Chapter 11: In which Rolf's family is introduced (and Ares is rude)

They arrived in Rolf's old family garden. Luna looked around, charmed by her surroundings, especially the gnomes that were peeking out of the bushes to get a closer look at the newcomers.

"Oh, you have gnomes, I see."

"Yes, we do. Mum has tried to get rid of them but no avail. Especially when I kept trying to feed them in order to befriend them and learn their secrets."

"And did you?"

"Unfortunately not. They're very good at hiding their vast knowledge from humans. One would almost think that they had no intelligence at all."

"And that is what makes them true geniuses."

"Indeed. Shall we go inside?"

Just as Rolf said this, his mother came out. She was exceptionally tall, dwarfing Luna and almost beating Rolf in height. This gave her a very intimidating look, especially coupled with the fact she rarely smiled.

"Rolf," She said and kissed him on each cheek.

"Hello mother. This is Luna Lovegood. I told you she was coming."

"Of course."

"Luna Lovegood, this is my mother, Rosamund Scamander."

"Lovely to meet you Mrs. Scamander."

"Hmm," Mrs. Scamander said in acknowledgement. "Well you're late for dinner. Your father's still at work but your sister's here with your nephew. Greet them please. Although first wash your hands. Luna, the bathroom is to the left of the corridor the third door. Rolf you can wash your hands in the kitchen. Come on."

She turned and strode forward quickly, leaving them to catch up. Rolf entered through the kitchen door where his sister Mona was feeding his two year old nephew Marius.

"Hello Rolfy, come here and give your big sister a hug." Mona got up and squeezed Rolf tight. "So Mum told me that you're bringing a girl home to see us, then?"

"Yes, her name's Luna Lovegood."

"Is she pretty?"


"Is she nice?"


"Well come on Rolfy, you're going to have to do better than that! I'm a lonely old widow; you need to tell me something. Are you in love? Tell me that at least."

"I don't know yet."

"Oh I give up with you Rolfy," Mona said, ruffling her brother's hair. "Oh Merlin, what have you brought home this time?"

Mona was referring to Newt, who had slinked into the house and was sitting on the floor. Rolf could hear a pleasant tune that the little creature was singing, which normally meant that Newt was composing a new poem.

"Mona, I'd like you to meet the dragon that we found on our trip."

"Oh, I see. Right, a dragon. Of course. Is that legal?"


"Okay. Hold on. Is he talking?"

"No idea. What's he saying?"

"I think he's introducing himself. He says his name is –"Mona's expression changed from disbelief to sadness and a little pity. "Newt. Oh Rolfy. "

Mona patted her little brother on the head. At that point, both Luna and Rolf's mother entered the room. Mrs. Scamander took one look at the creature and shook her head.

"Am I expected to provide food for this as well?"

"No, Mother, you should be fine. I'll put him outside and he'll probably just go for the gnomes."

"Well, go on then." His mother said firmly and Rolf escorted the little dragon outside. He wasn't sure if it was possible but he thought Newt's eyes lit up on seeing the little gnomes. Then he went back inside to find his mother cross examining Luna.

"So how old are you Luna?" Mrs. Scamander asked, pursing her lips together.

"I'm nineteen Mrs. Scamander. I am going to be twenty in a few months."

Mrs. Scamander nodded at this.

"I see. So what do you do?"

"I do lots of things." Luna smiled, cheerfully. "I walk, I run, I often eat, sometimes I sleep -"

"No." Mrs. Scamander sighed. "I meant what is your job?"

"Oh I see. I am a wizarding naturalist."

"Like Rolf!" Mona exclaimed. Mrs. Scamander just looked at her disapprovingly. Mona bowed her head and went on with feeding Marius.

"Is there dinner, Mother?" Rolf asked. Mrs. Scamander trained her eyes on him for a few seconds but nodded her head.

"We are not eating in the dining room today. I attempted to clean your old room and a Niffler escaped and went wild. The dining room's a mess because that's where we attempted to corner it. So please lay the kitchen table. Luna would you like to help me with laying the table?"

"Yes Mrs. Scamander, thank you."

"Mona, wipe down the table a bit. Your son is covering the table with his food."

"Yes mother."

"Will Peter be joining us?" Rolf asked, worried. Rolf did love his brother but they were just too different from each other. Peter wanted to the Minister of Magic on day and Rolf wanted to find and look after as many magical creatures as possible. Peter had always been the one who would tease Rolf the most. Mona would only do so if she wanted to impress Peter. The brothers now existed in a state in which they both avoided each other. This was quite an easy task when Rolf was travelling around the world whilst Peter lived back in England with his wife and two children.

"No," Rolf's mother told him. "He's in Sweden with that wife of his, visiting her parents. You know, she's insisting they spend Christmas there? Such a cold country, ridiculous idea."

"I see," Rolf said no more and simply went to get the food out of the oven.

If there was one thing that Mrs. Scamander excelled in; it was cooking. She didn't do it very often as her job as a Healer had always kept her busy but when she did, one was into a treat. Rolf whispered this to Luna as he laid down the heavy dish on the table. Luna smiled at this and looked over at him fondly.

"Mona got a promotion at work, Rolf. Did you know?" Mrs. Scamander said disinterestedly as she pulled her wand out of her pocket and pointed it a spoon, which leaped into the dish Rolf was holding

"Well that's excellent to hear," Rolf smiled. "Well done."

Rolf and Luna clapped as did Marius. However, when Marius clapped, he sent sparks flying up into the air.

"Sorry about him," Mona told Luna. "He doesn't quite have control over his magical powers yet. Or in fact his table manners."

"So Rolf," His mother had turned towards him, ignoring her grandson's antics. "How long do you plan to stay?"

"Not very long, Mother. Just the one night."

"Good, good. So where do you go from here?"

"Well, Luna and I are going to China next."

"Hmm," Mrs. Scamander nodded as she served up the meat. "Will you be visiting that boy who likes dragons? What was his name: Bill?"

"No Bill is the one who works as a curse breaker. David's the dragonoologist. Yes, we shall be visiting him."

"And bringing the little thing that you brought with you?"

"Yes. We want to show him to David, to get a better clue of what type of dragon he is. Or at least how big he'll grow. And how dangerous he'll get."

"Hmm," His mother said. Rolf decided to turn the conversation towards a safer area. He preferred not to talk about magical creatures with his family. They all got that same exasperated expression anytime he would even mention anything to do with creatures. Even Marius appeared to have picked it up, Rolf noted.

"So Mona, what's this promotion then?"

"Well," Mona said in her familiar gossipy manner. She had leaned over as if she had some great conspiracy in which to impart on them all. "Previously, I had the dullest tiny little column in the Daily Prophet. It was barely a footnote, Luna, and oh it was boring! I had to write about the recent changes to the legislation in House Elf Law by Miss Granger. "

"And then?" Luna prompted.

"Well now I am," Mona paused for dramatic effect. "A main reporter, working directly for the Editor Denvil Morper himself!"

"Oh, you want to be careful with him," Luna said unexpectedly. The table turned to her in confusion. "He's a well known goblin strangler and part troll."

Rolf's mother and sister looked a little confused.

"And how do you know this?" Rolf's mother asked. Luna turned and smiled at her.

"My father's magazine The Quibbler."

"You used to read that, didn't you Rolf?" Mona asked, attempting to keep the amused smile off her face.

"Yes I did. Why?"

"No reason. It's just nice that the two of you have found each other."

The rest of the meal was eaten in almost silence, apart from Marius occasionally shouting 'NO' rather loudly and throwing his food across the room. Mona laughed at this but, on a stern glance from her mother, stopped immediately and reprimanded her son who just grinned toothily at her. When they had finished, Mrs. Scamander wiped her mouth and stood up.

"There'll be a short break whilst I warm the dessert. Rolf, you'll help with washing up. Luna, please could you do the drying. Mona, you can clear the plates and then put Marius down for his nap. Thank you."

They all jumped straight into it, none of them wanting to risk the displeasure of Mrs. Scamander. Rolf and Luna discussed Newt as they washed up and watched him through the large kitchen windows. Mrs. Scamander was laying out the bowls for the treacle tart that she had cooking in the oven. They sat down to dessert and Luna conceded with Rolf that the food was excellent. She thanked Mrs. Scamander for the food and Mrs. Scamander cracked her first smile of the night as she nodded in acknowledgement.

"I think she likes you," Rolf whispered and Luna smiled at him.

They had just finished their desserts when there was a loud bang from the front door opening. Ares Scamander, Rolf's father had arrived. He was as tall as his wife and was a least three times as wide as her. He could certainly fill any room, a bit like Rolf's friend Hagrid. However, whilst being smaller than Hagrid, Ares Scamander was much more domineering and intimidating to any who crossed him. He was a simple man of simple tastes and thus, whilst he did claim to love Rolf, neither of them understood each other at all.

"Hello, wife, said Rolf's father as he greeted her. She nodded at him and began to clear up the plates gesturing towards her daughter to help her.

"Hello Mona. Hello Rolf, how are you? How are all your little creatures then?"

"Very well thank you," Rolf replied stiffly as he was jolted from his seat by his father patting his back in a manner that Ares must have thought was an affectionate.

"And who is this beauty?" Ares asked, pointing at Luna. "Don't tell me Rolf brought you home. You look much too good for him. Though you look just as mad as him so you never know,"

"Ares!" Rolf's mother reprimanded him.

"What? Did I upset you girl?"

"No, not at all." Luna smiled. "Lots of people call me crazy. My name's Luna Lovegood. Nice to meet you Mr. Scamander. "

"You too, my girl." Ares grabbed her hand in his meaty palms and shook it hard,

"Do you need feeding? We've just eaten but I could make you a sandwich. Or a slice of treacle tart?" Rolf's mother asked, raising an eyebrow towards him as she cleaned a pot. Rolf's father grinned and kissed his wife.

"No don't worry about it, Rosie. I ate at the office. So," He turned towards Rolf. "What has my youngest son been up to? Still playing with those weird creatures?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I don't why you are so bothered about them. I say we just kill them all and have done with it. When you spend, what was it, three months looking for some crazy lion thing that's going to kill you all? And yet you get offended when I call you crazy!"

"Well," Luna began but Rolf turned to her and shook his head, attempting a resigned smile.

"That's it son! Keep them quiet, that's what I say. Otherwise they'll just keep going on."

"Stop it now Ares," Mrs. Scamander warned. Mr. Scamander raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot how woman are. Except you, Rosie. Why aren't you using your wand to do those? It'd take you much less time."

"I am using my wand Ares. If you hadn't noticed."

"So father," Rolf interrupted. "How is it going at the Department of Magical Games and Sports?"

"Oh fine, fine."Ares boomed. "The job's a doddle once we've got the Quidditch World Cup out of the way. We've got almost two years until the next one. Of course the game's gone to squat since I stopped playing. I was Beater for the England team, you know."

"That's nice," Luna nodded. She was barely concentrating on his conversation and instead was reading the large piece of parchment on the wall, an original piece of writing by Newt Scamander. The Scamander family did not put achievements on the wall but this they had made an exception for.

"Yes, I was one of the best. Shame that bludger got me in the head or I'd probably still play, even at aged sixty four," Ares boasted, rubbing his slightly dented skull. "So, girl, how old are you? You look barely out of school."

"Huh?" Luna asked. "Oh, I'm nineteen almost twenty."

"Get in there son," Ares punched his son on the arm. Rolf just sat there frozen, ignoring whatever his father was saying. "He's an odd one, isn't he? Nothing like his old man. So you're only just out school, eh? So what house were you in?"

"Ravenclaw," Luna replied, looking back at Ares and dazedly smiling.

"Ah, that bunch of swots then? Just like Rolf here." Ares punched his son in the arm again. "See, I was a Gryffindor, where the brave dwell at heart. Just like Mona here."

Mona looked up from the pot that she was waving her wand over and nodded at them both. Rolf looked at Luna, smiling at her, and attempting to apologise non-verbally. Luna just smiled at him and turned to listen to Rolf's father.

"See we always beat the Ravenclaws anytime we played them at Quidditch in my day. Would have won too except for those damn Slytherins, eh Rosie?"

Mrs. Scamander looked up, unamused as usual but she smirked a little at her husband.

"I don't know what you mean. I wasn't even at the school whilst you were there and I certainly didn't play Quidditch."

"No that's right. Eight years younger than me, would you believe?" He asked, winking at Luna. "Still I bet you would. That must be the same gap between you two, right?"

He looked around for confirmation. Both Rolf and Luna nodded at him. Rolf felt Luna take his hand from under the table and they smiled at each other.

"Yes, it was a shame none of you kids took after me in Quidditch skills. Except Peter of course, but he was a little Slytherin, the entirely wrong team for me to be supporting!" Ares laughed loudly to himself.

"Well I had other things to do Dad," Mona said. "Besides, I wasn't bad at Quidditch. I was better than Peter anyway, he was only the reserve."

"Sure, alright then young lady," Ares once again put up his hands in mock surrender and laughed at them all. "At least he won the game he was playing, unlike your sorry lot. I was just saying that none of you really lived up to me. I was pretty good after all, played for England? You should have seen me, there was this one time-"

Ares then launched into a lengthy explanation of some of his greatest moves whilst he had played. Clearly, the family had all heard them before and knew how long it took as they all attempted to divert him by each suggesting what they could do next.

Mona suggested that they all go and listen to the wireless; Mrs Scamander suggested that they read something whilst Rolf made tea. Rolf suggested that they all went outside and looked for whirlyplimpers. No one except Luna even acknowledged that Rolf had spoken or if he had a good idea.

Mona won out in the end and they all went into the living room and listened to the radio. Ares did not seem to have been stopped by his family's interruption, continuing on with his greatest bludger hits, ignoring the gentle music that came out of the radio. His voice became slower and monotonous. His head began to sink down and his eyes closed. His snores erupted through the room and startled every one as they went. Eventually, when no one could stand it any longer, Mrs. Scamander stood up and turned off the radio.

"Right then," She said, fixing her eyes on Luna. "I've fixed you up a bed in Peter's old room. You will be sleeping separately."

This was not a question but a demand. Both Rolf and Luna nodded at Mrs Scamander who nodded back at them.

"I've put your back pack in your room, and removed the clothes. They'll be dry by tomorrow morning. You will be requiring a bath, I assume?"

"Thank you," Luna smiled. Mrs Scamander nodded.

"Hmm. Come on then."

With that, she swept out the room. Luna looked around at the family in confusion. Mona smiled and gestured that Luna should follow Mrs Scamander. Luna disappeared out of the room. Ares woke up at that point, woken by one of his loud snores. He blinked at his children who stared back at him. Then he pulled himself out of his chair and went upstairs. Mona turned and smiled at Rolf. He smiled back, awkwardly, and then returned to his book. He kept looking up, as Mona continued to smile at him. It was most odd, his sister was rarely this happy.

"What is it?" Rolf asked as the tension got almost unbearable.



"Luna seems very nice. "

"Yes, she is."

"And she is very pretty."

"Yes, I wouldn't argue with you there."

"A bit quiet but what can you do?"

"Not normally."

"So what's going on there little brother? Have you finally got yourself a girlfriend?"

Rolf pondered this for a moment.

"I suppose so. I don't know."

Mona sighed and shook her head.

"Oh, Rolf. I don't know what we will do with you?" Mona said as she got up to go to bed. She looked out of the window. "Your dragon thing is setting fire to the tree by the way. Mum will probably be cross; she just managed to clear your bowtruckle things out of it."

Rolf ran out of the living room and out of the kitchen door. He took his wand, muttered 'Alohamora' and went looking for the little dragon. It turned out that it was not that hard to find Newt, who was lit up by the bright flames of the tree, sleeping with his head tucked between his wings.

Rolf put the fire out with an extinguishing spell. He stroked the little dragon's head and went back inside to his old childhood room.

It was a lot different to how it had been when he had lived there. His mother had scoured the entire place once he had left and removed any trace of weird and odd creatures or Rolf's editions of The Quibbler or the pictures Rolf had drawn of creatures that he had seen and no one else had. The only things that had remained from his mother's obliteration was his books on his shelf and even some of the more battered ones had been removed from there. Yet the most battered and unkempt one still remained there, even though the cover fell off as Rolf pulled it off the shelf. It was his copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the one that his grandfather had given him when he was a little boy. He traced the thin scrawled handwriting of his grandfather in the message that read: To my youngest grandson, I give this to you because I know that you will be the only one to treasure this, your grandfather Newt. Rolf felt a little misty eyed as he returned the book to the shelf and settled down into the crisp white sheets on the bed.