A/N: Sorry guys i know that this has taken forever to get up and I do apologize, Work was extremely busy as well as some other issues with another job. I was trying to make this one longer then the last couple chapters unfortunately it just isnt that long. I am going to change to once a month or so for updates and try for around 5k words. I apologize again and hopefully you all enjoy the chatper.

As Harry began to work through the memories that he had gained in the last 24 hours, he found out that there were other options for banking then just with the goblins. Harry decided that he would need to look at both of the other options that the goblin knew about, after all until he met with the Gnomes in Zurich or the Dwarfs in Switzerland he would not know which ones he wanted to keep all his funds with.

Of course, Harry remembered that he had no way to get there without Red. He had to try and assimilate all of the memories he had gained so that he would know how to travel, and whether or not he even could travel was a completely different issue for him. Harry was forced to spend the next few days cataloging the memories from Red, before he could even decide which of the other bankers to visit first.

Harry worked as quickly as he could with the memories so that he could get his money and property out from underneath the hands of the goblins that had tried to control him. Deciding that it would be best to visit both of them and see what they could offer him in regards to money management and interest rates.

After going through Red's memories Harry realized that he had a ton of lifetime and magical experience now at his fingertips, and managed to not kill himself when he flashed out to the Gnomes of Zurich. As the hellfire faded from around him Harry found himself surrounded by very angry Gnomes, who were only slightly taller then him, all of them pointing some extremely large looking firearms at his head. "I come in peace?" Harry murmured as he raised his arms into the air.

"Who are you that you dare to come straight into our bank?" One of the gnomes asked angrily. Harry slowly moved his hand over to his forehead and revealed his scar. "So you say you are Harry Potter then?"

"Yes I do say that I am Harry Potter, and I am willing to take verisitaume or whatever you wish as long as it doesn't kill me and you only ask about my identity."

"Very well young Mr. Potter, please come this way." With those words and some hand motions all but 4 of the Gnomes put their weapons down and went back to whatever they had been doing before. As Harry followed the Gnome that had told him to, he was led back into the bank, and very quickly became lost and realized that he might get into a lot of trouble if they left him there. Finally they came to a door that said President Zon'du Kulo.

"Here you go Mr. Potter, talk to President Kulo." With those words the Gnome opened the door, and let Harry inside to talk to the president of the bank.

"Mr. Potter, it is an honor to meet the Boy-Who-Lived finally. What can I help you with sir?"

"Well sir, if you could let me know what benefits that you and your bank could give to me if I transferred all of my accounts here?"

"Mr. Potter we could do a lot for you by giving you better rates then either of are competitors and by getting the transfer done without any fees."

"Alright President Kulo, things sound good, but I still need to talk with one more place before I can make any decisions."

"That is fine Mr. Potter, please let us know when/if you want us to do that for you."

"Thank you sir, I will let you know my decision by the end of the day." With those words, Harry disappeared into black flame as he transferred to the Dwarven kingdom in the center of Stalingrad. As the flames started to drip away from Harry, he found himself confronted with 10 dwarves all holding a mix of halberds axes, and spears pointed or held above him in some way. "Dwarves, keepers of the secret of mithril and guardians of the deep. May your weapons never break and your shield arm be strong."

At these traditional words of greeting the dwarves were stopped cold, "Welcome Youngling, to what do we owe the honor of a traditional greeting?"

"Good dwarves, I come before you to see about moving my accounts from Gringotts, I have found out that I am inheriting quite a lot and I am sure that they are even now trying to get gold out of the vaults that are finally activating again." Harry having just realized what the Goblins were more then likely trying to do was angered at this theft that the fools at the bank were trying to pull.

"Young sir, did you say finally activating again? That would mean that there are vaults that have deactivated since it has been so long since there was a heir strong enough to claim them?"

"Or that they have never had anyone try to claim them good Dwarf." This revelation from Harry had the dwarves very worried. They began to mutter amongst themselves, and some of them were gesturing wildly, and others were caressing weapon hilts like the flesh of a woman. Harry was wondering what he had started... Just as Harry was starting to wonder if they had forgotten about him, one of the dwarves came over and told him to follow to the High Kings office. Dwarves were unique in the fact that the bank was run as a kingdom, with all dwarves answering to a single High King.

As Harry was led to the large center throne room, he couldn't help but stare at the beautiful stone work and gold filigree that was lining the walls, and in some cases were the walls themselves.

Harry walked into the center of the throne room that was almost opulent in the amount of gold and silver that adorned the walls, but Harry noticed that crossed into the gold and silver were weapons of another material that blended into both the silver and gold, and were layered in such a way that they were easy reach for the dwarves and well a 10 year old child as well. Although because of how they were turned they were slightly awkward to draw for someone facing the king. Yet Harry knew that he would be able to get his hands on a weapon and get to the king before the guards could do anything. Harry was always prepared for any craziness especially after what the Goblins had done in trying to take his vaults.

"King Ironstone, this youngling is Harry Potter, come to discuss the benefits of moving his vaults to our bank."

"Young Mr. Potter, why would you move a trust vault from the Goblins of Gringotts? They have served your family faithfully for years."

"My Lord Ironstone, i only do this because theft might have occurred if I had left my vaults inside goblin hands. I have recently undergone an inheritance ritual and found that I am the only surviving or closest heir to a number of families, i have the list here if you want to take a look at it."

"Of course lad, I would love to know exactly what families would be moving to our bank." As the high king stared at the list that was longer then he was tall, and in extremely small print. He began to be worried about the fact that Harry might have broken the king when he showed him the list of names that were a part of his inheritance including Merlin Emries, Morgana La Fey, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. The High King of the dwarves just sat there in silence realizing the possibilities that this left for his people to take a giant leap forward and possibly replace the Goblins as bankers in England. After several long tense moments in which the king was still contemplating the matter at hand, he finally spoke "Lord Potter, we are prepared to move all of your gold, heirlooms, vaults and wards to our control within the hour for free if you would be willing to vouch for us to replace the Goblins when you have the chance in the Wizengomet."