A/N In honor of St. Berry week (this story sort of fits prompt one and three) here's the last chapter. Thanks to everyone who has accompanied me on this short journey.

Defying Gravity Chapter 5

Jesse pulled the sleep mask off his eyes and stretched as leisurely and gracefully as a sleek panther. Just a few more hours on the plane and he would be home. As much as he had enjoyed his time in London, New York was where his heart lay both professionally and personally.

Over the past months Kurt had kept his promise and updated Jesse fairly regularly on Rachel. On the night Jesse had received the news that Rachel's divorce was final he had opened a bottle of vintage scotch to celebrate the occasion. In retrospect, Jesse was thankful he did not have Rachel's phone number, for he had gotten spectacularly drunk that night and an episode of drunk dialing would have certainly ensued. As it was he had woken up with a hazy memory of having called Kurt begging for her number. But he never mentioned it and neither had Kurt, so Jesse had almost managed to convince himself that it had never happened (in spite of the telephone bill which said otherwise.)

Even after Rachel's marriage ended Jesse had stayed on in London. For one, he had a contract to honor and for another he knew Rachel still needed the space. But now his contract in London was finished. His agent had sent him scripts for several television pilots and a movie in LA, as well as keeping him informed of upcoming roles in Broadway productions, but Jesse had yet to commit to any of them. After appearing in major productions for the past three years he wanted something riskier to tackle, and to be closer to Rachel. So when he'd received a message in January from an old friend about a new musical he was launching, Jesse had been intrigued.

Chris had been a fellow actor in the first New York play Jesse had landed a role in. Though Chris enjoyed acting, his real love lay in writing musicals and Jesse had encouraged him to pursue that passion. The advice had apparently paid off. In his spare time Chris had written a musical and had just obtained the financial backing to launch it Off-Broadway. It was now March and Chris had cast all but the lead male role. He'd found no one quite right for it. The fact was, he had admitted to Jesse during one of their recent telephone conversations, he had written the part with Jesse in mind. He knew he couldn't afford to pay Jesse his normal salary, and he didn't want to presume on their friendship, but would Jesse at least look at it?

The script and music score had arrived at Jesse's flat by courier two days later. Before he was even part way through it, Jesse knew he was hooked. It was brilliant and perfect; exactly what he was looking for. He felt it had all the potential to become a success like Spring Awakening and move into a bigger venue, providing the cast did their part and the musical got good reviews from the critics and good word of mouth. With his name attached to the production it would definitely get extra publicity and hopefully a long run like it deserved to. He and Chris had worked out a tentative agreement and now Jesse was on his way home to meet with Chris and the show's backers to finalize details at a luncheon the next day. With that thought in mind Jesse pulled the script out of his leather briefcase and spent his time reviewing his notes for the remainder of the flight.


"Chris!" Jesse had entered the room quietly and his arrival caught his friend completely by surprise.

"Jesse! I didn't expect to see you until the luncheon today, but I should have known you'd track me down first." The two bear hugged briefly then stood back to evaluate each other.

"It's been awhile, you look good. Managed to stay away from the London ale, did you?"

"Yeah, the wardrobe mistress was evil; I didn't dare put on even a pound." Jesse grinned, then in a more serious vein added, "I know I told you this before on the phone, but the play is terrific, Chris. I knew you had it in you."

"Thanks, man. I've always appreciated your belief in my abilities and your encouragement. So, does that mean you'll do the part for free?"


Chris looked up at Jesse in surprise, "I was joking."

"I wasn't. Seriously, Chris I'd be honored to originate the role of Daniel. I'll take a low end salary on this one"

Chris just shook his head in disbelief. "Don't let the backers hear you say that. We can't pay your regular going rate, but you don't need to undersell yourself."

"Fair enough. So," Jesse decided it was time to broach the casting subject, "the other roles have all been cast.?" Though he didn't want to interfere, he couldn't help hoping that there might still be a part for Rachel to try out for.

"Yes, we started rehearsals last week. Mostly just going over the script, blocking scenes and preliminary rehearsing of some of the musical numbers that you aren't in. As I said on the phone, except for yourself, the cast are all virtual unknowns. I wanted to go with fresh talent; to cast people that I felt were right for the roles. It's caused some disagreements with the backers, and now that you're on board I fully expect that they'll want to recast your leading lady with someone with more experience. But they'll have to do that over my dead body!"

Jesse laughed. "You think she's that good?"

"I know she's that good. She's perfect for the part; just wait until you hear her sing. But, it's not just her voice, which in itself is amazing, it's also the emotional depth she brings to the role."

"I trust your choices, Chris. After all it's your baby and you 'd know best what the roles require."

"Great! Well then, let's get to this luncheon meeting and get the papers signed. Then we can get to the really important matters-like the play. Your first rehearsal with us is Monday at 8:30 am sharp."


Rachel was having a mini anxiety attack. She'd enjoyed the first week of rehearsals, but not knowing who would be cast as her leading man was nerve-racking. Rumor had it that a choice had finally been made and that the new addition would be joining them today (if all the details had been finalized satisfactorily.)

It would have been much easier if he'd been cast at the same time as the rest of them, Rachel mused. In just one week a bond had already started forming amongst the young actors; adding someone new would change the dynamics. Besides, her career could be made or broken in this play depending on whomever they cast and what kind of chemistry the two of them had. What if they decided she was too inexperienced? Or what if she and the new actor took an immediate dislike to one another?

Taking a deep breath Rachel tried to control her anxiety as she finished getting dressed. She wished she had Kurt and Blaine to discuss this with but the two had decided to go on an eight week madcap holiday which Kurt had dubbed 'The Klaine Grand Tour of Europe'. She'd texted them with the good news about getting a callback but, afraid the role was too good to be true, afraid of jinxing things, she hadn't told them yet that she'd landed the part. If only she could talk to Jesse. His Broadway experience and belief in her abilities would have been reassuring. For several months now she'd been toying with the idea of trying to contact him through his agent, but she knew Jesse was currently performing in London and so she had felt her chances were better if she waited until he'd returned to New York. Now she was regretting that decision to wait. Well, then, she decided, she'd do the next best thing. Rachel grabbed her iPod, and selecting the playlist of Jesse's songs which she'd transferred into her player, she headed off to rehearsal with his voice singing encouragement in her ears.

Rachel marched briskly down the corridor of the the old theater that had been rented for their rehearsals. She wasn't about to be late if this was the day she was to meet her leading man; in fact she had aimed to be extra early. At the very least she felt it might give her a slight advantage. As she made her way towards the dimly lit stage she realized that she could hear two male voices talking. That was unusual. She and Chris were the only two that ever came early; in fact everyone joked that the two of them must camp out at the theater since they were always the first ones there and the last to leave.

She nibbled indecisively on her lower lip for a moment then squared her shoulders and put on her bright showface. She was half-way across the stage to where Chris was sitting at the piano when it registered just who was standing next to him. Rachel came to an immediate and complete standstill.

"Jesse?" she asked in disbelief.

"Rachel?" Jesse's voice held equal astonishment.

"What are you doing here?" They both asked simultaneously.

Chris looked back and forth between them in surprise. "You two know each other? But how?"

"Ohio" Rachel said

"Show choir" Jesse added almost at the same time. He approached her slowly, finally stopping just less than an arm's length away. "You're my leading lady?"

Rachel swallowed hard and nodded.

Jesse threw back his head and laughed before pulling her into a tight hug.

"Did I ever tell you, Chris, that you have incredibly good instincts for casting roles?" Jesse kept one arm draped across Rachel's shoulder as he turned towards his friend.

Chris gazed perceptively at Jesse for a moment. He had never seen Jesse look this happy and carefree. "I take it that you approve of my choice then," he added dryly.

"Absolutely." Jesse then glanced back down at Rachel. She seemed to still be in a state of bemusement, and for a moment he wondered if she didn't share in his enthusiasm at this twist of fate. But then she whispered softly in wonderment "If this is a dream, Jesse, I don't ever want to wake up."

Jesse smiled tenderly at her before replying reassuringly, "it's not a dream, Rachel. It's an inevitability."


The musical went on to become a smash hit. Those that had seen it with the original cast still reminisce how it was that all too rare a combination of superb music, great storytelling and perfect casting. It was no surprise to anyone when it soon moved to Broadway and later went on to sweep the Tony Awards; garnering Rachel her first Tony and Jesse his second. Even the album won a Grammy for Best Musical Theater Album.

For Rachel, it was first of all, a personal validation that she was doing what she was meant to do and had made the right choice in following her dreams. But of equal importance for both her and Jesse, the musical also marked the beginning of their epic romance. One, that she was happy to say, was still thriving some twenty-two years and two wonderful (and exceptionally talented) children later.

Rachel laid down her pen, and putting her daily journal aside, gazed fondly at the man asleep next to her. As usual that wayward curl spilled onto his forehead, only now it was streaked with silver. His forehead too had a few more lines, but he was still undeniably her Jesse. As if he sensed her thoughts about him, his eyelids opened languidly and he quirked one eyebrow up.

"Solved all the world's problems, have you?" he asked indulgently, a smile twitched at the corner of his lips. Rachel was always coming up with ideas of one kind or another, it kept his life interesting to say the least.

Rachel replied smugly, "actually, I was just deciding what I should call my memoirs."

"And, have you reached a conclusion?"

"Well since you stole 'Having It All' as the name for yours"

"Excuse me, my love," Jesse interrupted, "but as I recall it, I won that name from you fair and square." There was a self satisfied smirk lurking within the lazy amusement of his voice.

Rachel attempted to glare at Jesse but memories of exactly how he had won and the pleasurable aspects of losing that wager stilled her tongue. Instead Rachel quickly turned off the bedside lamp and melded herself against him. She smiled contentedly as his arm instinctively wrapped around her in a way that was loving and protective, but never restrictive.

"Yes, maybe my memory is a bit faulty on that. Perhaps you should refresh it for me," she suggested, but Jesse's lips were already doing delightful things to her earlobe and there was no need for further encouragement from her.

It was sometime later, as they lay relaxed and sated, that Jesse remembered to ask. "So, your memoirs, what did you decide on for a title?"

Rachel, smiled contentedly and murmured as she drifted off to sleep in his arms, "I believe I will call it 'Defying Gravity."

The End