
I fell, I fell hard. A million miles an hour from the SKY is how hard I fell.

This sucks, I hate, I hate this!

AGHHHH! I was in love with Lily Evans, after years of asking her out just because she was really hot,

I figured out that I actually loved her.

It's the beginning of 7th year and I figure this out, I tried to think of anything but her but it didn't help that she was in the same dorm with me and I was with her most hours of the day.

Time for the count down,


"bye Evans!" I shouted over my shoulder

"ah! But James!" Lily shouted.

That's right, folks, I ran away from Lily Evans.

I haven't been sleeping, I haven't been eating, She is super bad for my health!

"James!" Lily was trying to catch up with me but I pretended not to notice,

uh oh getting closer…I picked up the pace.

"James! Stop!" she yelled.

Time for plan B…run away!

I ran and she also started running, what does this girl do for excessersize? Marathons?

What's this? I spot the room of requirement painting, come on…room that can lock, a room that can lock.

It appeared, bingo. I opened it and shut the door, locking it.

I panted behind the door, it was pretty much an empty room with a few books strewn around. Panting, I got up and picked up one of the book's.

It was leather bound with a heart on the cover, on the side it said '10 ways to figure out you're in love',


Real original, stupid thoughts and feelings. I tossed that one and picked up another "A wizards guide to witches" I read. Toss that one too.

'Love's key to existence and why we experience love'

Hmm…this sounds interesting.

"Love is but a bunch of chemicals that have a reaction to another, it is also a reaction of the brain…blah, blah, blah."

I hate Sigmund Freud.