"You, Charles, are the definition of a prude." Erik growled unhappily.

Flashing a smile at the kids trailing behind them, Charles turned back to Lansherr as he hissed, "Not now, Erik."

"Oh, then when, pray tell, Professor?" Erik flapped his arms in exasperation, "When you're busy spoon feeding the children? Or maybe after you're done washing behind their ears and told them their bedtime stories?"

"Ah, Erik, don't pretend you don't love them."

"I don't." Erik retorted shortly, before sidling closer, "*You*, however, are another matter entirely."

"Oh shove off, Erik." Charles smiled, nudging the laughing man away, "We'll discuss this later. Tonight."

"During tea and crumpets?" Erik joked.

"I was thinking more over chess and brandy."

"Ha! Now you're talking, Charles." Erik pulled the shorter man into a forced ruffling of his brown locks, before promptly releasing him, "Knew I loved you for a reason."

Charles just shot him a dirty look, before relenting and laughing as well, combing through his messed locks with one hand, "And here I thought it was just some animal magnetism you had to my boyishly good looks."

"Animal magnetism isn't even the half of it." Erik countered with a low rumble that stoked hot coals within Charles' core. How the man managed to be playful one moment, and then heatedly passionate the next mystified Charles to no end.

With a slow swallow, Charles cleared his throat and admonished, "Not *now* Erik."

Lansherr's response was to throw his head back and laugh, much to the curious looks of the mutant teens behind them.


Brandy in hand, Erik had the look of hawk trying to discover the perfect moment to strike, even lounging back as he was on the plush armchair, ankle overlapping carelessly on his other knee.

Charles, on the other hand, felt like a jumbled wreck of nerves, hoping desperately it didn't show. Though from the new smirk on Lansherr's lips, he most definitely failed at that aspect.

Erik took a long sip from his elegant glass, watching Charles over the rim of it as he did so.

"Charles?" He finally broke the silence.

"Hmm?" Charles drew out of his inner musings, blinking as though he had just awoke, "What was that?"

"Stop fidgeting."

"Fidge-? I'm not fidgeting." Charles said incredulously, even as he stopped doing so after that amused command, crossed leg stilling.

"All right, whatever you say, Professor." Lansherr chuckled, taking another drink. Setting his glass aside, Erik uncrossed his legs to hunch forward, fingertips steepled as he leaned elbows on spread knees, "So tell me, Charles. Do you agree?"

"Agree?" Xavier, set on edge by Erik's stance as much as his inquiry, "About what?"

"That you, my friend, are the epitome of a prude."

"I am not a-" Charles disagreed, uncrossing his leg likewise to lean forward, "I will have you know, I have dated and slept with many partners during the course of my life."

"Just not me." Erik raised a brow, leaning more forward to move his pawn, "Tell me Charles, after a whole week of knowing, why is that?"

"I- well there is a perfectly rational explanation- and- and it's... uh..." Charles stumbled over his reply. Leave it to Lansherr to move right to the point. The inscrutable man always had a way with tipping the usually levelheaded telepath off balance.

Erik cocked his head to the side, reclining back in his seat after his moment of observation, revealing, "Charles, do I intimidate you?"

"Wha- no. No that's not it." Charles answered much too fast, clearing his throat as he moved his pawn decisively, answering in more solid tones, "No, Erik. You do not."

"Not very convincing, Charles." Lansherr chuckled.

Charles brow furrowed, he shot a glare over the chess pieces at his opponent, "Your move, Lansherr."

"Don't mind if I do." Erik smirked.

He stood.

Charles gawked as the man swept the table clear to the side of the room, chess pieces jostled, but intact. As Erik stepped forward in the now vacated space, Charles scooted back into his seat. Realizing there was no escape there, the telepath vaulted backwards over the side or the arm rest, stumbling in his haste to create some distance between them.

"E-Erik, what are you doing?" Charles demanded, hand raised as if to stop the other.

Calmly stalking the other around the chair, Erik inquired, "What are *you* doing, Charles?"

Charles sidestepped to keep the harmless furniture between them, "Staying away from you, obviously."

Frankly, he was surprised the metal bender hadn't made a move sooner.

Erik's sense of control had grown.

But it was not perfect.

"Why is that, Charles? I *do* intimidate you, don't I?" Erik grinned toothily, canines gleaming in the light of the fireplace.

Stubbornly, Charles stopped his backpedaling, shifting his feet as he crossed his arms, rolled up sleeves tight around his tense forearms, "You do not."

His heart pulsed with each step that drew Lansherr nearer.

"Ah, Charles, your ego always did get the best of you." Erik drawled, halting his movements only when he was at the telepath's front, mirroring crossed arms. He had stopped only when he knew he cut off Charles' routes of escape.

Realizing stopping may not have been the best move, Charles buried his anxieties and simply met the stubborn man head on, "And you always were too impulsive, my friend."

Erik took a step closer, leaning an arm against the top of the couch, penning the curly haired man in, "One of us has to be."

Charles glanced down at the hand on the couch behind him, following that impeccably dressed arm back up to those slate fired eyes. He felt his breath catch in his throat.

"Tell me Charles. How were your previous bedmates? Toppers? Or bottomers?"

Charles swallowed, "I don't see how that's-"

"Any of my business?" Erik cut him off, drawing closer. His mere presence was spinning the telepath off kilter. He could tell. And it just made him smile, "I do believe it is *very* much my business, Charles."

"I have never allowed anyone else full control." Charles admitted slowly, blue eyes trailing to the side.

"I see." Erik replied, leaning in until their lips were just breaths apart, "I believe it is your turn to 'let go' Charles."

Erik was so close. Lansherr's metallic and masculine scent was a tangible taste on Charles' tongue. After the revelation of the week prior, and the instances before then, Charles had been craving the man like no other. More so than he had in the past. But he just could not, for some reason, allow the other in.

With all his relationships, whether it be short flings or acquaintances, or long term friendships, he had been the one in control. The one calling all the shots. Had all the cards. Lansherr was something else. He threatened the peaceful hold Charles always had on everything and everyone. This troublesome man threatened to loosen Charles' grip on reality and life itself. He needed to take the plunge.

His body wanted this.

His mind, however, had other thoughts.

"Not possible Erik." Charles replied stubbornly.

Erik's jaw set. His body burned for the telepath. The one man who was able to break through his shattered exterior. So solid. So dangerously rough and unforgiving. And Charles had broken through, regardless. They had gone too far. Were too deep for Xavier to back out now.

He could feel, could *see* the other attempting to retreat. As he had tried after that fateful day at the beach.


No he could not let Charles get away.

Not again.

"Charles..." Erik growled, "NOT good enough.

Charles should have been prepared. Should have some sort of defense.

But Erik was like a magnetic inferno. Not to be turned away nor ignored. And his lips were no exception to that rule.

Charles found himself pressed against Lansherr's muscular chest, the feel of Erik against him incomparable to any sensation he felt before. The warmth of the metal bender consumed him, the couch behind nearly nonexistent, merely an object to lean against during the welcome onslaught.

Charles fought him at first. He struggled, even as he craved it more than air itself. Erik saw through the ruse. Saw the fear and determination. And instead held fast, pinning that wily body against his, deepening the kiss as he devoured Charles, body and soul. Xavier breathed deep through his nose, melting into the kiss even as a muscular arm at his back pressed him more fully into the solid form of Erik Lansherr. He could feel a hardness pressing against him, and much to his lack of control, could feel himself hardening in kind.

Erik pulled back, pleased, "And here I thought you weren't having fun."

"Erik," Charles growled, leveling the taller man with a warning glance, "You must stop this."

"Hm, let me think about that one, Charles..." Erik smirked, trailing nips and kisses down Charles' clothed form. He flicked his wrist, unbuckling the telepath's belt and unzipping his pants in one smooth motion. As he glanced up at those disbelieving eyes, whipping the previously stolen belt to shackle the man's hands behind his back, Erik finished his reply with a resolute, "NO."

The maddening metal bender breathed hot air across the tent in those revealing silky black boxers, and Charles trembled with barely restrained reserve, "Erik..."

Charles' own breath hitched as his boxers were torn down, exposing him to the heated air around them, "Erik, please..."

Erik felt himself grow harder within his own confines, throwing a dark glance up at the nervous telepath, "How I do love it when you beg, Charles..."

Urging himself to not be so evident in his arousal, Charles hissed, "Please *stop* Erik."

"Not a chance, Charles." Lansherr growled, "Now be a good chap and cum hard in my mouth. I want every. Last. Drop."

Charles nearly came right there, the desire and lust fully evident in the man's steel eyes. Large hands gripped his hips, thumbs teasing under the curve of his hip bones. The want and need crashed in waves against Xavier's mental barrier, any wall Lansherr had set up to keep his thoughts hidden, fully down and as exposed as Charles was in that moment. Charles was drowning in it, fighting off the blissful temptation of just giving in.

He glared sternly down at the crouching man, "Erik- gah!"

Magneto swallowed him whole.

Charles spasm end at the sensation, that hot mouth wrapping superbly around his own shaft had his knees weak and his body jerking at the indescribable sensation. He barely caught himself back against the couch, body ready to just keel over.

Erik worked him like a madman. His tongue too dexterous for its own good. Charles cried out, head thrown back in pleasure-filled denial.

'D-damn it Erik!' Charles mentally reprimanded the other.

'Oh Charles, you can't tell me you're not enjoying this.' Erik smirked in reply, slurping loudly in emphasis.

Charles' knees nearly buckled once more, the telepath hissing in muted response.

'It is NOT a matter of enjoyment Erik -ah!- it is matter of principal!'

'Please Charles, *enlighten* me.' Erik replied dryly, choosing that moment to hollow out his cheeks.

Charles was dizzy with emotion and sensation, heat vibrating intensely throughout his body. Pulsating. He fought the strong urge to cream himself into Lansherr's mouth with his mere resolve itself. Trying hard to focus, Charles shuddered and replied, 'We. Cannot. Do this Erik.'

'WHY?' Erik growled, the extra vibrations spiking heat and pleasure through the stubborn telepath.

'I *will* fight you on this, Erik.' Charles replied stubbornly.

'Then this, dear friend, will be a fight you. WILL. Lose.' Erik disclosed with such certainty and conviction, it gave the telepath a hopeless insight.

Was Erik right?

'Charles...' Erik drawled, mouth currently full of the stubborn telepath's captive member, 'if you just admit-'

'What, that you're INSANE? Gladly.' Charles rebuked dryly, bound hands struggling to grasp the back of the couch behind him, struggling to stay on his own two feet.

'No Charles. That you are afraid.'

'Of what?' Charles snapped.

'Why, of being with *me* Charles...'

Xavier felt his breath stop. No. He wasn't.

He couldn't be...

'Explain.' Charles demanded.

'Little Mystique let me in on your little secret, Charles.' Erik drawled knowingly, 'You have *never* been in a real relationship. Nothing longer than a one nighter. Or a short coffee date.'

'And you have?' Charles retorted incredulously.

'Now let's not play this game, Charles. Of course I haven't. The same as you, everyone else has bored me. I may not find out every single detail about someone on a first date or night like you can, Xavier, but I have my ways.' Magneto admonished.

'I thought we've already discussed this.' Charles strained mentally, fighting his body's natural urge with the sinfully tactful mouth and tongue that pushed him to the brink.

'Mmm, yes. So just let go, Charles. It is your turn, after all.' Erik said shortly.

Charles flashed back to the water. The first time they met. The trust that eventually surfaced in those hurt and pained eyes.

Suddenly it all clicked.

In his own roundabout way, Erik was asking Charles to trust him.

Even under the lust, under the clever confidence and amazing skill, Charles finally sensed it. Erik waiting with bated breath. For the acceptance, for the love that had been so recently promised.

With a shaky exhale, Charles released his tense hold on his breaking control, frowning as he said loudly, "I'm not bottoming, Erik."

Realizing what this meant, blunt statement aside, Erik's eyes smirked up at the curly haired man.

His eyes said Charles would not be sorry. Not for giving him this chance. For relinquishing his ever present control. But his mind smirked as Erik growled, 'Only because you haven't been bedded by ME yet.'

Before Charles had the chance to make a smart rebuttal, Erik chose this moment to completely deep throat him, wet heat enveloping that sensitive shaft with just the right pressure, and the telepath could not help but come with the man's name spilling from his lips. Even as a blinding white enveloped his senses, all the tight heat curling and releasing from his core, seed spurting into that smirking mouth, Charles felt a calm descend on his rapidly decreasing mental faculties.

Perhaps letting go wouldn't be so bad after all. If this was how considerate Lansherr was without penetration, he could only imagine how it must be to be fucked by the suave man.

Of course, he didn't have to let Erik know he had come to this conclusion yet.

Not that Erik wouldn't figure it out eventually.

He did enjoy chess, after all.

Something only proven as the metal bender stood after tucking Charles back in and fixing his trousers. He wiped any remaining evidence that hadn't been swallowed in that talented mouth with the back of his arm.

Fixing Charles with a knowing gaze, Erik said boldly, "Checkā€¦mate."

And Charles did not refute it.