A/N: Wow guys, I can't believe how well this went down. I only expected to get a couple of reviews... but I got 14! Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed, anyway. It really does mean a lot.

Anyway, here's the second part. I hope you all enjoy this one as much as the first. Please don't forget to leave feedback!

"Okay, try it one more time."

I put my car into gear, pressing my foot down on the pedal as far as I could... but it didn't even budge. It was no use, it was completely stuck. I could feel the panic rising inside of me each time that we tried to get out without progress. I couldn't get stuck here. I wouldn't get stuck here.

"Alright, Quinn, stop," I heard Punk's voice shout over the engine, and I groaned to myself as I let my foot slide off the pedal. I slumped back against the seat, a shiver racking my entire body as the passenger door opened and Punk jumped into the car. "It's no use, this car isn't going anywhere till the snow melts."

"So what am I supposed to do? Walk to the airport?" I asked sarcastically, my temper already thin. I turned to glare his way, only wishing that I hadn't. Dressed in his familiar Rancid hoodie, a pair of dark jeans, and his hair void of all gel, he was as close to perfect as a person could get.

"No, you can walk to my house," He added calmly with a shrug, "It's only twenty minutes away. You can stay with me until we can finally get your car out, or at least get you to the airport."

Wait, was he being serious? He wanted me to go back to his house... for the night? I couldn't help it. I stared his way as if he was insane. There was no way I could do that. No way.

"I... Punk, I..."

"You what? You're gonna sleep in your car and freeze to death?" He raised an eyebrow my way, his eyes doing all the questioning that his mouth hadn't. He wanted to know what was wrong, why I wasn't saying yes. After the conversation we'd just had inside, it just wasn't that easy... but did I really have another choice? "Come on, Quinn. I'm not leaving you here. I'll drag you back to my house if I have to."

I threw my hands up in the air in defeat, and without another word I opened up my door and climbed outside, the cold instantly hitting me. This was insane, why would anyone want to live somewhere where the weather was so bad? I'd never craved a hot Florida day as much as I did at that moment.

I looked into the back seat of my car, opting whether to take my bag with me or not... but with a small shrug, I decided against it. I barely had anything in there anyway, and walking in snow was going to be hard enough as it was. I didn't need anything to slow me down.

"Alright, ready when you are," I finally spoke up once Punk had left the car, too.

Mumbling something under his breath that sounded like a complaint about my grumpiness, Punk turned around and walked off. I sighed, dreading what lay ahead... but the thought of getting to a warm, cosy house made me place all the doubts to the back of my mind. Who cared if I was going to be spending god knows how long with the man that I loved and could no longer ever have... my fingers and toes were far too important to care about that right now.

"Please tell me we're nearly there," I whined, barely managing to stay upright as Punk stopped dead in front of me. I moved in as close as I possibly could to him without touching. I needed as much of his body heat as I could get. I was pretty sure I'd never been this cold in my life, and I swore if I didn't get somewhere warm in the next 10 minutes I was going to die.

"We're here... but there's a bit of a problem," He turned to look at me, his hood obscuring the majority of his face, but I still spotted the frown as his eyes met mine, "The power is out."

I poked my head around him, my stomach dropping to the floor as I noticed the whole street was dark. Even the street lamps weren't working. I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to burst into tears... but hell, I don't even think I could. I was so cold, I was pretty damn sure my tear ducts were frozen solid.

"Just get me out of this cold, Punk."

He must have sensed the desperation in my voice, because he moved closer to me and pulled me into his body. His hands were absolutely freezing, but the warmth from the rest of his body made me sigh in relief.

"Come on; let's get you inside before you freeze... although I can't promise it'll be any warmer in there."

I winced the second he pulled away from me and began to drag me down the street. The snow here seemed even higher, and I struggled to push my way through it. By the time we reached his front door a few minutes later, I was absolutely drenched. It didn't help that it had started snowing again, either. God, was I going to be stuck in this awful place forever?

Punk fished inside his pocket for his keys, and I followed him inside numbly. He was right... it wasn't any warmer in there. But at least it wouldn't be snowing on us anymore. I stood completely still as he closed the door behind us, shaking the snow from his jacket. I had to squint to make even his shape out now that we were inside.

"Well, I'd give you the tour... but it's pretty pointless right now," His voice was hushed as he spoke, and I looked around, trying to work out what exactly was nearby, but I could barely see anything. "Come on," I heard a rustle, and the bright light that followed made me squint. It took me far too long to realise that he'd pulled his mobile phone from his pocket and was using the light to guide us, "I've got some candles in the kitchen. We'll grab them and then head upstairs."

"Okay," My teeth chattered together as I followed close behind him. I didn't mention it as we searched through his cupboards to find the candles, but I could barely feel my hands and feet. Or my face, for that matter. I had a bad feeling that this wasn't supposed to happen.

Once we'd found as many as we could, I followed Punk back out of the room and up the stairs, walking as steadily as possible so as not to lose my footing in the dark. We turned a right at the top of the stairs, walking into a large room that I assumed was his. I stood to the side as he placed the candles on top of draws and bedside tables, lighting them as he went along. Eventually, when the last one was lit, we finally had a decent amount of light. If only there was heat to go with it.

"Hey..." Punk's words interrupted my inner meltdown, and I looked up to see he was stood barely a few centimetres away from me. He smiled my way lightly, closing the gap and resting his hands on my arms. He rubbed up and down, trying to warm me up, and it was only then that I realised I was shaking like a leaf. "Quinn, are you okay?"

"Just... cold." I stuttered, struggling to speak. Punk sent me a concerned look, his eyes travelling up and down my body before they met mine once again.

"We need to get you into some thicker clothes," He spoke, pulling away from me to walk towards a large wardrobe that stood to one side of the room. I watched as he pulled out a pair of grey sweats and a thick, black jumper. He span around, holding them out in his hands and raising his eyebrows my way, "These okay?"

"As long as they're warm, I don't care," I managed to get out, making him laugh lightly. He walked back over to me, placing them in my arms gently before he pointed to the second door in the room, "That's the en-suite, go get changed."

I didn't protest, I knew the best thing for me to do right now was to get out of my wet clothes and into the thickest ones possible. I trudged towards the bathroom, my limbs achy as I opened up the door and slipped inside. I only shut it partly, having no light otherwise to guide was I was doing. I momentarily froze, thinking that Punk was only a room away from me and I was undressing... but I pushed it out of my mind. It wasn't like he hadn't seen a girl in her underwear before.

Peeling off my jacket, t-shirt and jeans, I winced at how utterly freezing it was as the cold air hit my skin. I vowed never to visit somewhere cold again unless I had to... and when I eventually did, I was going to pack a month's worth of winter clothes. I picked up Punk's sweats from the floor, pulling them and the hoodie on as quickly as possible. Both were far too big for me, I had to roll up both the top and bottom of the trousers to make them fit, and even then they looked ridiculously baggy... but at least I was slightly more comfortable.

I bunched up my worn clothes and left them in a pile on the floor, not knowing what else to do with them. I pulled the ponytail from my hair and lifted the hood up over my head before I finally left the room. My eyes locked on Punk instantly, and I let a small smile appear at the corner of my lips. He'd changed too in the time that I'd been in the bathroom, and he was dressed nearly identical to me.

He looked up from his phone, a smile of his own appearing as he took in how ridiculous I looked dressed in his clothes. He dropped his mobile down on the bedside table, shoving his hands in his pockets.


"A little," I nodded his way, crossing my arms as tightly as possible around me. Truthfully, I was still freezing, but at least I was out of my damp clothes. "I'm just not used to this kind of weather."

"You wanna get under the covers for a little while? It should help," He reached out and pulled the quilt down slightly off of his king sized bed, and I stared between it and him for far too long. He really wanted me to get in his bed?

"I, umm... if it's okay." I nodded his way finally. He rolled his eyes in answer, and I quickly closed the gap between us. I jumped onto the bed, just about to pull the covers around me when Punk slid in by my side. My eyes grew way too wide at how close we were. This was insane. I swear, I'd never had a more emotional, tiring and downright crazy day as this one.

"Come here, you. Let's warm you up."

I turned to look at him, frowning as he nodded his head for me to move closer to him. My heart was pounding, and I knew the last thing I needed was to get even more attached to him... but right now, I just didn't care. I inched closer to him, my body pressing against his own as his arm wrapped around me. He pulled me into his side, and I automatically rested my head on his shoulder, my arm draping over his stomach as he tightened the covers around us.

"Jeez Quinn, you're like ice," He laughed lightly, his heat already seeping into me. I sighed, lifting my head slightly to glare his way.

"You're insane, wanting to live somewhere like this."

"You get used to it," He shrugged with a sly grin, and I rolled my eyes his way. I snuggled closer to him, knowing I was going to regret this tomorrow.

We stayed silent for a little while, and the feeling slowly began to return to my extremities. If nothing else, Punk was a fantastic hot water bottle.

"How'd you feel?"

"Hmm, better," I mumbled, smiling as I looked towards him again. His eyes found mine, and he looked far too serious.

"Good," He barely even whispered, his lips barely turning up as his eyes slowly moved down to my own. I began to grow extremely uncomfortable in his arms. Why was he looking at me like that? It was like a replay of our talk in his locker room earlier, only this time, we were much closer.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just..." He paused, his eyes meeting mine as he shrugged, "You look so beautiful right now, you know that?"

"Wha... what?"

Was he being serious? Surely he wasn't... for starters I looked like complete hell. He had to be teasing me, but how could he be so cruel? Did he really have no idea how much he meant to me?

"You're beautiful..." He whispered again, this time with a heart wrenching smile.

I couldn't take it anymore. Shaking my head frantically, I pushed against him until he let me sit up. I inched as far away from him in the bed as I could, my throat closing painfully as I tried to get my words out.

"Quinn, what's wrong? I didn't mean to upset you..."

"You shouldn't have said that," I interrupted him, my tone miserable as I stared at the stripy pattern on the bed cover.

"Why not?" Punk's voice rose, and I closed my eyes as I felt him shift closer to me, "Why can't I tell you the truth? Why won't you let me tell you how I feel?"

"Because it's not the truth!" I couldn't hold it in any longer. I span around to face him, my expression and voice pained as I shook my head his way. Tears stung my eyes, I was so angry with myself for letting my emotions get the better of me. "You're sat here, telling me that I'm beautiful... but I can't accept that. I can't even think about it for a second because the minute I get my hopes up, it'll break my heart. You basically told me an hour ago that you'd met someone that you wanted to settle down with... and now you expect me to let you talk to me like that?"

I knew I'd said too much. The dawning on his face told me everything I needed to. He knew how I felt about him. Who wouldn't, after what I'd just said? I turned away, wiping angrily at the stray tear that had managed to escape. I'd have given anything to have been somewhere where I could have stormed off at that moment... but it was impossible for me to leave. I was stuck in this house with Punk until the snow melted. God knows how long that could be. This had to be the worst timing ever for us to have this conversation.

"Quinn, you can be really stupid sometimes, you know that right?"

I froze, certain that I heard a hint of humour in his voice. So, I'd basically just spilled out my heart to him, and he thought it was funny?

I span around, ready to throw myself at him and beat the living hell out of him... but before I could do anything, he reached out and wrapped his hands around my own, shaking his head back and forth.

"I did say that I'd met someone who I wanted to settle down with... that someone is you, you idiot," He chuckled, leaning close to me and gingerly resting his forehead against mine. My breath caught in my throat, and I was utterly speechless. After all this time, after loving him for nearly the entire two years we'd known each other... and he'd felt the same way about me, too? "Did you honestly think I'd want to be with anyone but you?"

"Yes..." I answered honestly, shrugging his way when he squeezed my hands, "Why would you want to be with me?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He shook his head, lifting one of his hands to push down the hood that still surrounded my face. He sent me his adorable smile as his fingers brushed strands of my hair behind my ear, "I love you. I always have, always will."

I stared his way in silence, taking in his words, basking in them. He loved me. He loved me.

"Now's kinda the time for you to say you love me too, you know," He chuckled nervously, pressing a kiss against my forehead. My eyes met his once again, and a sly smile appeared on my lips. I crawled closer to him, our torsos touching as my hands found either side of his face.

"I love you too. I've never loved anyone more," I whispered, closing my eyes as I leaned in and pressed my lips against his softly. His arms wrapped around me, and I inwardly squealed. Today really was the oddest day I'd ever had... but it had quickly turned into the best, too.

I'd never felt fireworks when I'd kissed someone before... but that saying was definitely an understatement. Kissing Punk was better than anything I'd ever felt. It was like the jigsaw piece that had been missing my entire life was finally in place.

"So..." I grinned at him sheepishly once we'd finally pulled away, my fingers trailing patterns across the back of his neck, "I think it's time for you to let me start calling you Phil now."

"Oh, you do?" He raised an eyebrow my way, that familiar smirk returned as his hands found my waist and he pulled me flush against him, "Because I think you still have a hell of a lot of kissing to do before I agree to that," He joked, before his mouth met mine once again.