Disclaimer: All characters belong to JK Rowling and sadly, I am not she. If I was, Severus would be alive, Lily would not have been the love of his life and Hermione would have been and they would have had tonnes of kids which would then lead onto a Severus/Hermione mini series!lol
Plot belongs to me.
Note: writing in italics below are internal thoughts of the characters/letter content.
Please review: it is appreciated. I've received tonnes of PM's and story alerts which has boosted my confidence lots, but I'd appreciate more in the way of reviews so I know if you guys like what I am doing, or indeed if you have any ideas that you would like me to consider writing into the plot. Not compliant at all to the books, so please don't feel the need to point it out. You're reading a Severus/Hermione ship…that ain't compliant to begin with so if you don't like the things I invent or twist within the story to suit my plot, please move on to some other story. I appreciate constructive criticism not nit picking for the sake of making yourself look superior. I am only human.
This is the end for this fic my friends, it is a relatively short work compared to my last but I've enjoyed it nonetheless. I will be posting a new story in the not too distant future but it is currently a big work in progress so until then, enjoy.
"Look at this Severus..." Hermione beckoned to him from the living room. A rough grunt was her only response from their laboratory.
Hermione waited for him to appear for a few moments before impatience and annoyance got the better of her.
"Oi...Snape. Arse. Here. Now."
She could almost see the image of him rolling his eyes, dragging his hand through his now grey locks and sighing deeply.
"Yes wife? What was so important that you had to interrupt my brewing session?" He said only half serious.
She rolled her eyes and took his hand, leading him down towards their sofa. Severus's eyes were drawn to the large, red leathered book on their coffee table.
"Not Hogwarts: a History again, love? I swear you've read this book millions of times during our marriage...and you bloody knew it off by heart before then too!" He chuckled and kissed the top of her head.
"Cheeky git. For your information, husband, it is the updated version of Hogwarts: a History complete with bio's on all the school's past and present Headmasters. You have a huge section about you compared to the others...I'm even mentioned in there!" She said with a smile.
"Of course you're mentioned. You're the love of my life...our relationship was hardly a secret during my reign there." He said eying his wife fondly. The years had aged Hermione but she was still an absolute natural beauty. Her slightly wrinkled eyes and grey-streaked hair only refined her and made her more attractive, in Severus's opinion.
"Oh Severus. You always say the sweetest things. I love you, dearest."
"And I you, Hermione. Now…let's read what tripe they've published about me." He said opening the book.
Severus read aloud;
Profile: Headmaster Severus Snape
Born: 09/01/1960
Died: Still alive and living in Edinburgh.
Severus Snape began his Hogwarts career as Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House in 1980 after agreeing to assist Albus Dumbledore in the war against Lord Voldemort. Severus had had a challenging and difficult teen-hood, becoming a Deatheater at the age of 17. Desperate to escape the clutches of evil and repent for his sins, Severus Snape turned back to the side of light.
History books will tell that he was the singular most important figure within the Second Wizarding War, after almost 20 years putting his life in mortal peril everyday while he was as a spy on behalf the Order of the Phoenix. Perhaps the most famous of Snape's missions was his role in the death of Hogwart's then Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. It was later proven that Dumbledore had asked Snape to assist him in suicide as he was already dying slowly due to the poison he embibed while hunting for Voldemort's horcruxes. (See story, page 394). In killing Dumbledore, Snape was able to convince Voldemort of his 'allegiance' to the Dark Side while he could act as an informer to the Order of the Phoenix.
Snape took on the position of Headmaster shortly after the end of the Final Battle and has been widely recognised as one of the most affective, conscientious and popular Headmaster in recent years.
This was not always the case during his teaching career during the war.
Throughout the majority of his teaching days, Snape was seen as a harsh and unforgiving man who demanded nothing but perfection from his students. His class's scores were consistently the best in school for a period of fifteen years which only strengthens the opinion that although he was a harsh teacher, he was certainly an effective one.
However, his temperament took a drastic turn for the better as his personality and somewhat famous sneering attitude began to improve. However, it is said to have been possible that this transformation was mostly due to his world famous love story with the Golden Trio's Hermione Granger (now Hermione Snape).
It is widely known that Mr. and Mrs. Snape had a stormy acquaintance during her days as his student and later when she became the Transfigurations Mistress at Hogwarts before they became romantically involved. The pair had been recorded on many occasions berating and arguing with one another before their amore – friends later commented that they had never seen a couple better suited to one another nor more in love.
Severus was quoted in the past as saying, "My Hermione is at her most beautiful when she is angry. I enjoyed winding her up before we were together, it was a way to interact with her…to test her mettle if you like. I could not ask for a better match. Her temper and fierce intelligence, just added to our passion and love for one another when we finally admitted our feelings. She is the greatest love in my life, after our child of course."
Snape retired in 2093 along with his wife Hermione, "We just want some time to ourselves now, just the two of us. Hogwarts will always be our home, we will miss her dearly."
Severus and Hermione have been a couple for the past 79 years married for the past 69 and it is widely acknowledged that they are still very much in love.
The couple now live in a stately manor on the outskirts of Edinburgh overlooking the Firth of Forth. The couple enjoy reading, rambling and playing wizarding chess; as well as spending time with their daughter Mirren, their son in law Nathan and their grandchildren Mya and Russell.
Severus shut the book with a sigh and turned to his beloved, "Not bad actually, pretty accurate."
Hermione smiled and snuggled into her husband's embrace.
"So many years together and we're still so very much in love... I like how people can tell we're still in love and now it's here in text for all to see. What say you and me eh…take advantage of this stately manor and…explore?" Hermione said with a mischievous glint in her eye.
Severus looked at his wife lustfully, "If by explore…you mean sex…yes please."
Hermione rolled her eyes and stood from the sofa, "My husband…the romantic…come on tiger."
Severus smirked and nipped her buttocks, "Rawr…"
The manor was filled with laughter and moans for the remainder of the day and for many, many years after that.
a/n: and there we have it. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Please review and keep an eye out for my next fic! Jenni