A/N: So it turns out that I just can't stay away from writing, but that's okay. I'm glad I have something to occupy my time with that I enjoy doing. I came up with this after reading way too many Puck and Rachel (Glee) fics. I know this idea has been used before, but I want to put my own spin on it. This story is completely normal by the way.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gallagher Girls. Ally Carter does.

Life Goes On

10 years ago

Cammie Morgan was sitting outside under her favorite shade tree. It was the middle of June and Samson Academy was having their graduation ceremony tomorrow. Cammie was a senior and would be participating along with her three best friends, Elizabeth Sutton, Rebecca Baxter, and Macey McHenry. Cammie and her friends would also be graduating with the four girls' boyfriends, Zach Goode, Jonas Anderson, Grant Newman, and Travis Jones.

Cammie Morgan was a gorgeous girl with long sandy blonde hair, striking sapphire eyes, and a petite figure. She was the prettiest girl at Samson and she knew it, but she was not one to let that change her personality. She was also the nicest and friendliest girl at Samson. All the guys wanted to date her and every girl wanted to be her friend. Cammie tried to be a sweet person to everyone and always made a point to say hello to people in the hallways.

As for the guy situation, well her heart only belonged to one boy. A boy with mischievous emerald eyes, dark chocolate hair, and a muscular frame. She had always belonged to him ever since she was five years old and she met him at the park. She hadn't been able to swing because her legs were too short and she couldn't reach the mulch. Five year old Cammie had been so frustrated she was about to cry when all of a sudden her swing had started to move. She had turned her head back to see this cute little boy a few inches taller than her pushing her swing and smiling at her. She had beamed back and from that day the two children had been best friends, and in Cammie and Zach's freshman year they had finally faced their feelings and had become a couple. The two had been going strong since then and had big plans for the future.


Cammie heard someone call her name and looked up to see the exact person she had been thinking about. Zachary Goode sat down next to her and she instinctively scooted closer to him. She leaned in to kiss him, but he wasn't responding as enthusiastically as he normally did. She just let it go thinking it was no big deal. Boy was she wrong.

"Hey! What are you doing out here? I thought you had to help set up the chairs for graduation tomorrow."

"I did," Zach replied," I just needed to talk to you."

"Oh, okay then. Shoot."

"So, you know we're graduating tomorrow…"He trailed off.

"Yeah…" She said hesitantly not knowing what was going on.

"Well you know how I've always wanted to live in California right?" He waited for her nod and when he saw it he continued. "And you know that we were going to go live in New York instead because NYU has better courses for the major I was going for and you wanted to attend Columbia."

Cammie wasn't exactly sure where the conversation was headed but she had a feeling she wasn't going to like it.

"Zach. Get to the point." She spoke gently.

"We need to break up." He spoke bluntly. Zach heard Cammie take in a sharp intake of breath.

"What?" She spoke quietly, hardly believing what she was hearing.

"Cammie, I got a really great offer in California and I am going to take it. I hate to say it, but I can't deal with a long distance relationship right now. I love you and I've never ever wanted to hurt you but we're through. " He looked over to see Cammie had tears streaming down her face and she was pale with shock.

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you! How could you do this to me? I've loved you most of my life. I've stood by you through everything. Why are you doing this? You know what, just go! Get away from me! I don't ever want to speak to you again. Understand? Ever again!"

Cammie started to shove him away when he moved closer to comfort her. He resisted at first, but she just pushed harder. Zach finally relented and stood up.

He turned back one last time to see the love of his life with her knees drawn up to her chest, tears streaming down her face, and heart wrenching sobs coming from deep inside of her.

"I'll always love you." He whispered then turned and walked away from the one person who ever really gave a crap about him.

10 years later: Zach's POV

My taxi pulled up in front of my hotel. I was twenty seven years old, had a great job working in a publishing office, and was doing really well for myself. I was physically living the life. I was one of the most eligible bachelors in L.A. I had a different girl on my arm at every event and a different one sleeping next to me every night.

Emotionally, however, I was not. I couldn't move on from the one girl who had stolen my heart 21 years ago. I had broken my own heart and hers and I couldn't forgive myself and get over her. So six months ago I asked for a transfer to our New York office, stopped sleeping with different women every night, and started to pack up my apartment. My transfer went through and six months later here in New York with my purpose of being here and only that running through my head: Get Cammie Morgan Back.

A/N: What did you think? Please tell me in a review and tell me if you think this is worth continuing. I'd really appreciate it!

Love to all,

Pieces Of My Heart