Rachel Berry Knows How to Have a Good Time

Chapter 7

Um...HI :) *waves and gives a cheeky grin* *jumps behind the couch to dodge various objects being thrown, including a knife* o_O' OKAY, who threw the knife?! BAD READER! What have I said about throwing knives at the author!

*clears throat*

What, has it been like 3 years since I posted this story and about 2 years since I updated? YES and YES.

*awkward turtle*

First of all, I am SO SORRY that I haven't updated this story! I have had this chapter sitting on my laptop for over a year now I think? Heh, whoopsie daisy. I had kinda forgot about this story for a while. My life has been really busy having to juggle college and work but college got let out 2 weeks ago and I've just been enjoying the sun and being at work of course. I still have another year of college before I graduate. Woop woop! Then I will probably go to uni. What I am also happy about is that I received the highest grade that a student can achieve for the course I am studying. I was so happy when my teacher told me :D Since I don't want you readers to wait any long I am laying outside on a picnic blanket and a sunshade enjoying this lovely weather and posting this out for all of you to read! I wrote this AGES ago and it isn't finished but I didn't really know how to continue the chapter and really want to post it and hopefully when I re-read it a billions times my imagination can begin to flow again and I can continue this story. So I am sorry if the chapter seems to just cut off. I really couldn't know how to end it. I will apologize in advance again that this story will continue quite slow. Since I haven't looked at this story in such a long time I have to remember what I wanted to happen next. I do have messages between another author and I where I have written out what I want to happen during this story. I also haven't forgotten about the poll ;)

I want to give a shout out to all the readers who have still been adding this story to their favorites list and following the story! Don't think I haven't noticed :)

I also want to give a big shout out to MelAnderson who has supported me throughout this story. We probably have over 100 messages between each other. I don't know if you are is still on this site but if you are I want to say: Thank you for being a great friend, someone I can turn when I either had writers block or just to ask your opinion on upcoming events for the story. So again, thank you so much. You're a sweetheart 3

But enough of me rambling about my boring life and other stuff. I do hope each and every oneof you enjoys this chapter!

Copyright/Disclaimer: I own none of the characters used in the story. All rights go to the creators of Glee. The only thing I own is the storyline.

The party was in full swing and everyone had gathered out in the backyard. The doors to the patio had been opened, letting the music continue to boom as people danced. Some were swimming in the huge pool while others, such as Santana, Brittany, Blaine, Kurt, Trent and a few Warblers were gathered around the table watching David and Wes and waiting for their turn to play. Rows of plastic cups filled with beer stood at each side of the ping-pong table which stood on the patio. David and Wes stood at each end, grinning widely at each other and staggering a bit. David's side had 5 cups remaining while Wes's side had 7. It was David turn and he was standing tall, holding the ping-pong in his hand carefully aiming for the cup.

"You're going to miss duuude," Wes slurred, wobbling slightly; grabbing a hold of the table to steady himself. They were already into their second game; Wes having won the first one. Everyone had cheered as David had had to chug all the remaining drinks left on the table. Santana had cheered the most, not letting David stop until all cups had been finished.

"I'm going to beat you this time," David tried to state confidently, but failed as all the words flowed out of his mouth in slurs. He'd already drunk 1 cup of punch and chugged 5 cups of beer after he'd lost the first game so the alcohol was starting to take effect. His vision was a bit blurry sometimes but he could still see straight. David took alcohol way better than Wes did. Even though Wes seemed to be holding up just fine on the other side of the table, David knew that he was getting to be quite drunk. Wes and the others around the table couldn't help but laugh at him as David gave him the finger and tried to concentrate on his throw.

"I'm the beer pong master, you should already know that David. I've played this game so many times with my older cousins, though they never let me drink any of the beer." Wes said while slurring the words and frowning slightly as he stated the last part. Wes knew he was getting to be quite drunk, if wobbling about wasn't proof of that already, having to grab the table for support to keep him upright sometimes. He'd drunk less than David had but he'd kept taking big gulps of the punch he kept next to him at all times. He was probably on his 4th or 5th cup at the moment. He'd grown to like the sweet berry taste the moment the liquid had passed his lips. Every now and then when his would find his cup to be empty, he'd make Kurt or Trent go pour him some more from the punch bowl. David narrowed his eyes slightly as he aimed and threw the ping-pong ball. It flew and bounced on a couple cups before it landed on the floor, rolling away under the couch.

"I told you!" Wes shouted as he bent down quickly to grab the ball but ended up falling on the floor which caused the crowd around him to chuckle. Trent walked to the couch before he crouched down to reach for the ball under it. It took a couple tries before his hand found the ping-pong as he tightly closed his hand and brought his arm back out. He stood up, showing everyone he got the ping-pong when he was suddenly tackled into a hug by Wes.

"You found it Trent! Thank you so much, you're a life savor," Wes slurred loudly after having picked himself off the floor, hugging Trent tightly, causing the other boy to squirm in his hold before finally giving up and hugging back, just not with as much force as Wes.

"It's just a ping-pong Wes," Trent stated as everyone around him stared at Wes with wide eyes before they all burst into laughter. David simply smiled at Wes's behavior.

"Come on Wes, let Trent go. We need to get back to the game. I still need to kick your ass. Plus I'm sure the rest of the group want to play at some point too," David said, earning him nods from the group. Wes turned his head towards him, his happy expression turning into a frown.

"Boo, you ruin all the fun David," Wes said, releasing Trent from his near death hold before taking the ping-pong from his hand and walking back to his side of the table, "Fine, let's get this over with even though we all know whose going to win; moi." David could only huff in frustration at his best friend as Wes carefully concentrated on his next throw. Wes gently threw the ball, flicking his wrist to make ping-pong curve in the air as it flew into the farthest cup with a loud "plop".

"Yes!" Wes shouted, raising his arms into the air, flashing David a smile. Santana smirked at Wes as he grinned broadly, fist-bumping Flint as the small crowd around him cheered. David grumbled as he picked up the beer soaked ping-pong, cleaning it off on his shirt, looking discouraged.

"Don't worry David, you can still beat him," Blaine tried to reassure him, squeezing his shoulder gently. Kurt nodded alongside him as David turned his gaze to look at Blaine's and Kurt's confident expressions and slowly started to smile.

"You're right. I won't give up without a fight," David said slurring a bit, his eyes suddenly holding a fiery glint in them as he turned his attention back to Wes who was still celebrating. "Don't celebrate so soon dear Wes, the game isn't over yet." Wes stopped cheering and turned his eyes towards David, one eyebrow raised. When he noticed the confident expression David held, a smirk grew on his lips.

"Let's do this then," Wes slurred as David once more narrowed his eyes to concentrate on his throw.

Sebastian sat outside on the lawn chair, beyond pissed at having to stop drinking. He'd been cursing out Wes and David for about 10 minutes or so before he'd gotten tired and just sulked in his seat, his arms crossed. He had just gotten into a good mood before Thad had collapsed on them and he'd been appointed "the babysitter" to keep all other Warblers in check since Wes and David wanted to "chill" and "have a good time for once". He raised his gaze from lawn chair just in time to see Thad and Jeff do cannonballs into the pool which was already quite full with the rest of the Warblers. The music was still blaring from inside and Wes and David were still the middle of their second beer pong match, and neither were by the looks of it sober anymore. Both head councilors kept stumbling and wavering around in their places. Sebastian had watched the game for a short while before he'd turned his attention on the Warblers messing about in the pool. Since he had practically been ordered to take look after them, he begrudgingly decided to keep a look out for the intoxicated bunch in the pool. He couldn't have them drowning on his watch now could he? All hell would break loose if that and he'd have to deal with facing the fury of Wes and David on his own. He'd kept a straight record during their Warbler meetings and practices so facing the two head councilor's bitchfest isn't something he wants to be apart of. After a short while, Nick appeared next to him, who sat down in a seat beside him, his gaze cast down, causing him to turn his head to look at the boy. He sighed before taking a small swig from the beer in his hand. A soft breeze rustled the trees nearby, causing Nicks hair to ruffle slightly. It was the beginning of May so the weather had become warmer and the trees had gotten their leaves back. Sebastian continued to gaze at the boy sitting next to him, who was occasionally taking sips from the bottle. He hadn't noticed he'd been staring at the alcoholic beverage until Nick suddenly cleared his throat, his gaze set on Sebastian, eyebrow raised. Sebastian immediately fixed his gaze to Nick who was staring at him in a questioning manner.

"What?" he asked.

"Were you staring at my beer?" Nick asked, his lips slowly starting to form into a smirk.

"Yeah, so what? I'm pissed off I can't drink so it's kind of hard not to stare at the any alcohol close to my reach. I had to stop watching David and Wes chug their beers since I was sure I was going to start ripping my hair out.

"Haha, wow that sucks. I feel for you, I really do," Nick replied, chuckling a bit. Sebastian on the other hand wasn't finding this situation to be amusing at all. Wolf whistles were suddenly heard from the girls. He noticed Nick suddenly snap his gaze towards the pool, his eyes growing wide and mouth become slight agape. Jeff's body was glistening as water droplets slide down his wet body, stopping at where skin met the edge of his boxers. He did his famously known hair flip to get his bangs out of his eyes and Nick nearly moaned at the sight. A small smile had spread across Nick's lips as Sebastian noticed Jeff was showing off his muscles and acting all "macho" and soon Flint and Thad joined in with flexing their own. The girls cheered loudly.

"So you really care about Jeff, don't you?" Sebastian asked, not taking his eyes off the shirtless bunch by the side of the pool for a particular Warbler had his attention completely.

"Yeah, I do. I've never felt this way towards anyone before. I never thought I would ever find anyone as perfect as Jeff. He's both my boyfriend and best friend. What more could I ask for?" Nick answered, gazing dreamily at Jeff and taking a few sips from the bottle which was almost empty by now. Jeff's body was glistening as water droplets slide down his wet body, stopping at where skin met the edge of his boxers. He did his famously known hair flip to get his bangs out of his eyes and Nick nearly moaned at the sight. Nick continued to stare at Jeff for a while until he noticed Sebastian hadn't answered back with a snide remark like he usually did whenever Nick gushed about Jeff, so he turned his gaze to stare at the taller boy. "Sebastian?" No answer. Something or someone seemed to be holding his attention. "Sebastian? Helloo, anyone in there?" Nick said, waving a hand in front of Sebastian's face.

"Wha-what?" Sebastian asked coming out of his trance like state, turning his gaze from Thad's muscular torso. As soon as Thad had removed his wet shirt, Sebastian's eyes had immediately snapped to the tan and muscular body. Thad's muscles clenched and unclenched as he turned his body back and forth, arms raised as he flexed, smiling broadly at Flint and Jeff. Nick had noticed Sebastian's eyes held a certain glint for second before his usual hard stare returned in a flash.

"You spaced out," Nick stated, finishing the remainder of his beer and setting it down beside the chair and returning his gaze to Jeff. As soon as Sebastian turned his gaze to watch Thad, Nick's question caused him to freeze. "Staring at anyone in particular?"

Sebastian's eyes widened for a split second before he recomposed himself and forced his body to relax. "What are you talking about?" he scoffed, his voice hard and taut, provoking Nick to continue if he dared.

"Well," Nick coughed, "I followed your gaze to the bunch in the pool and Thad is among them and I know you're not interested in Flint or Jeff. Thad is the only one you could've been staring at."

"How do you know I wasn't staring at Jeff?" Sebastian questioned, looking at Nick from the corner of his eye, hoping to steer the conversation away from Thad. It worked.

Nick's expression faltered as he turned to stare at Sebastian, his brow furrowed. "What did you just say?" he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"I'm just kidding Nick, relax. I wouldn't go after your precious goldilocks, he's yours." Sebastian answered chuckling slightly, raising his hands a bit in a surrendering manner, "You've always been more of the type of guy I'd be interested in anyways." He noticed a slight blush appear on Nick's cheeks as his mouth formed a slight "o" shape.

"Thanks, I guess?" Nick said. Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle at Nick's blushing face when loud cheering caused him to gaze back to the patio.

"I win!" shouted David, gleefully grinning and bouncing about, "I told you I would beat you!" Wes just stared wide eyed at the scene, not understanding how he'd lost. The rest of the Warblers and girls cheered and patted David on the back.

"How…how could I have lost?" Wes slurred, his mind working a mile a minute on trying to figure how on earth he could've lost to David. David noticed Wes' shocked expression and moved to the other side of the table to reassure his friend.

"Don't worry dude, it's just game. Plus, someone was going to beat your sooner or later," he said cheekily, though some words slurred slightly. Wes looked sad for a moment before his face lit up.

"True, true. I'm glad it was you who beat me. We'll have to have rematch in the near future,"

"Which means more parties!" Thad shouted, causing the group on the patio to turn their gazes towards the pool.

Booo what a horrible ending! :( I am sorry that his chapter is so short! I am a little disappointed with this chapter since I did want it to be longer but because I haven't thought out this story for such a long time, I couldn't think of how to make it any longer. *sadface* I will continue this story but the updates will be slow, so you'll have to bear with me. Glee has kind of been at the back of my mind since I have been reading other fanfiction.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Reviews gets you your very own virtual cookie so don't forgot to leave one! :3 They also make me super duper happy! I want to know what you guys thought of the chapter.

Till next time my lovelies!

