a/n: so, in order to ease back into writing again after my mini-week long hiatus (in which i went to nyc, saw how to succeed and met darren criss) i'm starting a series of oneshots based off pretty much every song by charlotte sometimes. i already have one i did awhile ago-'sweet valium high'-which is listed as klaine but is really more blainchel than anything. so far, i'm pretty sure these will all be blainchel. if not, i will specify otherwise.

anyways, i'm off to work on venom now, so. enjoy~

"Your hair is brown," Blaine stated, as if it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world, his fingers playing with the ends of it. "And really, really long."

Rachel just rolled her eyes, an "I know," coming from her mouth as she swatted his hand away.

"It's really pretty," he whispered, his breath hot on her neck as he moved closer to her, and she fought off the blush that crept on her cheeks. She had only allowed him to spend the night because he had shown up, completely drunk, and she didn't feel like walking him back across Manhattan to his own apartment.

"Why do I bother talking to you?" she muttered, pushing him away.

"Because I'm really pretty," he responded, pressing a small kiss to her neck.

"Because you're really drunk," she fixed, giggling lightly as his hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her towards him. "And you seem to be forgetting that I, currently, am not."

"How come we can only make out when we're both drunk?" Blaine whined, his teeth grabbing ahold of her ear and pulling gently.

"Because you only want me when you're drunk," she told him dryly, "and I'll only tolerate that when I'm drunk."

"That's not true," he promised, his voice somber. "I want you all the time. It's you, Ms. Broadway Star, who doesn't want me," he finished his sentence with a small kiss on the side of her mouth, and while she knew this would end badly in the morning-it usually did, even when they were both drunk-she granted him access to her mouth regardless.

Rachel couldn't help but grit her teeth when Blaine's phone went off, again, for the fourth time during their coffee date. She didn't have a lot of free time anymore, busy working her way up in a theater company who was currently preparing for a revival of South Pacific, and she rarely got to see Blaine. What time they did have together was supposed to be them time, but lately it had started turning into Rachel fighting for Blaine's attention from his new girlfriend-Elizabeth.

Rachel hated her.

She wasn't jealous, jealousy was beneath Rachel. And Rachel had come to accept whatever her and Blaine's relationship had been-friends who, when drunk, occasionally fucked around. They were nothing more, nothing less, there were no feelings between them. Rachel was helpful in Blaine's transformation from '100% gay' to 'bisexual', despite Kurt's argument that bisexuality wasn't really a thing. (Rachel's own stint their senior year was defined as 'a way to grasp anyone's attention in the frenzy of stress', something she wasn't sure she could exactly deny.) Blaine was a way for Rachel to relieve stress, tension, and with no time for dating-her schedule had her working 12 hour days more often than not-the two had fallen into a nice rhythm.

And then Elizabeth walked in, stealing Blaine's attention from her, and Rachel realized how close she had been to falling for him. She quickly regained her sense of pride, her independence, and when Blaine came crawling to her one night after drinking with friends, she felt nothing when she kicked him out of bed.

He wasn't hers, and she wasn't about to let herself be his.

He had an eyebrow raised as she placed his phone back on the table, glancing at the screen to see what she had been looking at-ignoring Elizabeth's call-before resuming into his story about one of his last classes, Rachel only half paying attention when the phone started ringing again.

When he answered, she didn't even say goodbye before walking out the door.

"You need to stop doing this," Rachel half-complained, her own hands working fast to remove Blaine's belt as he lifted her effortlessly onto the counter, his mouth sucking harshly on her collarbone.

"You could kick me out," he reminded her, but she only responded with an eyeroll as she stuck her hands down his pants, stroking him quickly.

"One of these days," she promised, "I will." He chuckled against her skin, his hands trailing softly across her sides as he lifted her shirt, causing soft sighs to fall from her lips.

"But not today?" he asked, moving his mouth to her own, catching her lip between his teeth as she shimmied her skirt over her thighs, his hand working its way between them quickly.

"Not today," she moaned, moving forward and begging for more.

"I feel like I never see you anymore," Blaine whined as Rachel held up yet another pair of black heels, clicking her tongue disapprovingly as she decided the straps were too thick.

"I saw you two days ago Blaine," she replied, her tone tired as she examined some silver wedges. "Remember? In my bathroom-"

"Yes!" Blaine said loudly, looking around to make sure no one else overheard them. "Yes, I mean-aside from us fucking, I don't ever get to see you."

She turned away from the array of shoes in front of her to stare at him blankly, a quick "Blaine, we're hanging out right now," slipping out, but he shook his head as she turned back to her shopping.

"No, you're being weird and distant and like you don't really want to be around me anymore," Blaine argued.

"That's because I don't," she sighed, frustration starting to seep through her. "I wanted to go shopping in peace, but you demanded that you come along. So I allowed it."

"You allowed it," Blaine repeated, "Really?"

"Yes," she replied, her eyes locking with his own. "Just like I allow you to cheat on your girlfriend of a year and a half almost once a week." Blaine's face paled, and she took advantage of his silence to try on a pair of red strappy heels before deciding they were perfect, leaving him there as she went to check out.

"I broke up with her," Blaine's voice said from the other end of the phone. Rachel just nodded, applying her make up without answering. "I figured-I mean, it wasn't exactly fair to her anymore, was it?"

"She was your girlfriend Blaine, not mine," Rachel reminded him. "But no, it probably wasn't fair for her that you ditched her on her birthday to sleep with me instead." She heard his sigh of exasperation, the one he always let out when she spoke of their affair so casually.

"You're making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be, you know," he said after a moment. She stared at where her phone was sitting on her dressing table-blinking a few times before realizing he couldn't see her.

"I'm making this complicated? Blaine, you're the one who's had a girlfriend for the past two years."

"That's not-only because you refuse to accept that you have feelings for me!"

"And yet you continued sleeping with me," Rachel smirked, taking her phone off speaker and lifting it to her ear. "I'm not the one who ever had a problem admitting that I wanted you Blaine, that was you."

"The one time I tried to tell you, you started laughing at me," Blaine countered.

"Is that the time you said I see myself in you? Blaine, I thought you were coming on to me. It was an honest mistake," she shrugged, and Blaine just snorted.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't get to see myself in you that night," he said after a moment, and she laughed, loudly, in response.

"That's because it's a horrible come on, Blaine. Even in your drunken states, you can do better," she joked, a smile floating on her face before a castmate called her for curtain. "I have to go, but we'll talk later."

"Break a leg," he said, just as he did every night before she went on, and when she stepped out on that stage she performed more for him than she did for herself.