Chapter 3

It soon came time the King decided to leave for Camelot. He took the time to introduce Morgana to each of the knights to ensure she was fully comfortable with each of the men in his company. The young princess acted with all the poise of a girl raised and a princess from birth during the introductions and took a particular liking to Sir Leon who obviously cared for her brother when he told her of the vow he had taken for the baby ion his arms. The king had taken the baby to introduce himself properly to his new son and watched delighted as Morgana blushed under her bruises as the loyal knight commended the valiant defence of her brother and offered to train her in the self defence that all royals should know. He was so glad to see that his knights had taken to the children and took this as a sign that the people of Camelot to would take to them.

Once the horses were readied the King handed the baby back to Sir Leon. "I trust you Leon," he said solemnly "with a piece of my heart there in your arms. I know that you will protect him from harm." Sir Leon nodded and bowed to his king. Uther then turned to Morgana. "You will ride with me, my daughter." He quickly swung her in his arms up onto the horse and jumped up behind her. Morgana snuggled into his arms, safe in the knowledge that she and her brother were now protected.

It took them almost till nightfall to reach the city outskirts. Morgana tired from the running through the forest the previous days dozed in his arms. Uther pulled his horse to a stop and gently woke Morgana. "Look Morgana," He whispered. In front of them a beautiful white castle filled the view. Morgana had never seen something so beautiful. "We're home Morgana, we're home."

It took them two more hours to reach the castle courtyard. Morgana had been worried about the reaction of the people seeing a king carrying a bruised and battered little girl but was surprised when they simply got curious glances. By the time the horses came to a stop an older white haired man and a young boy holding a wooden sword. "Father, father..." The little boy called and Morgana tensed. Uther put a comporting hand on her shoulder. He climbed down from the horse and swung the little girl into his arms. This caused the little boy to frown. "Who's that?" demanded the little boy not happy with the way she was clinging to his father. He bent down to Arthurs level.

"Arthur, this is Morgana. Morgana this is Arthur." Sir Leon then lent down and handed Merlin to the King. "And this is Merlin. " The king cooed the baby. "They are your new brother and sister." Uther told Arthur. Arthur took a glance at Uther, the baby and the little girl. Then he ran.

Uther sighed, Morgana looked scared and the baby sensing the tension began to fret. Uther handed him the baby to Leon. "It will be ok Morgana." He reassured her and moved to follow Arthur because he knew where his son had gone. He followed the path around the tower and ducked a small door into a small garden. Arthur was curled under a tree with tears streaming down his face and sobs racking his small body. The King could not remember when the his little boy had looked so vulnerable. "Arthur?" Uther said kneeling down to his son's level and taking his son into his arms.

"I don't understand." He sobbed "Why don't you want me?"

"Arthur, of course I want you. Why would you think I didn't want you."

"But you got that girl and that baby to replace me. It was coz I wasn't strong enough didn't train hard enough. Are you gonna send me to Uncle Agrivane, he's creepy."

"Arthur, I'm not going to send you away. As long as there is breath in my body no one will take you away from me. There are some things I need to explain Arthur," Uther pulled Arthur fully onto his lap. "When your mother died, I lost myself to. We had such plans for our future brothers and sisters for you. I just didn't realise that I was losing you to. Then I came across Morgana and Merlin and they made me realise that we could have that family your mother and I dreamed of. They are wonderful Arthur and you will love them if you give them a chance. I love you Arthur. Things will be better from now on I promise."

Arthur threw his arms around his father's neck. "I love you to daddy." Uther grinned and pulled his son closer. He looked to see Morgana entering the garden. He opened his arms around Arthur and Morgana ran toward them. Gathering both children close he knew things were about to get better.

A/N: Sorry for the delay got hit by writers block. I'm off on holiday next week so hopeful some quiet time by the pool will inspire me.