"Is he going to be okay?" A soft female's voice asked. Harry Potter woke up when he heard the voice. He kept his eyes shut and didn't move so they would think that he was still sleeping. The voice sounded so familiar. It was calming to him, almost made him want to go back to sleep.

"Well, he will heal within a couple days if he isn't already healed by now. However, there are some certain, uh, side effects from the attack that will be long lasting." A raspier, older woman's voice replied. That voice, Harry thought, was also familiar but not soothing at all. Nothing like the first one.

"What do you mean there will be side effects?" the soothing voice questioned. Now that he thought about it, it sure did sound like Hermione. The question is though, how could it possibly be Hermione? Wasn't she out on vacation with her family? Just who were they talking about anyhow?

"Mr. Potter seems to have contracted the virus of Lycanthropy from a bite on his shoulder." Harry shot up, shocked at what he just heard. He glanced around at the blinding white of where he was and groaned, covering his eyes and falling back onto the bed.

"Harry!" Hermione must have heard his groan and pulled back the white curtain that was separating him and her. She launched herself at him and grabbed him into a tight hug. "I was so worried about you. How are you? Does anything hurt? Do you need anything?"

"Slow down Mia," Harry laughed as he squinted before fully opening his eyes. "I am fine, nothing hurts and the only thing I need is to find out where I am at and how I got here."

"I can answer that for you Mr. Potter." Harry realized that the older woman's voice belonged to Madame Pompfrey and that was why it sounded familiar to him. It also answered one of his other questions. "You were apparently going for a run outside of your house when a pack of rogue wolves led by Fenrir Greyback ambushed you. You were able to keep them from killing you until the order got there for back up."

"Did you guys catch Fenrir?" Harry asked, angered at him. The summer following the graduation of the golden trio, Harry with the help of his two best friends defeated Voldemort and captured the majority of the Death-eaters that weren't killed. There are only a few followers that haven't been captured yet, Fenrir and some of his pack mates where a few of the wanted death-eaters. They were too allusive for Auror's and Order members.

"I am afraid I can't answer that for I don't know. All I know is that a few escaped but a lot of them were apprehended. I am not positive if Fenrir was of the ones who were captured or one of the ones who escaped. You will have to wait for Tonks or McGonagall to arrive to find out." Madame Pompfrey checked on him, deeming him good after making him drink a pepper up potion. She walked off, leaving the two to themselves.

"I thought you were out of town with your parents?" Harry questioned as he scooted up towards the head of the bed, enabling him to lean back.

"I just got back with my parents when McGonagall flooed me and told me what happened to you." Hermione grabbed his hand with hers and looked at him. "I was really worried, you know. You were pretty beat up and they didn't know if you were going to survive."

"Well, I am better now! I am sorry for worrying you." Harry said, tugging her into a hug. "I will make sure to keep up my guard until every single death-eater or conspirator for the dark side is apprehended. Okay?"

"You better," Hermione said, her head in the crook of his neck. "If not, I will hurt you personally."

Harry laughed and released his best friend from the hug, but he did not let go of her hand. "So, I am a werewolf now?"

"It appears so." Hermione said, giving him a half smile. "But hey, I have an idea so you aren't alone on those full moons."

"What's that?" Harry questioned.

"Well, it just so happens that I am an animagus so when you transform, I will be there for you. Its kind of like what the marauders did for Moony. The only difference is that we won't be causing mischief, hopefully at least." Hermione explained, smiling as his eyes lit up at the thought of doing something that his father and godfather did.

"Excellent idea Mia," Harry stated. He smiled at her but frowned in thought. "Since when were you an animagus and how come you didn't tell me?"

"Er, well," Hermione shifted nervously in her chair. "I've been an animagus for awhile now. Since fifth year I believe. I didn't tell you because I promised the person who helped me."

"Who helped you? Why did they not want me to know and what form do you take? Is it an otter like your patronus?" Harry fired off questions rapidly. He was curious about who taught her. She never kept anything from him.

"Well, Moony and McGonagall helped me in fact. The reason behind me not telling you is beyond me. They just didn't want me to share. My animagus form is actually not an otter but a wolf." Hermione explained as she smiled at him. "I am sorry for not telling you but I did promise them."

"No worries there. It wasn't my business." Harry said reassuringly. "Trust me when I say that I completely understand about not broadcasting what you can do magically."

"Okay good because I was worried that you would be-" Hermione was cut off by the hospital wing's doors fly open and slam against the wall. They both jumped at the sudden intrusion and looked at what or who caused such ruckus.

"Mr. Weasley! I would appreciate you not slamming open my doors!" Madame Pompfrey bustled out of her office, peeved at the young red head.

"Sorry." Ron mumbled, his ears red from embarrassment. He walked over to where his two best friends were. "Hey Harry, how are ya fairing?"

"Been better but I am good." Harry smiled at him to reassure his friend.

"I thought you were on vacation with your family?" Ron asked, as he sat down next to Hermione.

"Just got back when McGonagall flooed me." Hermione stated.

"Right then." Ron turned to Harry, raising an eyebrow at him holding Hermione's hand. He only shook his head in amusement when his dark-haired friend flushed slightly. "So when can you leave this place?"

"I don't know honestly." Harry said, looking off in thought. "Soon I hope. This place is too bright and sterile looking."

"I'll go ask Pompfrey." Ron stood up and rushed off.

"That was rather odd." Hermione said, looking off where Ron disappeared off too.

"It was Ron. What do you expect?" Harry laughed as he shifted in the bed. He grimaced a little at the slight twinge he got while stretching his left shoulder.

"Are you okay? Do you hurt?" Hermione stood up and stepped closer, ready to help him if he needed it.

"I am not hurting at all." Harry was honest with her. "I just have a deep ache in my shoulder blade."

"Here, let me see." Hermione nudged him so he was leaning forward. She raised his shirt, up until she could clearly see his shoulder. He gasped a little when her cool hands gently went over where he was aching. "It's a little bruised. That's probably why you are aching."

"Makes sense." Harry sighed when she rubbed it a little.

"Does that feel good?" Hermione asked as she did it again.


Hermione pulled out her wand and mumbled a charm that immediately made the twinge go away. She pulled his shirt down and stepped back.

"Thanks Mia." Harry smiled at her.

"Harry, guess what?" Ron ran up to them, holding a bag in his right hand.


"You can leave now if you would like. She said that normally she would be keeping you longer but since she knows that you are in good hands that she will let you go home!" Ron shouted as he sat the bag on the bed. He grasped Hermione by the wrist and gently led her out of the curtained off area. "Get dressed!" He closed the blinds, leaving Harry alone.

Harry laughed as he stood from the bed. He stretched, sighing a little as it felt really good. He grabbed the bag and got dressed quickly, knowing that his two best friends were just as eager as him to get out of that place. It held bad memories for all of them.

"Well, shall we go to my house?" Harry questioned as he appeared to stop an argument between the two.

"Sure thing." They all went to Madame Pompfrey's office, Harry thanked her for taking care of him and they flooed to his house. After the destruction of Voldemort, Harry decided to rebuild Godric's hollow in honor of his parents. The house was different than the one his parents lived in, but it was on the same lot. He gave Grimmauld Place to Remus and Tonks, so they can fix it up and raise Teddy.

"I am hungry." Harry stated as he went into his kitchen. Both Hermione and Ron followed him in and watched as he rummaged through the cupboards. "I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks." He didn't find anything that caught his attention in the cupboards and moved onto the ice box.

"So how are you feeling mate?" Ron asked as he sat at the kitchen table.

"Aside from being famished, I am doing pretty good in fact." Harry closed the ice box door with his hip as he was holding some kind of pie in his one hand and a jug of pumpkin juice in the other. He sat it on the table and went back for cups, plates and forks.

"How is your shoulder?" Hermione asked as she poured him, Ron and herself some pumpkin juice.

"Incredible thanks to you." Harry smiled as he dished out servings of pie to each of them and then sat down to eat it.

"What did she do?" Ron asked while taking a bite. He still had his incorrigible table manners but he was slowly getting better. Which, everyone is thankful for.

"She rubbed where my bite is and healed what Madame Pompfrey couldn't." Harry said after he swallowed his bite of pie. He then washed it down with some pumpkin juice.

"Bite?" Ron questioned.

"You don't know what happened?" Hermione questioned.

"Not all the details." Ron said confused and a little worried now. He dropped his fork and looked at the two of them, urging them to tell him. "All they told me was Harry here, got attacked and that he was in the hospital wing at Hogwart's."

"Oh." Harry sighed as he looked at Hermione, who looked back and gave him a half smile of reassurance.

"Well, I was out and got attacked by a pack of rogue wolves led by Fenrir. They managed to get me good. One of them got a lucky shot and managed to bite me on my shoulder." Harry explained, while he pushed the remnants of pie around his plate. "Unfortunately for me, that means that I contracted Lycanthropy from it. But no worries, as we have a resident werewolf to help me out and Hermione here, she will help me out as well."

"I am sorry mate; I didn't know all the details. Sorry for seeming like an insensitive git." Ron looked at his best friend, worry obviously clouding his blue eyes. "I'll help you out as well. Whatever Hermione here is going to do, I will be right by your side."

"Sounds good mate!" Harry smiled, relief showing. He was worried Ron would cringe away at the thought of being friends with a werewolf. It was a stupid idea really, as he had no problems with Moony.

"So, Ron," Hermione nonchalantly looked at her friend in the eye while grinning. "What do you know about becoming an animagus?"

A/N: Hey guys, just something that I have been writing for a bit. Figured I might as well post it. Let me know what you think. If you see any mistakes, just let me know!