A/N: Just an interesting fact for you guys-I didn't actually see the season 4 ep 'The Depths' until 1/28 (and those who have seen it probably know why I included this). Also, this is the final chapter, but it will be second in a somewhat AU series of stories with Familiar Stranger being the first-not quite how I'd planned it out, but my muse is holding the stories hostage here! Thanks for reading!



"In a day or two I'd like to do a full physical workup to compare with your prior medical records," Magnus told Will as he helped her back to her room. "It might give us some idea of how much your physiology was changed."

"Let's worry about getting you better first," Will answered. "I'm not going anywhere, you know."

"I know, and for that I'm very grateful." Magnus smiled up at him, wondering if he knew just how much his decision had meant to her. When she had first brought him into the Sanctuary, she had known that his insight and expertise would be an incredibly valuable addition to her staff; what she hadn't counted on was how quickly she would become fond of him. She had fought against letting herself get too close to anyone just to keep from being hurt, but somehow he had managed to slip past the iron walls around her heart. Will truly was the better part of her.

"So am I." Will stopped for a moment and gently pulled her close to him. "You're an amazing person, Magnus."

"I've been thinking," Will said as he tucked her into bed. "We should tell the others here about today."

"Are you sure, Will?" Magnus took his hands as he sat on the bed next to her.

"They have a right to know. Besides, I don't think it's something I'd be able to hide for long," Will answered. "I don't think it will be a problem with the rest of the network because they don't really know me, but Henry, Kate and the Big Guy are bound to notice something sooner or later."

"You do have a point," Magnus agreed. "But perhaps it could wait until later? I'd like to be there when you tell them."

"Sure." Will leaned down and brushed a kiss over her forehead. "Now you try to get some rest. And this time let me know when the pain medication wears off, okay?"

"Trying to turn me into a junkie?" Magnus teased sleepily. Will laughed softly in response.

"If it gets you to actually sleep, then yes," he grinned. Just as quickly the smile vanished and was replaced with concern. "Magnus, you've taken a hell of a beating over the last couple of days—both physically and emotionally. The best thing you can do for yourself now is rest."

"It all just seems so surreal, Will." Magnus gripped his hand a little tighter as if afraid he'd vanish if she let go. "I almost feel like if I go to sleep I'm going to wake up and find that all of this was only a dream. It sounds ridiculous, but..."

"So that's it," Will said softly. Very carefully he leaned down to hug her close. "It's not ridiculous at all; if anything, it's perfectly normal."

"Really?" Magnus pulled back enough to look into his face. "How can something so irrational be normal, Will?"

"Because it's not really irrational." Will let her go long enough to walk around to the other side of the bed before stretching out on top of the covers beside her. He waited until she had settled comfortably into his side before continuing. "Magnus, you have lost so much in your lifetime—more than anyone should ever have to—and you've managed to hold on to your sanity by avoiding close relationships. God knows I'd do the same if I were in your position. But you can't help giving of yourself to all of us; it's just who you are."

Magnus lay quietly in Will's arms, digesting what he had said. It was comforting that he knew her so well, and he had touched on the exact things she felt. Try as she might, she was unable to stop herself from caring for her little family and allowing them a place in her heart. No matter how much losing them would hurt, she couldn't imagine life without them.

"If it's any help, I do understand how you feel," Will spoke softly. "We just changed the rules today and it does seem unreal right now—it's going to take some time to sink in for both of us. Just remember I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise?" Magnus felt her body growing heavier by the second and it was getting so damned hard to keep her eyes open…

"I promise." Will turned slightly toward her and hesitantly touched his lips to hers. "Now sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up."

It was nearly a week before Magnus had recovered fully, but even she had to admit that the enforced rest had done her worlds of good. Will and the Big Guy had let her take on some light work after two days, first making her swear that she would rest anytime she felt the slightest fatigue. After seeing that Henry and Kate were more than capable of handling things, she had had fewer qualms about taking personal time to let herself heal.

When she and Will had informed the rest of the staff of the results of the "experiment", they had taken the news surprisingly well. Henry had immediately tried to con Will into testing out his new perception in the latest video game he had obtained, earning himself a cuff from the Big Guy. Kate wanted to test him out in the gym, claiming that he would probably have gotten better at sparring hand to hand. Magnus agreed that the idea had merit, but that it could wait until they were sure no other abilities would manifest. And, she admitted to herself, she wasn't quite ready to share Will yet. Their relationship had changed but it hadn't and she wanted a bit more time alone with him to see where things would lead.

"So does this mean that he's going to live forever?" Kate asked Magnus, keeping her voice low.

"Very likely," Magnus answered in the same tone. "It was the one common factor that all of the Five shared after we performed the same experiment."

"Wow." Kate couldn't help but be impressed. "Will's definitely braver than I would be. Do you think you'd do it again? I mean, go through with it the first time around?"

"Yes, I believe I would," Magnus smiled. "Because if I hadn't, then I wouldn't have had the opportunity to know any of you."

"And especially Will," Kate grinned mischievously. "Are you guys…you know…"

Magnus blushed a little when she realized what Kate was asking. Although she and Will had become much closer over the past few days, they had not taken things any further. "Not at this time, no."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. It's just that you two are really good together." Kate gave her a gentle hug and whispered, "I'm glad for you both."

"So am I Kate."

Much later that night Magnus lay awake listening to the sound of Will's breathing beside her and thinking about what Kate had said.

"Can't sleep?" Will asked, running a hand over her back.

"Just thinking, that's all." Magnus snuggled into his side and rested her head on his chest. "Wondering where we'll go from here."

"You mean the team or you and me?" Will wanted to know.

"Us. Our relationship is changing; into what I'm not sure yet and…" Magnus broke off, not knowing how to continue. "I'm not sure what I'm trying to say exactly."

"I don't have an answer for you this time," Will admitted. "I've never had anything quite like this before, but I can tell you that I will never knowingly do anything to hurt you. Maybe the best thing we can do is just take things one day at a time and see where fate leads."

"And if it leads us somewhere we don't like?" Magnus answered. "Will, in time you could very well come to resent having such an unnaturally long life—"

"Never." Will gently slipped a finger under her chin, silently asking her to look at him. "I meant when I said I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't come here. You gave me a purpose and I can't wait to see what we can make happen in the years to come. And do you remember what I said about having a friend to talk to?"

"You're more than a friend Will, and I should say it more often," Magnus sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I've never known what real love is until now—it's not about the romance and…other things at all."

"It's not," Will agreed. "But those can be fun too, you know."

"Cheeky." Magnus shot back at him. "But I do love you Will. No matter what may happen in years to come, please remember that."

"I'll never forget," Will promised. "I love you too."