If there were two options where option one was to kill or seriously harm Bonnie by his own hands and option two was for him to be on fire non stop burning for the rest of eternity than Damon would have gone with option two every time. He rather stake himself in his own heart than to kill the woman that he loved. So he had felt a lump in his throat at Klaus request and knew that this was Klaus final and ultimate test. But he had met with Bonnie in the cave and they came up with a plan around Klaus's request and Bonnie retold that plan to the rest of the gang. The night that Klaus wanted Damon to kill Bonnie would be the night that Klaus ended up dying.

Damon would make Klaus believe that he was going to do as requested and end Bonnie's life but it really was going to be the set up to allow Bonnie to kill Klaus. It was risky but a powerful being like Klaus couldn't be killed without risk. So on the night Klaus waited with his hybrids in the woods for Damon to come along with Bonnie. They stood around and chatted but got quiet when they heard a pair of footsteps come towards them.

Klaus turned to see Damon pulling along a pissed off Bonnie. A cool grin spread apart Klaus's lips.

"You actually brought her." Klaus said to Damon.

Damon's face was blank. "I told you that I would."

"How did you get her to come along with you?" Klaus asked.

"Oh she put up a fight." Damon said glancing at Bonnie. "But I find a way around her parlor tricks."

Bonnie glared at Damon playing her part.

Klaus looked amused at the couple. "You impress me Damon bringing your wife here around me and these hybrids."

Bonnie looked around she could see that there was about twenty of Klaus's hybrids around them with their eyes on her and Damon. It made her feel a little uncomfortable with them being outnumbered but she kept herself in the act.

Damon shrugged a shoulder. "I told you that I was on your side and I meant it."

"Uh yes." Klaus said

"Why have you brought me here Damon?" Bonnie asked

Damon looked at her. "You're against Klaus and that means that your against me and we can't have that now can we?"

Bonnie shook her head. "What are you going to Damon? You know that I can take you down."

"No, No, No that's not going to happen." Damon told her.

Klaus chuckled stepping up. "Bonnie, Bonnie it's a shame that you choose not to join my side."

Bonnie turned her attention to Klaus. "I'd rather die than to join you Klaus."

"So stubborn and feisty." Klaus said stepping closer to her. "But stupid which will lead to the end of you."

Bonnie felt her body tense up at Klaus being so close even when she had Damon standing next to her. "If you end me there will be other witches ready to take you down."

"Ah but none of them will be as powerful as you are my dear." Klaus pointed out.

"What are you going to do kill me?" Bonnie asked

Klaus's eyes went back and forth between the two of them. "Not me your husband."

Bonnie pretended to be taken aback. "What did you say?"

"I said that Damon is going to be the one to kill you." Klaus told her.

"Is that true? You brought me here to kill me?" Bonnie asked Damon.

Damon acted nonchalant. "Hate to break it to you Bonnie but that's exactly what I brought you here for."

"How could you even think about doing such a thing to the woman that you married?" Bonnie asked Damon.

"Get it through your head that I don't care about you anymore and that I'm all about me now." Damon told her.

"So you are going to kill me just like that?" Bonnie asked him.

Damon closed his eyes. "Just like how you threatened to kill me."

Bonnie glared at him. "If that means sparing thousands of innocent people their lives."

Damon narrowed his eyes. "Than that makes us even, I'll end your life."

"Not before I end yours." Bonnie retorted.

"Enough with this conversation." Klaus interrupted "Time for you to prove your loyalty Damon to me in front of all of my followers. Take her life right now."

"Gladly." Damon said turning to Bonnie.

Bonnie lifted her chin. "Try to hurt me and I'll put your brain on fire Damon."

Damon sighed. "You could try that Bonnie but it's you against all of us."

"Trust me Damon if I go down then I go down dying." Bonnie told him

"Oh you will die." Damon said

Klaus looked between the two of them delighted in what he was seeing. "Do it Damon snap her neck."

Damon faced Bonnie and the two had a stare down. Damon place a hand on her neck and Klaus licked his lips in anticipation. Just when he was prepared to her the snap of Bonnie's neck bones. Damon moved the hand that was on her neck to the back of her head he pulled her in and planted a big kiss on her lips completely catching Klaus off guard.

Damon pulled back. "You are such a brilliant actress Bonnie." He told her dropping the act.

Bonnie's lips curved. "Why Thank you Damon you're not bad yourself."

Klaus looked shocked. "This was all pretend?"

"Boy we really fooled you didn't we?" Damon smugly told Klaus.

Klaus quickly turned angry looking at Damon. "You tricked me to set me up."

"Duh." Damon said

Bonnie looked at the original. "Damon and I were never at odds Klaus it was all just a ploy to let you get your guard down."

Klaus pressed his lips together in an angry line.

"Really Klaus I would be stupid to ever leave a woman like Bonnie." Damon said

"How dare you betray me like this." Klaus spat out.

"Betrayal? Don't kid yourself Klaus I was never on your side." Damon told him. "We did this because you needed to be taken down."

Klaus's body nearly shook with the rage that he was feeling. "Both you and your wife will die for this Damon you hear me the. I'll kill your wife in front of you."

"Over my undead body." Damon said

"The only ones dying tonight are you and your hybrids Klaus." Bonnie told him.

Klaus turned his attention to Bonnie. "I can't die no one can kill me."

"I can and I will." Bonnie said through gritted teeth.

Klaus put on a humorless smile. "You failed to kill me two times before."

"Tonight will be different." Bonnie told Klaus.

"You are far too weak to kill me." Klaus said to her.

"You're wrong about that." Damon spoke showing her how much he believed in her,

Bonnie eyed Klaus with hatred and loathing. "I'm far from weak Klaus and you're going to find that out as you will not live past this night."

Klaus's face was filled with rage. "Kill them right now." He ordered his hybrids.

The hybrids started to surrounded the Vampire and Witch circle like lions surrounding their prey. Damon and Bonnie stood back to back in defensive mode. One of the hybrids launched himself towards them. Damon kicked the hybrid down and in a flash of an eye ended it's life by ripping out it's heart. Another one did the same and this time the hybrid died by fire at the hands of Bonnie.

"What are you doing?" Klaus yelled "I said kill them."

Just when it looked like they were really outnumbered out of the trees came a wooden arrow flying striking a hybrid through its back and through the chest. He fell down to the ground dead. The hybrids looked around confused another arrow came out of the trees striking another one of them.

Stepping out of the trees was Mercedes with her bow and arrow ready for firing again after she had already killed two hybrids. But she wasn't alone Stefan, Caroline, Tyler, Caleb, and Alaric who had his own vampire hunting weapons step out ready to fight and back Damon and Bonnie.

"What is this?" Klaus asked

"Did you think that we would come without back up?" Damon asked Klaus.

The group stood in silent support of Damon and Bonnie.

Klaus gestured to his hybrids. "Kill them." He shifted his eyes to Bonnie. "I'll take care of this one."

Bonnie gave Klaus a cool smirk. "Bring it on Klaus."

The hybrids started to go after the others and the others started to fight back.

Damon knew that this was a battle that she had to face Klaus one on one in. "I believe in you." He told her.

Bonnie gave a single nod of her head acknowledging what he said without taking her eyes off of Klaus.

Damon went to help the others fight the hybrids leaving Bonnie facing Klaus in the middle of the battle that was going on.

Klaus pressed his hands to his chest. "Go ahead and try you'll fail."

"I'll succeed." Bonnie corrected.

Klaus looked pissed and evil. "I'm Klaus I'll live forever."

"You'll die Klaus." Bonnie said with gritted teeth. "And the world will be saved from your reign of terror."

Klaus reached out grabbing Bonnie by her throat ready to kill her. But something happened his hand burned as he touched Bonnie. He quickly pulled back shocked..

"What do you do." Klaus asked her.

Around them the battle went on.

Alaric staked one hybrid in the heart.

Caroline killed one with her vampire strength.

Caleb ended another.

Bonnie kept her attention on Klaus. "I'm protected Klaus by the Dagger Crest."

Klaus's eyes widened in horror. "No."

"Yes." Bonnie pulled out the Dagger from where she had it hidden. It rested in her hands heavy and powerful.

"How did you…. Damon." Klaus realized

Bonnie looked determined. "It's over for you Klaus."

Tyler took out another hybrid.

Stefan killed one himself

Klaus took a step back and for one of the few times in his life he feared a person before him. Feared Bonnie because of what she held in her hand and because of her power to use it.

Bonnie didn't waste anymore time. She began chatting the spell in Latin words. Soon an invisible wind began to whip up swirling around them blowing her hair around making her look like a stunning Goddess.

Klaus started to yell out in pain caused my the words that she was chanting. Bonnie repeated the words in Latin her voice getting louder. Klaus fell down to his knees before her in pain. Bonnie felt the Dagger began to vibrant in her hands her power going into it and vise versa. She chanted more as she remembered the spell. Red veins started to pop up in Klaus's body and if he was bleeding from the inside.

Damon took out a couple of more hybrids and turned to watch as his wife had the all powerful Klaus on his knees. The power coming off of her was incredible and strong.

Bonnie said more words in Latin causing Klaus more pain. Klaus screamed out in agony and the Dagger started to glow in her hand signaling that it was ready. She stepped up to Klaus.

Klaus's eyes were filled with tears, pain and horror.

Bonnie raised the Dagger above her head. "This is for me, Damon, my friends and all of the innocent people out there. You will no longer be a threat to our lives."

Bonnie plunge the Dagger into his heart with a yell.

Klaus fell to his back in agony clutching at his chest trying to get the Dagger out. But it wouldn't budge. The Dagger glowed White and Orange it's power spreading throughout his body. For a few moments more Klaus cried out in pain then his body caught on fire and he was gone dust flying away in the wind. In the spot where Klaus's body once was laid the Dagger. Bonnie picked it up and the glow went away going back to it's regular appearance.

Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Tyler, Alaric, Caleb, and Mercedes all stood in shock and aw all of the hybrids had been killed.

"He really is gone." Stefan said

"Yeah." Was all Caroline could say still amazed by the power she saw coming from her best friend.

Bonnie let out a long say of relief as Damon approached her. "He's dead."

"Thanks to you." Damon told her. "I knew that you could do it witch."

Bonnie turned to him. "I love you Damon."

Damon wrapped his arms around her kissing her on the forward. "Love you too my witch."


The following day a party was thrown at the Salvatore boarding house. Damon, Bonnie, Stefan, Elena, Caroline, Tyler, Jeremy, Matt, Alaric, Caleb, and Mercedes were all there.

They all stood around the table. The couples standing next to each other, Damon with Bonnie, Stefan with Elena, Caroline with Tyler, Caleb with Mercedes. Alaric, Jeremy, and Matt weren't paired with anyone but it didn't sour their mood.

"Hear that?" Tyler happily said "It's the sound of Klaus being gone."

"That's right!" Caroline agreed with her man.

Stefan poured some drink in his glass. "I say that we do a toast in celebration."

"I can agree to that." Caleb said

Damon raised his glass. "To Bonnie the most powerful and bad ass witch to ever walk the face of this earth."

All of them agreed.

Bonnie smiled. "Thanks guys but I toast to you, because I couldn't have taken down Klaus without you backing me up so to all of us."

"That's right." Elena said looking around the group. "To all my family."

Glasses came together and they all took a sip of their drink. These people may not have been her blood but to Bonnie she wouldn't trade them for any other family.



Thanks for your support of this story. If you haven't voted already on the options and want to you should do it. I'm starting the sequel by the middle of next week!