Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, the characters or the music mentioned in this story.

Alright, alright! Today is such a glorious day for Samcedians (tell me more about those summer nights, y'all!) and I wanted to celebrate by posting a new multi-chapter fic. That's right, this is my first continuous Samcedes story and it was a request that I couldn't deny! So thanks so much for the suggestion, Lin.

Once again, Sam retains his ain't shit world title and it gets worse from here. Just you wait... Anyhoo, enjoy it and feedback literally gives me life!

(A/N 1-18-2012): ARE YOU SERIOUS! OMG at the response to this story! I seriously can't! All these feelings I have...I can't do anything with them at all. THANK YOU SO MUCH! *Santana creys*

Sam had been watching her for what seemed like forever, waiting for the right moment to make his move.

Although he had never seen her before tonight, she already had a hold on him and he wondered why.

Was it the way her hips moved to the beat as if the music had been composed specifically for her body? Was it the way her infectious laughter lured every man within reach to try and stake his claim on her only to be rejected by its mocking tone? Or was it simply that she was enjoying herself without fear or pretense, unlike the others who needed alcohol to attain what she had naturally?

He was apprehensive when his frat decided to throw a party to signal the end of the semester because it always ended the same way; random hooking up, someone puking in a trashcan, if they made it that far; an obligatory visit from the 2.5 and him being put on designated driver duty. But Puck had insisted that tonight would be different and as much as he hated to admit, it looked like he was right.

She was oblivious to his predicament, grinding to Busta Rhymes' Touch It Remix with a slender Latina. They were dancing back to back, popping their shoulders and hips in time with the chorus; it was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.

Sam continued staring, almost transfixed by the way her body jerked. Her ample breasts bounced and jiggled, trying their best to escape the confinement of the black lacy bra that kept them in check. He'd give anything to set them free.

You like to see me when I dip, baby, dip, don't it look like I got Beyoncé hips

He almost lost it when she actually dipped, dropped her ass then popped it up and down while gradually standing back up. He was not ready for that move, at all, jeans growing tighter as he imagined her moving just like that as she rode him to completion.

He wanted to do more than just touch it.

Sam wasn't the only one who noticed what she was working with as she and her friend were surrounded by a group of lascivious lotharios who didn't have a chance in hell. One by one they all tried to insert themselves between the two women and they were immediately shot down by the Latina who kept mentioning something called Lima Heights Adjacent. Whatever she said had them skulking away with bruised egos and butthurt expressions on their faces and once again, the dancing resumed.

He finally decided that when the song was over, he'd ask her to dance. He just hoped he'd be able to get past her cockblocking friend so he'd have the chance.

This was her song. Whenever it played, every part of her body turned into a well-oiled machine of rhythm, determined to make the beat submit to its will.

The only thing that was ruining it were the guys who kept interrupting her flow. Santana always had a snappy comeback to send them on their way but at this rate, she'd run out before the party got into full swing.

She needed to really let loose, especially since Finals had ended the day before.

Earlier in the week, Santana had gotten invited to several parties and insisted that this was the one they needed to be at. Other than the excellent selection of music, she was starting to wonder what was so special about it.

All the guys were predictably jerks and the only thing everybody seemed to want to do was drink or hookup. She was trying to get her dance on and blow off some steam before the fuckery that was the next semester reared its ugly head but she couldn't even do that without guys trying to make her moment on the floor about them, the entitled assholes.

Mercedes shrugged the negativity away as the chorus started.

Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it, turn it, leave it, stop - format it

She turned her back to Santana and together, they arched their backs while propelling their hips back and forth in alternating movements. Mercedes held her wrists out while gyrating her hips, feeling all the stress from the past two weeks leave her.

When Missy Elliot's verse started, she turned to face Santana again grinning as she and Santana took turns dropping up and down like a seesaw. She knew all eyes were on them because no one else was really dancing hard like they were and she couldn't care less. Tonight was all about letting go and she was doing a hell of a job.

They continued dancing together without interruption and when the song was over, Santana left to get them something to drink.

Aaliyah's Rock the Boat started playing and she was headed for the nearest chair when a hard body blocked her path.

"Wanna dance?"

Mercedes backed up to get a better look at the man who dared to ask her to dance. He was tall, slim and when she looked hard enough, she could see the abs his shirt was hiding. When she looked up, she was shocked by his cherry red lips, intense green eyes and sandy blond hair. The color of his eyes reminded her of the South Pacific and she wondered if they changed depending on his mood.

Wait, why did she even care?

Better yet, why did this guy who looked like he came fresh off the set of The CW's Pretty White People with Problems think he even had a chance of keeping up with her?

Besides, he was fair and blond when tall, dark and handsome was her modus operandi, all day, everyday.

She could admit that he was cute, okay, more like fine. No, gorgeous. This guy was so gorgeous and he wanted to dance with her.

Mercedes eyed him suspiciously, stating matter-of-factly, "You couldn't handle it."

Sam grinned at her assertion, replying confidently, "Are you sure about that?"

She cocked her head as she sized him up and he added, "I can keep up."

She smiled then nodded because she liked his confidence.

Facing each other, they started moving together to the beat slowly, trying to find a groove that suited them. She held onto his shoulders while he held onto her hips and they took turns moving their hips back and forth to the beat. Their dancing got progressively nasty and her hands moved to the back of his neck while his cupped her ass firmly.

To her surprise, he wasn't kidding about keeping up. He had some serious swag and she was glad that she had said yes. He wasn't the least bit intimidated by her dancing or her curves. He knew just where to place his hands without being too forward and his moves were on point.

She decided to, as Aaliyah sang change positions, turning around so she could grind her ass against his crotch. She jerked her hips imitating a belly dancer and he held onto them while rubbing his groin against her ass. Falling back against his chest, she ground faster and they developed an effortless rhythm. He held her closer, resting his cheek against her neck and she shivered because his scruff tickled her. She closed her eyes as they continued to rock to the beat, neither needing to prove anything more to the other.

When the song ended, momentary awkwardness overtook them yet she remained enveloped in his arms. Their intimacy seemed natural as if they had been dating for years instead of only meeting minutes before.

He whispered, "I told you."

She looked over her shoulder at him and replied, "I was going easy."

He smirked and she side-eyed him, making him laugh. She was determined to wipe that smirk off his face so she grabbed his hand and led him off the makeshift dance floor.

She glanced around for Santana and saw that she was making out with a pale brunette she didn't recognize. From the way they were kissing, she knew Santana would be just fine without her.

She found an empty spot near the stairs then playfully shoved him into it before seizing his lips in a fiery lip lock.

At first he was shocked, quickly catching up to her by holding both sides of her face. His heart was racing because her lips were so soft, juicy and delectable. Nothing could have prepared him for her taste, a mixture of honey, plums and something else he couldn't quite put his finger on. Tilting his head, he pressed harder against her lips, licking the seam to encourage her to let him explore her mouth. He smiled when they parted, snaking his tongue inside as he sought out her tongue with his. He flicked the tip against hers and she moaned, combing her fingers through his hair.

Sam flipped her against the wall, his hands roaming from her hair to her face to her breasts then hips and finally her ass. She ground against his crotch, kissing him back just as eagerlly, feeding off a mutual hunger that neither understood by gladly welcomed. She could feel the moisture of her panties soaking through her skirt and his erection tented the front of his jeans, eagerly anticipating some much needed attention.

He pulled away suddenly, taking her hand in his as he tried to lead her up the stairs to his bedroom. At the last second she changed their course, opting instead for the unoccupied half-bath under the stairs.

They walked in and after flipping on the light, he locked the door behind them. The tiny room was sparse, containing only a vanity and a toilet but it was big enough for what they needed to do.

Without a word, Mercedes kicked off her shoes while he lifted up her skirt, bunching it around her waist. She tossed her shirt on the floor then leaned against the vanity as he stared at her flawless form.

The tops of her areolae were exposed by the black demi-cup lace and satin bra she wore. Her nipples were already budded and his mouth watered in response to the temptation they offered. His eyes were drawn to her lower torso where soft curves awaited. He couldn't wait to feel her silky smooth skin sliding against his hard body, growing harder as he imagined how deliciously different the two textures would feel.

A matching set of panties hung low on her hips and he sucked in a breath when he noticed the wet spot in the front. He could already smell faint hints of her desire and he wanted to fully immerse himself in everything she and her body had to offer.

Sam kissed her again, this time more slowly, letting the passion simmer. He grabbed the sides of her panties, twirling the fabric around his index fingers while pulling her hips closer, flush with his erection. She tugged the bottom of his shirt up and they parted briefly so he could discard it.

She then wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands traveling up the back of his neck and grasping two handfuls of his locks as their lips met once again. This kiss was more desperate and he could tell she was close to breaking by the way she was pressing her crotch against his torso. He could relate, mere seconds away from embarrassing himself by busting in his brand new pair of boxers.

He backed out of her embrace and she was confused for a second until he started pulling her panties down her hips. She lifted her hips eagerly, watching as he rolled them down her legs and eventually threw them over his shoulder without a second thought.

"Want to make a little bet?"

Her chest heaved excitedly as she asked, "Depends. What are we betting on?"

"That I can make you come with my tongue and my dick."

Mercedes raised her eyebrows, appearing somewhat calm while in reality her heart was racing a mile a minute and her pussy gushed as she imagined his head bobbing between her thighs. His lips and tongue were ridiculously big and wide. Judging from their brief time on her face, she knew they would work wonders all over her pussy.

Beads of sweat gathered along her brow and upper lip but she shook off her nervousness, releasing her inner vixen with a vengeance.

"What will I get out of it?"

"At least two orgasms."

She rolled her eyes and asked, "What will you get out of it?"

"The satisfaction of getting you to come in my mouth and on my dick."

She eyed him while tilting her head, "You know you're pretty cocky."

He looked down at the gigantic bulge in the front of his jeans.

"You have no idea."

He crouched down on his knees and she braced herself against the vanity, pressing her hands down on the counter as he dipped his head between her parted legs. She debated on whether or not she should even look but curiosity got the best of her and she glanced down just as he stuck his tongue out, tilting his head as he swept it along her cleft. Gasping at the sensation, she tried to pull away but his hands were firmly holding her hips in place.

"Where ya goin'?"

His question vibrated against her lower lips and she shivered, unsure if she could handle another lick let alone the thorough fuck his eyes were promising.

Slurping like she was the finest meal to ever grace his lips, he sucked and licked all the cream that was already there. She tried to temper her moans but it was no use, his tongue was too insistent, sliding in and out of her with precision. He rolled it repeatedly then settled on a steady stabbing motion, stretching it to its maximum length. Her hips jerked violently and she whimpered, feeding his already gigantic ego.

With a loud smack, he pulled his tongue out and before she could protest, he was sucking her clit into his mouth. She slapped her hand against the counter, screams only doing so much to relieve the tension he was causing. He massaged the hood with his lips, pressing down hard as he moved his lips over it, releasing it when he reached the end. He repeated this motion until he felt the tiny pebble grow bigger in his mouth, flicking his tongue underneath and darting the tip directly on her clit. Her hips lifted and to his delight, she began riding his face screaming gibberish as more of her cream began running down his chin and neck.

Deciding to drink directly from the source, he inched his mouth lower, holding her legs apart so he wouldn't miss a single drop.

Mercedes was dazed, sucking in breaths not ready to believe that he had made her come and so quickly. Usually, she had time to enjoy the buildup but her body raced straight to the finish line, anxious to prove him right. At this point, she didn't give a damn about the bet, as long as he filled her with cock and soon.

He stood and while she expected him to boast, he surprised her by reaching into his back pocket for his wallet. He pulled out a condom and tossed his wallet on the toilet lid. He then unbuttoned then unzipped his jeans. He hopped around so his jeans would fall and land around his ankles. He lowered his boxers enough to release his dick.

Her mouth fell open at its impressive length but what really scared her was the girth. She had never seen one that was so thick. He wrapped his hand around it and stroked it up and down, mimicking what her walls would soon be doing. She wasn't too confident he'd be able to fit all of that inside her but she was willing to give it a good try.

Sam ripped the wrapper with his teeth and rolled the condom over his dick. With a swipe of his hand, he wiped the counter free, bottles of soap, shampoo and lotion falling to the ground as helped her up on the counter top. Pressing her legs against her stomach, he settled in between her thighs. She inhaled sharply, temporary fear seizing her as she tried to back away from him and once again he held her in place.

He gazed into her eyes as he said, "Relax."

His left hand remained on her hip while he used his right to slowly guide himself inside her. As expected, it was a tight fit and he watched her face to make sure he wasn't hurting her. From her delighted expression, he knew she was more than ready for his power thrusts.

He pulled back and thrust forward, starting off with light pumping so they could both adjust to the pleasure. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she remained still as he picked up speed. The constant pumping was sending her into a frenzy and she sobbed, worried that he would last forever because he seemed to be getting harder.

Her walls was squeezing his dick deliciously and he was trying to hold off on coming but it was difficult because her pussy was so tight, hot and wet. He focused on a particular section of the wallpaper so he could fight off the need to come. It didn't help when she met him thrust for thrust, their skin slapping against each other. He looked back at her and she was biting her lip to keep her screams in. Her eyes were dilated and watery and he knew she wasn't going to last long either.

He reached underneath her knees, pulling her legs over his forearms and he fucked her hard, no longer holding back. She screamed and he was relieved that the thumping music disguised what they were doing.

She gazed into his eyes as convulsions rocked her shoulders, traveling to every joint until her entire body shook with her impending orgasm. Her walls pulsated around him and he grimaced as cum swirled violently in his balls. He continued thrusting at breakneck speed and she threw her head back gasping for air as she coated the condom with fresh cream. She still shook well after the initial wave, savoring the aftershocks racing through her body. He pumped once, twice and on the third thrust, he yelled as he filled the condom with spurts of cum. He continued pumping until his balls stopped contracting then he pulled out, snatching a wad of tissue from the toilet paper roll so he could clean himself off and dispose of the condom.

Meanwhile she hopped off the counter and threw her top back on. Hearing Santana call for her right outside of the room made her panic and she quickly smoothed down her skirt before slipping her shoes on. She couldn't find her panties and she didn't have time to worry about where they were because she had to get out of there and fast. Santana was her ride and she wanted to avoid hearing a long tirade en Español.

He noticed that she seemed to be in a rush to leave and he was trying to get her to slow down but he fumbled with his clothes.

She had her hand on the door knob and she offered him a smile before walking out, closing the door behind her.


He yelled after her and he cursed as he finally was able to get his jeans back on, running out to catch up with her. He searched the hallway for her but didn't see any sign of her anywhere. He ran out of the house, looking in both directions and still wasn't able to locate her.

He sighed as he walked back into the house, running a hand through his hair, ignoring the catcalls from his frat brothers as he headed back into the bathroom to retrieve his shirt.

He had only spent an hour with her but it was the most amazing hour of his life and he didn't even know her name. He had to see her again, feel her lips against his and her warmth around him.

He sat down on the toilet, defeated, wondering how in the hell he'd find her in a crowd of thousands. He reviewed the events of the night, seeing if anything he overheard her and her friend say earlier in the night would help him to identify her but he drew a blank.

His eyes roamed around the room and he stopped when he saw them crumpled in the corner. He stood and picked them up, spinning them around his index finger before slipping them into his front pocket.

He didn't know much about women's underwear but he knew that this pair was expensive and there was no way a woman would leave it behind without retrieving it later.

When she did, he'd be waiting and they'd pick up right where they left off.

Welp. What did you think? Leave me your thoughts because I like to read where you guys think this is going. Oh and 2.5 is University Police! Burrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnn!