A love story between Ikaros and Tomoki.
This story is created during my viewing of the series. I just love the relationship between Ikaros and Tomoki, I could not wait to write a spinoff. I do not own any of the right of the characters from the show Sora no Otoshimon. This is purely FanFiction.
Why do I have strange feelings around master? He is always so kind to me, and does not do the things he does around Sohara. Am I not that attractive? I wonder if he wants to just forget the kiss we shared. Or maybe... I am not human enough for him. It would seem he wants someone closer, more real to him then some angeloid that fell from the sky. A monster.
A monster who's master thinks she is only a pet angeloid. He will never know; he cannot. But it hurts when he smiles at me from the hidden truth, what he calls a human condition. Maybe if he... no, but what if. What if he loved me? This love humans have for one another, like when I make my master happy and he makes me...happy? Do I feel love?
"TOMOKI, WAKE UP! YOU'LL BE LATER FOR SCHOOL!" Sohara yells at her childhood friend.
Sohara; what does she have that I do not? My face started to turn red and I felt angry. I clenched my fists and my eyes switched over to battle mode.
"WHY!" I screamed, waking Tomoki. He was having such a nice dream, his face plastered with that naughty smile that he has. Now it was surprised, groggy.
"Sorry master, I did not mean to wake you up so violently," I stated in my whipsered apologetic voice, lowering my head and bowing. Noticing this, Tomoki smiled and waved it off like it was no big deal.
"Its okay, I can usually sleep through Sohara yelling at me, but her karate chop...is deadly." Tomoki exclaimed rubbing his head as if she had just hit him. "Well, we better be moving alone. If I am not careful she WILL hit me...jerk."
It was a sunny day as ever, the smell of fresh air and spring surrounded me as we walked down the used path towards school, on the outskirt of town. The lake next to the town with it's fishing boats busy in the morning light, town's folk walking with their charts into town for business. I could get lost just looking at the still unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells, but today I had a different matter to think about. :How do I make Tomoki fall in love with me?:
Well, he likes Sohara-chan's breast and panties... but what about mine? He always looks away, even if he caused it. Sohara though... I guess I will never figure that one out. What about skills? I can cook better than her, fight to. But I cannot hit master in the head like she does... or could I?
"Ikaros?" Tomoki asked, causing me to jump. "Yes master?"
"You seem... different today, but you are usually weird anyways. Anything you want to talk about?"
"I... well master, there is one thing..." but before I could say anything master was after Sohara trying to get a look at her panties.
SMACK... oooOOOOOooo "owowowowowowowowowow" Tomoki had two comical bumps growing from the spot where Sohara had just hit him atop the head.
"TOMOKI... YOU PERVERT!" She yelled, chasing him to teach him a lesson for looking at her.
I have to tell him, but how. Someone I can trust... someone who understands boys and humans.
Someone like Sugata. Let us begin OPERATION UNDERSTANDING TOMOKI! GO!
Sorry that the first chapter is so short. I have no idea what I am going to do for the whole story, just kind of started writing. Any advice/help would be a life saver. Where do you want to see the story go from here?