World War Death by Androidfish7


The year is 3068, World War 7 is underway, and the USA has to fight off the forces of Russia, Germany, Spain, France, the UK, and Germany. Luckily for them they are aided by the forces of Great Britain, Finland, Italy, the Chinese, and Japan [who would've thought THAT would be].

The Americans are fighting a war that has cost them over $30,000,000,000 and over 50,000,000 troops. They are quickly running out of resources and people. However, they still have the world's most experienced General Worthington, the world's most experienced Lieutenant Hunt, and Captain Cavarello along with about 50,000 troops. The 3 realize they cannot win the war without making some sneaky moves and perhaps some irrational choices will be thrust upon them. General Worthington's main job is to protect the president, who is constantly targeted by those damned Fascists and Communists in Russia and Germany who are apparently back from their well deserved graves. President Rethon, USA's 1,000th president [shortened terms allowed this to happen, with the idea of impeachment under fire despite a bad president]. The UK has called for an attack on Amarillo, Texas to happen in 7 days, Worthington knows that his forces, even put together with his allies cannot fight off the UK again, so they may need to pull an irrational move:

Worthington woke up at about 6 in the morning, realizing he had slept later than usual, he was a little more relaxed, but he knew the UK was set to attack in a mere week, and their forces were about 4x that of the Americans and their allies ALONE, but if you threw in the UK's allies the war was seeming to come to an end. Worthington went to Lieutenant Hunt's bunker to wake him up, but forgetting he slept later than usual, Hunt was already awake, as was Captain Cavarello, and they had been talking about their current situation and what to do about it. Hunt called in for breakfast, so they were going to wait for a Care Package with breakfast [in the future this is how food was transported to war veterans currently enlisted]. "Hey Worthington" Said Hunt. "Hello Hunt, Cav" Replied Worthington. "Worthington, we have been talking about our current situation, and we believe we have a plan." Said Captain Cavarello. "What is it?" Replied Worthington. "We received intel from our spies in Germany that the Germans plan to attack us today at about noon with about 3 or 4 German Hinds [attack helicopter], we have acquired the use of M72 Laws when we deployed a Launcher squad, now I say we take down these Hinds with the Launcher Squad, use our Avonics Engineers to repair them, and then maybe we can get them up and running to aid us in battle. Part 2 of my plan is to return to Germany with the Hinds, infiltrate their defenses, and then light them up, bringing in infantry along with the Hinds to take Germany. I think if all goes right we can eliminate Germany today!" Replied Lieutenant Hunt. "Hunt, as General of the USA Army, I would normally decline such an irrational move like that, but unfortunately we are down to almost nothing, so if you truly believe this plan will work, then my life, along with many others, including the president's, is in this plan's hands. I authorize this move, as the President has given me permission to authorize an attack or a plan such as this. We shall wait for the Germans, and I will find the Launcher Squad and other recruits and soldiers incase the Launcher Squad falls. Plan Authorized.

Read on to see what happens in World War 7!