt uncomfortable being there with the unexpected stranger. They soon excused themselves after looking at Ethan from head to toe. Hanna a close friend of Saya warned her in their native language to go straight home and forget about this man! Saya found it strange but didn't give the matter much thought although she was right he was a total stranger for crying out loud, maybe a serial killer even, he was too good looking to be true.

"I hope that I am not the cause of that?' Ethan asked curiously eyes widen.

"Yes you are!" Saya replied in an almost cheerful voice at Ethan childish behavior

"Will you allow me to make it up to you then?" "Join me for a cup of tea it would really be nice to have you."

"Saya my name is Saya Keneko" she said proudly. He smiled which made her blush slightly. "He is just full of surprise, I hope that I am not being foolish, he is indeed a complete stranger but it's like I have known him forever."

I am Ethan Doufry it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Keneko, would you be so kind as to join me he gestured towards the restaurant. She agreed, they found a table near to the window.

"I saw you over there, you were about to cross and I just had to say hi" he pointed outside to where she was standing waiting to cross the busy intersection. She was surprised but didn't press the conversation any further.

"What brought you to Japan Mr. Doufry" she said gingerly.

He smiled "No need for any formalities Ethan will do just fine. I am her on business, I own and operate my own company back in the States Top Flight Industrial Cooperation. "Have you heard of it?"

"Yes I have she smiled "it's one of the biggest importers of Japanese car parts and makers of the most luxurious cars and bikes in the world."

"Ah I see that you well-informed" they exchanged glances before Ethan continued we do allot of production cars and such but I wanted to venture in other areas. I know that the company will be just as successful. Well enough with boring old me tell me about you, your English is pretty good I must say, have you traveled outside your country if you don't mind me asking?" He looked at her eagerly awaiting her response.

"Thank you" she chuckled, "I had a friend from the states and she was a very good instructor as for me. I am a doctor at the Tokyo University Hospital. I have worked for well over three years there but I need to do more. I might just take a leap into the managerial field in the near future."

"That sounds great, if I ever get sick or hurt I know just where to go." he spoke in a teasing voice. They both laughed at his little joke, it was getting pretty late but they did not mind at all. Everyone took notice of the too, time seemed to have stopped for them, they were alone and nothing else mattered. The owner sent them desert on the house, he could see love and evidently it was in both their eyes.

It was becoming hard for her to look at him and not wonder how his lips would feel against hers. It was the very first time she took such a liking to anyone and he was a complete stranger. She turned red at the very thought and he took notice.

"Are you okay?" he asked seeing her uneasiness.

It was difficult for her to speak she felt embarrassed and muttered what sounded like a yes. She turned her head so he could not see her face, he bangs hid her eyes all too well, she blushed so hard her cheeks were rosy red. He smiled at the realization.

"You don't have to hide your face from me, I rather look in your face than on any other thing right now" The sound of his voice was calming.

Her eyes widen marginally " You are truly the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on and I am delighted to have spent this time with you; just talking about the simplest things has been the most relaxing thing I have done in a years, I wouldn't have spent this day any other way."

She turned to face him a smile blossomed across her lips from that day they met at the same restaurant for weeks until returned to the states. It was hard for her to let him go but he promised to return and so he did, for two years he came back just to see her. He had met her parents a year earlier and told them of his plans for the upcoming year. Mr. and Mrs. Keneko treasured their daughter and was happy that she found her soul mate and would never keep her from being happy. Ethan was not Japanese but of African and French descent but it didn't matter to her parents they loved their soon to be son-in-law very much.

It was New Year's eve; Saya and Ethan were at her parent's house for dinner. Ethan parents flew to Japan just to meet this woman their son couldn't go another day without seeing and she was worth the twelve hours and forty minutes flight to Tokyo from their New York home. After dinner they moved to the outside deck for tea, Saya was happy she couldn't have asked more anything more. Although her mother was on the wild spiritual side she was behaving rather well given the current situation. Saya was delighted that her mother spoke nothing of their family history; no one in their right mind would want to talk about a bunch of demons and their family blood line.

She was busy staring at the stars lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Ethan kneeling before her; she was in pure shock and out of her senses when she saw him.

"Would you Saya Hinata Kaneko do me the honors of becoming my wife and staying by my side for now until forever comes and build a life together that will be filled with love and happiness. He had so much love in his eyes for her, it was simpossible to think of a life without her; tears rolled down her cheeks as she kneeled before him taking his hands into hers.

"I would want nothing more that to become your wife now and forever more."

It was the happiest day of their lives well one of the happest day until she got pregnant a year later with Mason the second love of their life.