A/N So this is my first fic, please be nice and review :D I shall upload as often as I can and when I manage to write, so much revision at the minute though it's unreal. Enjoy!


The band members of McFly ran off stage to rapturous applause, feeling elated and on top of the world. They tumbled into their dressing room one after the other, laughing and hugging each other.

"That was a brilliant start to the tour" Danny exclaimed, jumping on Toms back and ruffling the blonde boys hair.

"Oi, get off me you big oaf" Tom laughed, shaking Danny off before collapsing on their sofa. Danny promptly jumped on top of him, whilst Dougie and Harry laughed before jumping on top of the pile. Toms muffled groans filtered out from the bottom.

"Can't…breathe…get…arses…off…me" he moaned, which only served to have Dougie wriggle around on top of the pile, jumping off and down a bit. Danny and Harry groaned in unison.

"Dougie, since when did you get so heavy?" Danny exclaimed.

"Well, Toms cooking is pretty incredible" Dougie laughed, his voice mischievous.

"I normally love that, but the fact you are currently turning me into a Tom shaped pancake

makes me wish I hadn't cooked you all those fried breakfasts"

"Ahh Tom, they were like heaven on earth" Dougie reminisced.

"Stop bloody thinking about your stomach for once, and get off of us if you want there to be a McFly to do the rest of the tour!" Harry practically shouted.

"Okay, okay! Jeez, some people need to lighten up" Dougie chuckled as he rolled off of the pile and landed on the floor in a heap. Tom, Danny and Harry all moved so they were sat up and glared at the slight, sandy haired bassist. Dougie looked affronted.

"Hey, stop that. All I did was-"

"All you did was nearly squash us to death Douglas Lee Poynter. This is not a matter to be taken lightly." Danny said in a serious tone. He looked at Tom and Harry who looked back at him with understanding dawning in their eyes. Simultaneously, they all grabbed a pillow each, rolled off of the sofa and starting beating the defenseless boy with them.

Dougie started writhing around, trying to get the three bigger boys off of him. He managed to escape, and ran to the other side of the dressing room, cowering behind a chair.

"Stop it, stop it" he cried, covering his face with his hands and laughing.

"Not until you learn your lesson" said Tom menacingly, brandishing his pillow in front of him as he prowled across the room to where Dougie was with the other two. Dougie stopped laughing and starting backing away. Tom, Danny and Harry sped up, until they were running at the boy. They pounced on top of him, and whilst Danny and Harry hit him with their pillows, Tom tickled the small boy mercilessly until tears were running down his face.

"Mercy, mercy, please have mercy" he cried helplessly.

"Have you learnt your lessons ickle Dougie-kins?" Tom asked with a threatening tone.

"YES" Dougie screamed.

"Okay boys, I think we've drilled it into him" Tom announced and sat back, surveying Dougie. The others laughed, and getting up, started to collect their coats, ready to go home. Dougie stayed where he was, waiting for an opportune moment to get his own back. Spotting one, he ran across the room and jumped on Toms back, who then fell into Danny, who dragged Harry down with him until the four boys ended up in a pile on the floor. Dougie grabbed the two pillows nearest him and started beating the other boys with them.

"Now who's the one who needs to learn their lesson hmm?" he laughed, the others chuckling along with him whilst trying their hardest to get up. Suddenly the door burst open and Dougie sprung up off the floor in shock, taking a good look at the new comers. He could hear the other boys stand up next to them, but couldn't take his eyes off of the people standing in the doorway.

There were four men standing there, dressed all in black with balaclavas on their heads, guns in their hands trained on the band members. Dougies head reeled. Who were these men, and what were they doing here?

"Looks like we interrupted something boys" said the man standing closest to them in a cold tone, and the three men behind him chuckled. "Why don't you four take a seat and we'll discuss what we're here for"

"NO" Danny shouted. "You'll be the ones that sit down whilst we call security." Suddenly all the guns were trained on Danny, and Dougie shivered. If any one of them pulled the trigger… The front man spoke again.

"What you don't realize dear Danny Jones, is that we are security. Now if all of you want to live, you'd better sit right back down" They complied. There was nothing else they could do. They all sat on the sofa, Tom and Dougie on the ends and Harry and Danny in the middle. The four men stood in front of them.

"Right then, first things first" slowly drawled the man who had spoken. "Seize him" he suddenly exclaimed, and the other three men leaped forwards and grabbed Dougie. Pulling him harshly to his feet, they had dragged him away from his friends, behind the man and had a gun against his temple before the rest could react.