"Okay," Connor said, staring at the computer screen in front of him, "You guys ready?"

Ready as ever," Abby replied with a glance at Nick. He looked nervous she thought.

Connor's fingers flew across the keyboard as he hacked into the ARC's database and pulled up Jenny's personal files.

Julie and Nathan had grown considerably more relaxed around Sarah as she sat between them in the backseat of the car that Becker was driving. She was currently telling them a made up story about a prince, a princess, and their pet dinosaur. Becker couldn't help but to smile as he listened. He wished that all dinosaurs were as friendly as the one in her tale.

They reached the video store and stood back watching while Julie and Nathan argued over which game to hire. Nathan won and Sarah smiled as she saw the look on Julie's face that suggested she just couldn't resist her brother's demands.

"So, what did they choose?" Sarah asked Becker as he read over the back cover of the video game to make sure it was age appropriate before paying for it.

Becker laughed, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

Sarah giggled and put on a Rastafarian accent as she responded, "Cowabunga, Dude!"

Becker raised his eyebrow, amused, "Maybe when the kids are gone I'll challenge you to a Turtle Time Dual?"

"You're on."

Abby leaned in close over Connor's shoulder to read the information on the screen while Nick paced behind them. He preferred to hear the news from his young friends than to read it himself.

"Right there," Abby said quietly, pointing to a place on the screen.

"Does she have a twin?" Asked Nick, hesitating in his stride.

"Doesn't say here, but it does say her parents split up before she was even born. She was raised by her dad," Connor replied. "Now, let's find out her mum's name. Her dad is listed as Joseph Lewis. Let me pull up his file."

Connor's hands once again flew over the keyboard and a moment later he had pulled up the file of a Mr. Joseph Lewis.

"Let's see," said Abby, scanning the page. "Joseph was raised in Oxford, got a degree, and married a Fiona Smith. They divorced a year later and I see no other mentions of any relationships. Smith isn't the correct last name though either, we need Brown."

Nick shook his head and carried on pacing while Connor clicked on Fiona's page anyways. "Nee Fiona Flynn." He read, "Fiona was married three times. The first time to a Brad Smith. Our Joseph Lewis was her second husband, and aha! Look at this!"

Abby read over his shoulder once more, "Fiona's third husband was a Glen Brown. They had one child named Claudia through a previous marriage, whom Glen later adopted as his own."

Abby and Connor both turned to Nick to see his reaction. He was standing still, as in shock.

"Nick," Abby asked gently.

"I'm fine. Where is she now?"

"The kids didn't know even, I doubt the files do," Abby pointed out, but Connor quickly brought up Claudia's file anyway.

"Claudia Brown. She was engaged, but not married, to a Rob Ackernom. They had two kids together, Julie and Nathan. Looks like Rob left her when Nathan was a baby. She is currently listed on the police database as being MIA. Apparently she's been gone for about a couple of years and…" Connor's voice faltered and this time Abby didn't read where he left off either.

Nick stepped forward finally, peering at the screen himself as he read, "Claudia was last seen in the Forest of Dean."

"I'm hungry," Nathan complained to Julie quietly, but Sarah and Becker were watching the children intently and they both overheard.

"I'd better see what Abby and Connor have to eat here," Becker said standing.

"Are you kidding?" Sarah asked, "They're playing Ninja turtles. Do you not know anything about the sacred customs of Turtle Time?"


Sarah grinned, "Now you're talking."

Nick found Jenny in his lab. She was standing with her back to him, staring blankly at the model he had made. He wasn't sure if she'd heard him come in, but not quite sure what to say to her either. It was Jenny that spoke first though, without turning to face him.

"What's happening? Who am I, Nick?"

"You're Jennifer Lewis: You're smart, beautiful, and you help save lives."

Jenny turned to him then, a slightly amused smile tugging at her face, "You're one to talk. You do realise that you're the one who has me doubting my identity in the first place?"

"I was wrong," Nick admitted softly.

Jenny's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Nick Cutter admitting he was wrong? I don't think so."

Nick smiled, "Yeah, well, it doesn't happen often, maybe won't ever happen again, so savour the moment."

"Nick, what's going on?"

"You'd best sit down, Jenny. We need to talk."

Her eyes met his questioningly as she complied with his wishes. Nick grabbed a chair and sat across from her. "Jenny, did you ever meet your mother?"

"Nooo," Jenny replied, slowly drawing out the word as she wondered where this could possibly be leading. "Why?"

"Well, we believe," Nick began, "and by that I mean we're somewhat certain, that when you were born, your mother also gave birth to a Claudia. Twins."


"She then left you, and your Father, and remarried. Your sister was adopted by your stepdad, I guess your father must have signed away all his rights on her. Her last name became Brown. His and Hers kids. Have you ever seen the movie The Parent Trap? If not, I'd suggest you watch it immediately."

He was trying to make her smile, and she knew it, but what he was actually saying prevented her from doing so. "I have a sister? A twin sister?"

"Well, you did, Jenny," Nick said, reaching to take her hand gently as he spoke the next words. "She's been missing for a long time now, before we knew about the anomalies. We think she went through one."

"Why do you think that?"

"The last time she was seen she said she was going for a walk."


"Apparently she enjoyed strolling through the Forest of Dean."



The silence that fell between them was an awkward one. Neither quite knew what to say. Nick let go of Jenny's hand and stood up to leave her in peace, but Jenny immediately called him back.

"Nick, what was she like?"

Nick shrugged and then smiled a bit as he remembered, "She was okay, you know. She… she was good at her job. She was loyal and a real team player. She wasn't as tough as she pretended to be. But of course, that was the version of her that I knew, Jenny. This version was different. In this timeline she worked as a receptionist at a Doctor's office and had two kids. She wasn't the woman I knew, and I don't know what I'd do if I ran into this version of her. I think I wouldn't want to. It'd be too hard."

"Did you love her?"

"Yes, I think so."



"I'm sorry, for your loss."

"And I for yours."

"I didn't know her, never did."

"Still, she was your sister, Jenny. It's okay to miss her."

"You think? It's a strange feeling. You know, Nathan thought he saw her. What if she survived going through the anomaly, Nick? After all, your wife did."

Nick closed his eyes for a moment, pondering. "I think," he said softly, "it was you that he saw. I truly do. Jenny, if you want to look for her, I'll be at your side, but to be honest, I don't think we'll ever know and I don't want to see you waste your life chasing after a ghost. She meant a lot to me Jenny, but I've gone through this once before with Helen and…"

Jenny shook her head, interrupting him, "It's okay Nick, you're right. I need to get on with my life. If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone now."

Nick nodded and left the room. He headed straight for Lester's office where he found that Abby and Connor were already talking to him.

"Is it true?" Lester asked Nick as he entered.

"What?" Nick asked, unsure of how much had been said already.

"That your imagi-bloody-nary friend is real and gone through an anomaly."

"Yeah, that's true."

"Oh good. For a moment there I thought we might have a boring day. I just hope she doesn't turn out to be another Helen. Do we know if she liked to dress in khaki? I suppose you'll be telling me next you want to look for her?"

"No," Nick answered, surprising the others. "No, Jenny and I talked and we think it's best to just let the past stay in the past. We don't know she survived, the chances are slim and we can't keep re-opening old wounds, not to mention old anomalies. It's one thing if she turns up here in London, but I won't risk changing the past again. After all, Lester, what if you're the next person to disappear?"

"Touched. Didn't know you cared so much."

"Just appealing to a nature I thought you'd understand is all."

"Well then," said Lester clapping his hands together, "If we're not going to look for this Claudia Brown, hadn't we all better do something else. Get to work, go on."

The trio nodded and ducked out of his office.

"So," Abby said as she stared at the children watching TV. "What are we gonna do about them?"

They'd come home and relieved Sarah and Becker of their babysitting duties for the night. Lester had called the Foster services and, using his powerful contacts, convinced them not to take the children back just then. They were, after all, Claudia Brown's kids and they'd need to be fully debriefed, just in case, when they were comfortable enough around the ARC staff to do so. In the meantime they were to stay with Abby and Connor who had found them in the first place.

Connor shrugged, "I dunno, Abs, but they're hogging my Nintendo."

Abby rolled her eyes, "Well don't worry, it's past their bedtime. They'll have to take my room I guess."

"Then where are you going to sleep?"

"In the loft."

Connor's eyes lit up, "Really? I know there's not that much room for you sleeping with me, but that's fine, we can always cuddle so that neither of us falls off the bed."

Abby pushed a finger into his chest, "Stop drooling, Connor. You can sleep on the floor."

Connor shrugged and grinned at her, "Well, it was worth a shot, yeah?"

Nick had tried calling Jenny a few times to make sure she was okay, but she hadn't answered. Finally he drove back to the ARC. To his surprise, he found both Jenny and Lester's cars still in the car park. He found them in Lester's office, deep in discussion. When Nick entered the room, Lester stood up. "Dear me, look at the time. I'm going to bed." He hurriedly left the room.

Nick questioned Jenny with his eyes and she sighed, "Nick, we need to talk."

"Okay, try me." Nick answered.

"I'm leaving the ARC."

"What?" Nick's face showed his shock.

"Nick, it's too much. I need to get on with my life. Losing my sister, even if I didn't know her, has made me realise how short life really is. I need to do something real and this job just takes a lot out of me. To be honest, I just want to forget about the ARC, the creatures, and the anomalies."

"What are you going to do, Jenny?"

"Well, to start with, I'm going to do something for my sister. I may never have known her, but she was my twin, and by the sounds of it, she was a pretty decent person. It's about time I did what I could for her. I'm going to adopt her kids."


"Nick, I know it sounds weird since I never met her, but I know she wouldn't have wanted them being raised in Foster care. They need a real family."

Nick nodded. It made sense, it really did. "Jenny, do you want to forget me?"

"What? No, of course not. It's not like that Nick."

Nick smiled at her, "Well, if I promise not to talk about the ARC, maybe I can take you and the kids out to dinner sometime?"

Jenny smiled, "We accept."

Abby was startled awake by Connor who was shaking her. "Connor what's wrong? It's late."

"Abby, someone's breaking into the house."

"What?" Abby bounced up in her bed, ready to kick some serious behind if they were being robbed. Sure enough, there were voices downstairs and the sound of footsteps that sounded much too heavy to be those of the kids. Abby ducked down into the bed, motioning for Connor to join her, as they peered over the railing of the loft. It was too dark to see anything.

There was definitely someone, two someones, two adult someones, stumbling around in the dark. Finally a lamp switched on and Abby and Connor turned to each other in surprise before jumping out of bed and heading down the stairs.

"Sarah, Becker, what the hell are you doing here?" Abby asked.

Sarah and Becker both blushed a bit as Sarah held up the game case and Becker the controller. "Turtle Power anyone?" Sarah asked with a grin.