Draco Malfoy was due to stand trial tomorrow. His whole family was.
There was no way they were going to walk away free. The Malfoys were literally branded as evil, their dark marks bright on their pale skin, they were almost universally hated. They would be flung in jail, and they all knew it.
Draco was sitting on his bed, doing his best to enjoy his last evening at home. He felt a shiver run threw him that had nothing to do with the storm raging outside. Normally, he loved storms. When he could snuggle up under a blanket with a good book and his cat…but he was all too aware that this was the last time he would ever be able to do any of those things.
He was terrified. He pulled his blankets around him and tried to get comfortable. The only sounds in the room were Draco's irregular breathing and the ticking clock, which Draco felt a sudden irrational hatred for. It was eating away his freedom second by second and it was driving him mad. He wanted to run, go anywhere else in the world, but he just didn't have the guts.
His parents weren't fairing much better. They were downstairs in the parlour, his mother looking listlessly out of the window, his father with a drink in his hand. Again, there was silence but for the ticking clock.
Until the strangest thing happened; there was a knock at the door. It could barely be heard over the storm outside, but it made the two of them jump. Their house elf, Bonny, quickly saw their visitor in, while Mr. and Ms. Malfoy sat up straighter, not daring to believe this could be anything good. There was not a single person that would wish them well.
There was the sound of footsteps before the doors were flung open, and a soft but commanding voice said;
"Mr. and Ms. Malfoy." It was Harry potter, dressed head to toe in black, he wore phenomenally expensive robes, and had the air of someone in complete control. The kind of attitude the Malfoys themselves used to have. He smirked at the look of fear and shock on their faces. He had their entire future in the palm of his hand.
"Mr. Potter." Narcissa said, her mouth dry. "please, sit down. To what do we owe this pleasure?" she asked, desperate for her husband to finally grow a back bone and take the lead.
"Ah, straight to business is it? Good, I don't want to socialise with you." Harry said, sitting on the couch and stretching out, taking up all of it, forcing Narcissa to stay standing. "it's to do with your trial. Not surprisingly, as it's the only thing in your future. Apart from imprisonment that is."
The Malfoys knew this of course, but it was Harry's pleasure to twist the knife.
"I know who you are, you know who I am. And what I can do. And if you agree to my terms, I will help you. But I want your son. You give him to me no strings attached, and the two of you get to avoid Azkaban. You get house arrest, two years maximum, which in a house like this shouldn't be too much of a hardship. Draco will also stay out of Azkaban, you have my word on that. But he will stay with me."
Narcissa opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again, unable to comprehend what was happening. This was so sudden, she had never expected Potter of all people to suggest such a thing.
"we start the spell binding Draco to me tonight. I will give testimony at your trail tomorrow. Immediately after, we finish the spell." Harry said, knowing he had them right where he wanted them. He had waited until the last possible moment to offer his little solution, knowing how frantic they must be. He really hated these people. But he hated Draco the most, he wanted to hurt him with the same intensity that most people longed to make love. It was a new feeling certainty, only since the since the war had ended. But these feelings consumed him.
"May we have a moment to discuss this?" Narcissa asked.
"of course, but only a fool would reject my offer. You wouldn't be able to see him in jail anyway, although, of course, I would make sure you heard news of how well he was doing, or" And harry suddenly grinned at them "how unwell he was. Jail can be a vicious place."
They understood his threat immediately, and they had no doubt he could follow through. Life in jail was never good, but someone like Potter could make it a living hell if they wanted to.
"yes. Yes it can be. We should very much like our son to stay out of it." Narcissa said finally, "may we tell our son?"
"Excellent choice!" Harry wasn't at all surprised. They were not fools. "yes, tell him, I'm sure he'll be pleased. In fact why don't you call him in right now, we can all share the good news."
This wasn't what they meant and Harry knew it. They wanted to be the ones to break this news, they wanted to do it alone, they wanted to have the chance to explain….well harry wasn't going to give them that.
Narcissa rose silently and called Bonny, giving her orders to get Draco. Quite rightly, she assumed Harry wouldn't like her to fetch him herself. Harry didn't want Draco to have any warning. In the meantime Narcissa bought Harry a drink, some of their finest firewhisky. But it didn't take long for Draco to come in, looking tired and nervous.
"Mother?" Draco asked, and then; "Potter? What-" but his mother quickly interrupted. She didn't know exactly what Potter wanted from her son, but she could guess one thing he would want; total obedience. It would not do for Draco to insult Harry.
"Draco darling. Mr. Potter has come to help us." Draco's eye brows shot up. God, her son was so innocent in so many ways. He wouldn't have any idea of what he was getting involved with until it was far too late. Could she really sell him like this? She would have too, surly it would be better than jail.
"He has agreed to give testimony tomorrow. He will…arrange for your father and I-" His father, Draco just noticed was staring at the opposite wall, utterly unmoved by all of it, but his mother was still speaking. "to get house arrest, for a few years. You will go with him, and he... will take care of you." She tried to get him to understand what that really meant; servitude, but oh he so clearly didn't….
"Arnt you glad, Draco?" Harry practically purred. " I'm doing you a favour, you should say thank you."
"…thank you" Draco said. He would remember that moment for the rest of his life. He really didn't know what was going on, but his parents were okay with it, so surly that was good?
"good boy." Harry said, god he was loving this. He knew Draco was going to put up a fight, he wanted him too. He wanted to dominate that little bitch, wanted to hurt him and make him cry. And yes, he was going to force himself on him.
Because yeah, he had saved the fucking world. He was Harry Potter he could do and get anything he wanted.
"Now." Harry said, standing up suddenly. "let the magic begin." He stalked over to Draco and grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to look up. "Now precious, we are going to perform a ritual. Your parents are going to formally transfer ownership of you over to me."
Ownership. That was when Draco really understood. His eyes went wide and he gulped, silently begging Potter to turn back into the guy he knew back in school, nice, sweet, blatantly annoying, but honourable. Where had he gone?
The first half of the ceremony was swift and unforgiving. Draco knelt at Harry's feet and pledged to obey and serve no matter what. The rest they would do tomorrow, after the trail.
Harry did exactly what he said he would; he convinced the judge, jury and press that, in the end the Malfoys had done the right thing. The elder Malfoys were to go into house arrest, and Draco was to go in to care- Harry's care.
He smiled and chatted away happily, charming every one. He loved this almost as much as he loved the thought of dominating Draco. He liked fooling every one, making them think he was still so honourable. God they were stupid. And week. He hated them. But he needed them, at least for a little longer.
The next part of the ceremony went equally well. For Harry at least. It ended by Harry slipping a red sparkly collar around his pet's neck, attaching a leash and giving it a good yank, Draco jerking back. The ceremony done, Harry marched them out of Malfoy mannor.
He did not let them say good bye.
He did not take Draco to his main home, a ridiculously expensive penthouse flat in London. He instead took him to an equally extravagant but much more secluded home in the country side.
"This is your home now." He told Draco as they walked in the front door. "when I am staying here I expect you to clean, make my meals, be ready and willing for me to service you at any time, and obey any other orders I may give you, understand?"
"y-yes." Draco said, in complete shock. This… he just didn't understand what was happening.
"Draco?" Harry said softly. "look at me." Draco did so. "I think you mean "yes master"" He said, again in that soft, cool voice. And then he lashed out, viciously backhanding Draco, his Gryffindor ring slicing in to his flesh, blood dripping out. "What the fuck?" Draco spat out, clutching his cheek. But immediately he wished he hadn't, Harry's hand went straight for Draco's throat, he was slammed against the wall and Harry was bellowing at him. "did you just swear at me? Did you just question me? And did you forget again, to address me correctly?"
Harry slammed him again into the wall, before hurling him to the floor. "I guess I'm going to have to teach you a few lessons. I had hoped that you would take my subtle hint about how you should address me, but I guess not." Harry was now snarling at him, rage like he had never before felt boiling inside of him. He aimed a powerful kick at his pet, who immediately curled into a foetal position.
" I am your master. Never forget that. I always have and always will be your superior in every way." He spat at Draco, who let out a soft sob. Harry hated crying, hated how messy and nosiey it was.
And so he beat him more and more, making him stand up and offer his face to his master to be slapped, making him ask for it, making him bleed and bruise. Finally, after what felt like an age to Draco, Harry stopped and asked; "learn your lesson?"
"y-yes master." Draco sniffed. "good." Harry said. "now clean this blood up. And I expect dinner in an hour."
What do you think, should I leave it as a one shot, or expand it in to a story?