Author's Note:
So I received a prompt on my tumblr (sbyrdistheword dot tumblr dot com) which read: "the holmes, John and Lestarde Take a holiday in France. Can be slashy (VERY slashy) or not :)"
Then I was inspired by a John x Lestrade fic I read and (surprisingly) REALLY enjoyed (link: fanfiction dot net/s/7710760/1/Wet) to turn this prompt into an OT3 of sorts.
So, as the fic progresses, it could grow to be rather long if enough people jump on my John x Lestrade x Sherlock bandwagon, or it could just be a few short chapters.
Review and let me know what you think, please!
. . .
"Bienvenue à Paris. Il est quatre heures et quart..." an announcement welcomed the travelers.
"Dull," Sherlock let out a long sigh.
"Sherlock, that's the first thing you say when we just got 'ere? This 'ere flat mate spent a good bit o' money on this trip for you," Lestrade clapped Sherlock's back, cheekily grinning as he passed up the taller man to find the baggage claim.
"Wrong way, idiot," Sherlock boomed after the speedy man.
"Right," Lestrade turned around and began walking to his right. Realizing his pun, he stopped walking and snapped toward Sherlock, attempting to elicit a response.
In turn, Sherlock decided that now would be as good as ever to help John with the luggage. "What can I carry for you, John?" he whirled around.
The shorter man had a look between frustration and absolute contempt (verging on the latter by then) as he struggled to pull two suitcases whilst precariously balancing a large duffel bag on his shoulder.
He sighed, took a deep breath, and slowly slipped the duffel bag from his to Sherlock's arm. "Take your stupid bag. I don't want to be the one responsible for a broken skull." The man huffed and began walking to get a head start toward the baggage claim. "I don't see why we had to take the bloody thing anyway," he mumbled.
Sherlock shoved the skull in John's face, "You take your friends with you-"
"Jesus Christ, Sherlock!" John interjected, putting up an arm to defend his face.
"-when you travel and so do I," Sherlock defensively finished. "I all ways have," he added curtly.
At this, John turned around. "You mean to tell me you've all ways taken a human skull with you on your travels?"
"That is what I said," Sherlock furrowed his brows, wondering why John was even slower than normal today.
"How is that-"
"Mycroft," Sherlock tutted John for his blatant ignorance of knowledge, walking ahead, causing his coat to billow behind him. He held his skull out at an arm's length. "Come along then, Victor, we don't need him anyway."
John rolled his eyes and grabbed the two rolling suit cases, starting off yet again after his swaying (twirling, really, he decided) flat mate. And, despite seeing the ridiculous man's childish behavior, John couldn't help but feel a smile spread across his face.