Title: Mini-Fics
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Two to ten sentences of various scenes with various characters. Responses to Tumblr prompts.
Characters: Korra, Mako, Bolin, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Toph, Lin, Pema, Tenzin, Amon, Kya, Bumi, Senna, Tonraq
Genres: General, Romance, Friendship, Humor, Family, Angst, Drama

Disclaimer: Aang, Korra, and their respective stories ain't mine, my fellow hotman.

001. Anonymous requested, "Mako and Bolin go to visit Korra at Air Temple Island and run into the 3 little kiddies before they can reach her"

"Well you're not that good-looking," Meelo informs Mako as Ikki and Jinora pester Bolin with questions about earthbending, the Fire Ferrets, what's it like living in the arena and can you please help us play pranks on our father?

"Lucky for the both of us," Mako responds dryly, "it's not you I'm out to impress."

002. beinghipsteristoomainstream requested, "flying"

"I — I don't think your air bison likes me very much," Korra shrieks when Oogi dips through the clouds and douses them in wet mist.

"You've just been spending too much time around your polar bear dog, so he's jealous," Jinora smartly informs her, "but don't worry – we'll train you in no time."

003. soooexotic requested, "parental Lin and Toph"

"Welcome to the club," Toph says, raising her drink to a fifteen-year-old Lin and knocking it back in celebration. "You won't get much in the history books since your mum was the first to master metalbending and all, but being the second ain't so bad."

004. Anonymous requested, "a mix of fangirls, Korra, and merchandise"

"Well you won't let me auction off replicas of your scarf, so this is the next best thing," Korra insists, pointing to the booth where Bolin is selling Fire Ferret shirts to the crowds of pro-bending fangirls. "Really, it's extra publicity and you've got girls wearing your face all over their chests, so why are you complaining?"

005. Anonymous requested, "Makorra, UST"

He doesn't mean to, he swears, but he glimpses her bare back while passing by the showers: a strong and steady dark expanse of skin, shining water droplets racing down her spine — and a towel around her neck covers the front but it doesn't stop his creative mind from leaping to the task of imagining the rest.

Mako drags his eyes away immediately and stalks as fast as he can back to the gym, thinking of Toza working out, of cold baths with arctic glacier settings, and ignoring the uncomfortable tent in his trousers as best he can.

006. jay-kateel requested, "Mulan x Korra crossover"

When Korra finally reaches the top, weights tied around her waist as she snatches at the arrow with her teeth, she shouts a muffled "I got it!" and gives herself a mental congratulatory pat on the back.

"Great job," Mako says dryly from below her, "but you still aren't as mysterious as the dark side of the moon."

007. jayitaintso requested, "superheroes"

"Never heard of him," Korra says, frowning at the comic books Bolin's shoved his nose into the moment they stepped into the bookstore.

"You've never heard of the Wang Fire superhero comics?" Mako asks. "I know you're new to the city and all, but that's just pathetic."

008. Anonymous requested, "Lin Bei Fong: mommy issues"

It's Bei Fong tradition to disappoint your parents.

"Sorry, Mother," Lin tells Toph when she takes up her badge, "but not all of us are willing to dedicate our lives to gambling and drunken taunts at passerby from their front porches. Some of us want to change this city for the better."

009. Anonymous requested, "Pema's parents reaction to her dating Tenzin"

"You're…" Her mother swallows. "You're in love with your Air Nomad mentor."

"I'm in love with a man," Pema says, head high, "who just has the good and bad luck to be the last airbender in the world."

"The last airbender with the duty to pass on his lineage." Her father sighs heavily and reaches for the liquor cabinet. "I hope you know what you're getting into, Pema."

010. Anonymous requested, "Naga meets Pabu. Mako, Bolin, and Korra have to deal with the aftermath."

"Naga — I said HEEL," Korra demands with a firmly stomped foot, and the polar bear dog stops in her tracks as the fire ferret scampers out of sight beneath the cabinets.

"You've got to put that thing on a leash," Mako mutters, looking around at the destruction of Tenzin's living room, and neither Bolin nor Korra can bring themselves to ask who he's talking to.

011. Anonymous requested, "fluffy Makorra"

Mako frowns when she starts laughing; he's still holding the Water Tribe necklace and immediately gets on the defensive. "What? Your mom said you'd like it and I guess it looks nice, I mean, I don't understand what's so funny about this — "

"My mother is playing matchmaker, Mako," Korra says, still chuckling, and then reaches forward to take the gift. "Shall I put it on before or after I explain what it means?"

012. Anonymous requested, "Amon wears a mask because Koh stole his face"

There's a figure beneath the mask, but not a man.

When he lets himself think back, he can barely recall thousands of distant voices laughing, a tightening of his skin, the pinch of the monster's claws —

And then waking up without sight, without smell or taste or identity, as his body slams back into the mortal realm, and he can't even call for help.

013. soooexotic requested, "Korra/Mako, Korra being adorkable about her crush"

She's never really been close to any good-looking, readily available guys her age, so honestly, this is expected, right?

"You're not protecting your center," Mako barks, stomping to her side to demonstrate the proper technique. Korra swallows when his muscled arm brushes hers and tells herself that it'll pass, that it's natural, that she'll get over it as soon as he stops being so damn handsome…

014. Anonymous requested, "Mako talking to Bolin about Korra"

"Come on, admit it, she's really pretty good!"

"I stand what I've said before," Mako grumbles, turning away to stuff his uniform away and swallow his pride so his brother couldn't see. "She's not bad, and you're still a lunatic."

015. ironinkpen requested, "nightmare"

Not every bender survives the process. The bodies are piling up on the stage, equalists are yelling for blood in the crowd, and the tips of Amon's fingers are dripping crimson — he's going to rip her bending right out of her and it's going to hurt four times worse than it was for the others — Mako and Bolin, spirits, they're lying behind her on the stage, wide-eyed and unseeing —

Amon extends a bloody hand, murmurs "You're next," and reaches forward —

Korra jerks awake, sweating and shaking. Her heart's pounding, Naga is whinnying softly, and the full moon outside should be comforting and familiar; but she cries anyway, quiet and shuddering and soft, and doesn't try going back to sleep.

016. Anonymous requested, "Mako and Korra; bonding time in the gym"

"Your waterbending needs work."

"Your firebending needs it more."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I've had steaks tougher than you."

"I think your arguments are juvenile."

"I think your scarf is ugly."

017. Anonymous requested, "Korra getting special treatment for being the Avatar; Mako and Bolin are unimpressed"

They've only been at Sato's party for an hour, but by the time the eleventh hoity-toity businessman introduces himself to Korra and asks her to dance, stating how honored he'd be to have the Avatar's time and how she must be dying for the company of some real gentlemen, Mako's starting to feel more than a little put out.

Bolin grimaces at his brother and gives a weak chuckle. "Kind of wears you down after a while, eh?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

018. nightwingly requested, "Mako meets Korra's parents"

To Mako, it doesn't matter how friendly or welcoming or nice Korra says her folks are; he's not good with parents, not since he lost his own, and he's too busy worrying if he may accidentally insult them in his inexperience with Water Tribe customs to realize that they've reached Korra's place and there they are, there they are —

"So you're Mako, then?" Tonraq says, eyeing him up and down before reaching out to clasp his hand in greeting. "Don't be such a stiff, boy, you can say hello."

"You're not in Republic, Mako," Senna says with amusement and reaches forward to pull him into a welcoming hug. "The only thing that stings down here is the cold."

019. notkorra requested, "Korra realizes that Mako is in a relationship with his own scarf"

Korra once asked Bolin what the deal was between his brother and that ratty thing, but he had only stuttered and changed the topic

It finally hits her when she notices that Mako's scarf is curiously missing from the pile of clothing he leaves lying on the floor as he takes showers in the locker rooms. She doesn't bring it up again.

020. magpieinthesky requested, "Paradise By the Dashboard Light"

Bolin grunts and grins when she presses him back into the leather seats, straddling his waist. "I hope your father doesn't sit back here too often. This could leave a mess."

"He has seven different cars," Asami says wryly with a smirk. "I don't think he'll mind."

021. Anonymous requested, "grocery shopping with the Fire Ferrets"

"Papaya stall coming up on your right, doge it! Ooh, go down that aisle, that aisle, I see fresh cabbages — !"

"No — NO CABBAGES, we don't need ANY MORE CABBAGES!"

022. Anonymous requested, "Cloudbaby shenanigans"

"Need some polishing oil?," Bumi laughs when Tenzin walks in for dinner. "Nothing attracts girls more than shiny bald scalps, you know, but yours is looking a little dirty."

"Don't listen to him, Tenzin," Kya says from over her book. "I think it looks just fine."

Tenzin rubs his head absently, mildly uncomfortable with the odd smoothness. "Really?"

"Yeah. It's so clean that now I don't need to bother getting up from the table if I need to check my makeup; I can just see my reflection on your head."

023. Anonymous requested, "Korra gets distracted by a shirtless Mako"

"Girls showers are over there," Bolin says, gesturing, but as they walk past the mens' rooms, Korra finds her attention captured by a sudden, broad flash of near-naked teenage boy: Mako's stepping into the shower, discarding his towel, and spirits above, she knew he was well-built but she never knew exactly how his form looked beneath the uniform, the roundness of his muscles and the smooth expanse of pale skin —


"C — " Korra swallows. "Coming…"

024. Anonymous requested, "Bolin and Korra take of a sick Mako"

"Your brother," Korra snarls, "is the worst patient ever."

"It's not his fault he hates lying still and the only remedy for the common cold is bed rest," Bolin says, grinning. They both look up at the sound of a muffled thump and loud curse from the next room. "All right, I just went in. It's your shift to keep him in bed for the next two hours."

025. bunny-wan-kenobi requested, "Mako and Bolin teach Korra how to drive"

"Well, you're better than Bolin when he first started," Mako says grimly when the car shudders to a stop in a skewed, but acceptable, parallel park on the side of the street.

"Don't take a piss on my driving skills," Bolin says from the back seat. "I can do a better parking job than this in my sleep."

"Whatever," Mako says. "All right, before you merge into the lane again, put on your turn signal."

"Where's that?"

"On the left-hand lever."

"…And where's that?"

026. Anonymous requested, "Korra, Mako, Bolin: one umbrella"

When they head out, Mako reaches the only umbrella first, and HAH, damn it, he isn't going to share this time, not after they'd left him soaking wet when it rained last week and he turns around to gloat with a smirk to see —

Korra's bending the rain above her and Bolin's heads, already headed off in direction of the pub, and before he can think to remark on the unfairness of the universe, his brother gives him the biggest shit-eating grin that it's all he can do not to set the umbrella on fire.

027. Anonymous requested, "Bolin giving Korra advice on how to approach her crush on Mako"

"And if those tricks don't work, then there's always blackmail," Bolin says, digging out a large envelope stuffed full of papers and what looks like old, hand-written love letters. "Did I ever tell you about that thing he had with the girl from Makapu Village?"

028. theonlyoneilune requested, "Tenzin and Pema announce Pema's first pregnancy before they are married. The lack of marriage and their age difference is commented on."

"I'm your father," he yells, and Pema resists the urge to roll her eyes. "How do you think I feel about this?"

"I was hoping," Pema says quietly in a tone that silences the room, "that you'd stand by the word you gave me when I graduated that you'd love me no matter what I do with my life. I realize now that I shouldn't have taken that to heart."

029. vanillaorange requested, "Meelorra"

She's twenty-nine and he's seventeen, and dammit, he may still be a kid in her eyes but he likes who he likes; so he gathers some panda lilies, wipes his face and cleans behind the ears, and prepares himself to confess over her birthday dinner —

Only to be shocked into silence when the firebender she's been dating off-and-on since they first met stands up and makes a very elegant, very public proposal in front of their friends and family — and she says yes.

As the two are bombarded with well wishes and congratulations, Meelo grips the flowers under the table, nails digging harshly into his palm, and doesn't say a word.

030. theonlyoneilune requested, "Mako's scarf: light bondage, either within a sexy or humorous context"

"This isn't funny anymore," Mako says loudly to the empty arena; his voice rings and echoes in the silence from where he stands, hands tied behind his back to the announcer's podium. "I'm not gonna burn my scarf just so I can free myself, so if you're waiting for that to happen, you're out of luck. Korra, I'm serious, are you still here? Would you please untie me? I won't insult your stupid dog anymore, I promise…"

031. Anonymous requested, "Mako being overprotective of Bolin"

His voice cracks in the presence of the two jeering teenagers but he lifts his head as high as he can.

"I said," a twelve-year-old Mako replies, "that if you mess with him, then you're messing with me."

032. Anonymous requested, "Bolin meeting Korra's parents"

"I think," Senna says, holding back laughter, "that we should start charging for your five-flavor soup."

"I'll… go make more, then," Tonraq says, stunned, and he rises from the dinner table as Bolin finishes his third helping. "If you would, please keep the boy away from my arctic hen."

033. Anonymous requested, "Korra seduces Mako"

The Avatar smirks. "Both are true."

034. notkorra requested, "Bolin in captivity"

They visit every hour, every hour to jeer and taunt and jab their fingers and hands and keep him constrained, keep him docile, keep him weak and useless and this is not where he's meant to be, this can't be what happens to him, it can't be all he's good for…

They'll come for me, he tells himself when it's his turn, when he's dragged up onto the stage where Amon is waiting and the crowd is laughing and cheering and crying for blood. They'll come.

035. madlyy requested, "Bolin practicing pickup lines on Pabu"

"So you wanna — go do an activity togeth — stop laughing!" Bolin tosses a cushion at the ferret, and Pabu immediately scampers under the bed. "I know you can't talk, but I can tell you're laughing! What, you think Asami won't go for it…?"

036. Anonymous requested, "Mako and Bolin hanging out with Naga while Korra is training"

The damn dog is looking at them weird again and he doesn't understand how Korra can stand hanging around something that's so big and intimidating with such sharp teeth and — did it just growl at him?

"So," Bolin starts awkwardly, "what's it like living in the Southern Water Tribe?"

Mako thumps his head against the pavilion pole.

037. pants-are-an-illusion requested, "Team Avatar: drinking contest"

Mako doesn't know what happened last night, but he knows how he wakes up: sticky, sweaty, light-headed, and grumpy, with his mouth still resting in his last mug and a headache the size of Ba Sing Se.

"Don't ask me what happened last night," his brother says from his position on the floor — bare-chested and missing one shoe, gunk in his hair and a filthy Avatar passed out on his left arm. "You don't want to know."

038. minuiko requested, "it's Mako's birthday but he insists on training. Bolin and Korra try to get him to loosen up."

"What the hell is this?"

Mako's caught between wide-eyed gawking and a vicious glare; the result is a rather amusing combination of the two as he observes the brightly decorated locker room.

"We're celebrating," Bolin says, stepping closer and tossing confetti into his brother's face, "for your birthday, bro!"

"You're officially old," Korra congratulates from above the storage cabinets, where she's hanging Fire Ferret trinkets from the ceiling. "So we decided that we'd save you the effort of calling off practice today and did it ourselves. Happy birthday, jerkbender."

039. Anonymous requested, "Korra airbends for the first time by accident in the gym with only Bolin and Mako present"

In her frustration and distraction, it takes a moment to realize what's happened: really, she just wanted Mako to shut up about how her form wasn't right or she wasn't following Plan Alpha Number Whatever doing this or that or yada yada — so she shoots him back twenty feet into the side of the ring, bouncing against the ropes, where he is finally, finally quiet.

But now there's a tense, ringing silence that she hadn't counted on.

"That — was definitely not waterbending," Bolin croaks from his corner.

"And definitely not earthbending, since I wasn't even touching the ground," Mako concludes, frowning as he picks himself up. "A warning would've been nice. Some weird Avatar power you've neglected to mention?"

Korra's looking at her hands, flexing and and observing. Nothing looks different, but somehow, everything's changed.

"Yeah," she says quietly, "something like that."