A/N: This is the final chapter. Hope you all enjoy it. Thank you all for the reviews and thanks to my beta: Leeese.

A year and a half later…

Lucas was fiddling with his tie as he heard Nathan mumbling to himself. He couldn't help but laugh and Nathan gave him a look in response. "Can I help it if I don't want to mess up on my best man speech? Of course, I don't think it will be as good as Haley's speech. After all, she is more of a writer than I am. I'm surprised you're not nervous."

"I've done this before," Lucas reminded him. "In fact, I have done it twice. So this wedding will be a snap."

"Are you really counting your marriage at the courthouse?" Nathan asked. "All you and Brooke did was stand up in front of a judge and say 'I do'. You might as well have gotten married in Vegas, but I suppose it was for a good reason. You wanted to make sure that Wyatt was finally yours for good."

Lucas nodded as he looked across the room where Jamie was entertaining Wyatt until the ceremony. Even though Wyatt had been living with them since he was born, it still felt great to know that he was officially Wyatt Joseph Scott.

There was a knock at the door before Keith poked his head into the room. "Hey, are you ready to get married again?"

"I have never seen him calmer," Nathan said as he picked up Wyatt and led Jamie out into the hall. "We'll see you out there."

There was silence as Keith went over to Lucas and helped him with his tie. "So you're not nervous at all?"

Lucas shook his head. "Nope because I know she is the one. I know I said that before, but I mean it this time. Brooke and I are meant to be together."

Keith gave him a wide smile. "I have no doubt about it. I'm just sorry that her father doesn't feel the same way."

When Richard Davis had heard that Brooke was planning to marry Lucas, he was furious. He begged Brooke to reconsider, but she refused. He had even tried to pay Lucas to stay away from her, but there was no amount of money that would make him break off his relationship with Brooke.

"As long as he doesn't stand up and object during the ceremony, I'll be happy," Lucas replied as he followed Keith out of the room and into the parsonage. He went and stood by the pastor as he waited for his bride to walk down the aisle.

Lucas looked out at the small group of guests who were smiling back at him. Neither Lucas nor Brooke wanted a big wedding. So they had only invited their closest friends and family, who were now spread throughout the pews. His mother and Keith were sitting in the front row. Lily was sitting right behind her, holding Addison and Edward since both parents were participants in the wedding.

Lucas had even invited his paternal grandparents, who he had forgiven for falling into Peyton's web of lies. However, the person he hadn't forgiven was Dan. He still wasn't welcomed in their lives after what he had done to try and get Maddie away from their family.

Nathan, Jake and Mouth took their places next to Lucas as the music started to play. It was "This I Swear" by Nick Lachey. Quinn, the wedding photographer, got into position to take pictures of the wedding party coming down the aisle. The band of children walked out of the double doors first. Jamie and Bridget, who were the ring bearer and flower girl, appeared. Bridget tossed petals on the aisle as she walked down the aisle.

Then it was the junior bridesmaids' turn. As Maddie and Jenny walked down the aisle, Lucas couldn't help but think how grown up Maddie looked in her beautiful dress. Even though she was almost seven, she had changed so much since both Brooke and Wyatt had come into their lives.

Lindsey and Millie were next before Haley, the matron of honor, walked down the aisle. Then Wyatt toddled down the aisle towards Lucas, not even worrying about the crowd of people looking at him. Brooke hadn't been surprised to find that he enjoyed being the center of attention. He was like Rachel in that way. And the family made sure that he knew that he had two mommies who loved him very much.

Wyatt ran into Lucas's arms. He embraced him in a hug before he handed him over to Nathan. The guests then stood up as the bride and her mother appeared. Since Richard had refused to be part of the wedding, Victoria decided to take charge and walk her daughter down the aisle. Lucas couldn't believe how beautiful Brooke looked in her wedding dress. She had made it herself.

It was strapless and fit her snugly until just above her knees. There, it flared out slightly until it reached the floor. The layers of white tulle were gathered in at the sides to create small ruffles from the knees to the floor. It was held at the waist by a cream silk belt which had diamonds in the center.

"You are the most beautiful bride ever," Lucas whispered to her as she arrived next to her soon-to-be husband.

Brooke smiled at the compliment as the pastor spoke. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to see this man and woman joined together in holy matrimony. Who gives this woman to this man?"

Victoria didn't even hesitate before she proudly gave her answer. "I do." She then sat down in her seat in the front pew on the bride's side.

"Today Lucas and Brooke claim their love in these words. Lucas, you may go first."

Lucas cleared his throat before he spoke. "Two years ago today, we went out on our very first date. I may not have shown it, but I was a nervous wreck." Laughter and small chuckles came from their guests at his words. "I knew I was taking a risk in falling in love again. But I then realized I fell in love with you even before that night. I loved your smile. I loved your kindness and generosity for others. I loved the way you took care of Maddie like she was your own daughter before we even started our relationship. So there was no doubt in my mind that we would come through every obstacle to make it here. I love you, Brooke Davis. And I always will."

Brooke then said her vows. "Lucas, you've helped me in ways you couldn't even have imagined. You taught me to trust again. You taught me how to let someone in again. And you taught me how it is to truly fall in love and meet your soul mate. I have always said 'people who are meant to be together always find their way in the end'. I never believed it was really true until now. I love you, Lucas Scott. And I always will."

"Lucas and Brooke, you came here today to exchange these vows. Do you, Lucas, take Brooke to be your wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

Lucas nodded. "I do."

"Do you, Brooke, take Lucas to be your husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Brooke replied.

They then exchanged rings before the pastor gave the announcement. "By the power invested in me by the state of North Carolina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Everyone applauded and cheered as the husband and wife shared a passionate kiss.

After they shared their kiss, Lucas took Wyatt from Nathan's arms and carried him as Maddie led the newlyweds down the aisle. Everyone then headed to Tric, where the reception would take place. It seemed like forever before the D.J. made the announcement that the groom and bride had arrived.

Lucas and Brooke went out onto the dance floor for their first dance. The music started playing "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion. Holding each other close, they forgot that they even had an audience. All they could think of was how much in love with each other they were.

After several minutes, everyone was able to settle down for dinner. Nathan then stood up to do his speech. "I'm not good at speeches, but I'm going to try my best. As you all know, Lucas is my older brother. He's one of my best friends. And as his best friend, I wanted to see him happy. He deserved to be happy. He deserved to have someone that made him smile and laugh, someone who supported and loved not only him, but my wonderful niece as well." Maddie smiled when she heard him mention her. "And he found all that in Brooke. And let me tell you something. I have never seen my brother happier than he is right now with his new bride." Lucas and Brooke exchanged smiles before they turned back to Nathan. "Thank you for making my brother happy."

Haley then stood up and did her speech. "I have known Lucas for almost all of my life. We hung out together so much that people started to think that we were going to be more than just best friends. I thought they were crazy because I only loved him as a brother. There was another Scott brother I was falling in love with. Lucas was okay with that because he knew that there was someone else out there for him.

"I have to admit that I was one who believed that these two should have been together from the start. I thought Lucas and Brooke were perfect for each other. In fact, I even tried to play matchmaker and tried to convince Lucas to ask Brooke out. He didn't seem to show that he was attracted to her until her birthday.

Even though they were just friends, he wanted to get her something special. And he got her some beautiful earrings that were her birthstone. That's when I knew that he had fallen in love again. It just was a matter of time before they were dating. Two long months later, it finally happened. Now here we are, two years later, celebrating their wedding. Congratulations, Lucas and Brooke. We wish you all the best and I love you both."

Everyone clapped as Haley sat back down in her seat. There were a few more speeches before it was time for the Father/Daughter and Mother/Son dance. Karen allowed Lucas and Maddie to go first while Brooke took little Wyatt out to the dance floor.

"Are you happy that your mom and I finally got married?" Lucas asked Maddie as he twirled her around.

Maddie nodded. "I'm happy that I have a mom and a baby brother. We're lucky, aren't we?"

"You bet we are," Lucas agreed.

The other parents and their children soon joined them for the dance before they started switching partners. Lucas danced with his mother, Lily, Lindsey and Haley. After many dances, he ended up with his wife again.

"Did you know that everyone is now asking me when we are planning to expand our family?" Brooke asked him.

Lucas laughed. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. It has been awhile since both Wyatt and Addison were born. But I'm happy with two children right now, aren't you? There is plenty of time for us to expand our family. I just want to enjoy my time with my new wife and our children. I love you, Brooke Penelope Davis-Scott."

Brooke gave him a wide smile. "I love you too, Lucas Eugene Scott." They shared another passionate kiss before they went back to dancing. They wished their wonderful night would last forever. Yet, they knew their adventures were just beginning. They had been given a second chance at finding love and weren't going to waste it. Brooke was right. People who were meant to be together always find their way in the end.