At last! The final chapter! I'm so glad this story is finished! Thank you all for reading and reviewing! Keep it up!

Chapter 13

Wanda closed the book. "That's it."

"What!" Timmy exclaimed. He coughed again. "That's it? Do Sam and Danny get married? What about Kwan and Tucker? What about Dora? Does she become the ruler? I gotta know!" He then threw another coughing fit.

Wanda gave him yet another cough drop. "Well, there is more but it has kissing in it."

"I don't mind the kissing as much," Timmy said.

Wanda scoffed. "Oh, please! I saw you making gagging faces whenever there was a kissing scene."

Timmy was getting desperate. "I promise I'll be good, just finish the story! No faces! No interruptions! I swear!" He gave Wanda Bambi eyes. "Please?"

"Oh all right," she sighed. She opened the book again. "Now where was I?"

Danny, Sam, Kwan and Tucker returned to Amity several months later. The castle was rebuilt and it was better than ever. As the new ruler of Amity, Dora knighted the three men for helping her reclaim the throne.

Tucker was appointed the Head of Security after Dora fired Dash (literally). With Tucker's technology, the castle's security was tighter than Fort Knox. In the meantime, he and Danny would hang out in the courtyard catching up.

Kwan trained the guards how to fight in hand-to-hand combat. He seemed happier after fighting Aragon. No one insulted him for his height or his lack of brains.

Danny tried again to get the Mansons' blessing for Sam's hand in marriage. Seeing that he did save their daughter from murder and saved the kingdom, they approved…reluctantly.

"I don't care if he saves Samantha's life a hundred times. I still don't like him," said Pamela.

"I can't believe our daughter is marrying a half-ghost pirate…who used to be our farm boy!" Jeremy exclaimed.

"Oh, shut up! Both of you!" Grandmother Manson scolded.

"Mother! He stole all of that treasure!" Pamela pointed out. "He didn't earn it!"

"That's why they're called 'shortcuts.' The sooner he got his fortune, the better!" Grandmother Manson stated. "Besides, Her Highness rewarded him with plenty of gold to last till he has grandchildren! Add the stolen treasure into the pile and his family's set for several generations!"

"Mother, I still don't think –"

"CAN IT! At least this time you won't be able to get rid of him so easily."


"I now pronounce you halfa and wife," said Frostbite. "You may kiss the bride."

Danny lifted the veil away from Sam's face and kissed her. Everyone cheered.

"WAY TO GO, DUDE!" cheered Tucker.

It was a beautiful wedding. Sam wore a black wedding dress, complete with the old "something white, something old, something borrowed, something blue" accessories. Sam agreed that her mother could decorate for the reception, provided that it goes with the colors of Sam's choosing. A buffet was laid out into two sections: meat and soy.

When the reception ended, the four met outside of the chapel.

"You know," Tucker started, "I've been in the revenge business for ten years."

"And?" Kwan asked.

"Well, now that I've gotten my revenge, what now?"

Danny smiled at his best man. "You know, you've got really good fencing skills. How would you like to be the proud owner of the Siren?" Danny left out the fact that he and Kwan dismantled the Ghost Portal on the ship weeks ago.

Tucker thought about it. "Tucker Phantom? I like it!"

Sam rolled her eyes. "'Dread Pirate Phantom' is now a title, you idiot. You can't change your last name to Phantom just because you're a pirate."

"Why not?" Tucker argued. "Danny did for his ghost half."

"Danny Phantom? Awesome!" Kwan exclaimed.

"Besides, I've already claimed the name in writing," Danny said. He held up a document as proof.

"Aw, man!" Tucker moaned.

"You get to meet a lot of girls," Danny insisted.

That sold him! "Deal! From this day forward I shall be known as the Wicked Pirate Foley!" His friends laughed at the ridiculous new name.


Danny transformed into Phantom and scooped up Sam, bridal style, and flew off.

"So, now that you are my husband what next?" asked Sam.

"I don't know," Phantom shrugged. "The sky's the limit, I guess."

Sam giggled. "How about we start building that summer home in the Ecto Swamp?"

Phantom gazed deeply into Sam's violet ones. "Whatever you say." He then gave her the most passionate kiss she ever had.

The End.

Wanda closed the book.

"That was an awesome story, Wanda! Thanks a bunch!" said Timmy.

"You're welcome, sport. Now you need to get some shuteye! Can't fight the flu by staying awake all the time."

She turned into a goldfish and dropped into the fishbowl. Before she could enter her castle Timmy stopped her. "Wanda?"

She turned around. "Yeah, Timmy?"

"Uh…when I get better," he stuttered, "can you read the story to me again? I want Poof to hear it too."

Wanda smiled at her godchild. "Whatever you say."

YES! Finally done! I know that it was short but there was nothing else to add. It may not be the exact ending but I don't care! I hope you all enjoyed it!

Please review!