"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." E.E Cummings

As I sat in the living room with Dad watching the game I thought about just that. I could say I was brave before. When I faced Victoria or when I fell off that cliff. But that wasn't the same as courage. Anyone could have a brave moment once in a while when they're presented with the opportunity. But courage was always and everlasting. I didn't know if I had that.

So without courage, how could I be who I really am? Who am I, really? I didn't know who that person was. And I wasn't quite ready for find out. But part of me really wanted to.

So I guess I have to find the Wizard of Oz so he can give me some courage.

Where's that yellow brick road?

Bella walked into the house at exactly four o'clock. Dad looked at his clock, "Four o'clock on the dot. Does he have a stop watch or something?"

"His name is Edward," Bella said as she walked in, "And now he's too punctual for you?" She really needs an attitude adjustment. She started for the stairs before Dad stopped her.

"Wait a sec, will you? Sit down."

Bella paused, obviously not wanting to, but then she moved to sit on a chair as Dad faced her, "You understand why you're being punished, right? Three days. No word. Callie doesn't even know where you are because you don't talk to your own sister anymore. You come back on Edward's arm like nothing happened-"

"Yes," Bella interrupted, "I'm sorry. But Edward's in my life. That won't change."

"I'm getting that," Dad murmured, "So I'll make a deal with you. No more being grounded... if you use your new freedom to see your other friends, too.. like Jacob."

Bella's face darkened at the thought of Jacob.

Dad noticed, "What? Edward can't handle a little competition?"

"There is no competition," Bella concluded.

I scoffed, "Yeah you made that real clear when you broke his heart and never looked back," then I looked at my Dad, "Sorry, Dad, but I can't keep quiet when it comes to this. He deserves better."

Dad nodded at me and gestured to my ear phones. I got the hint and put them in for my music therapy. But I could still hear the conversation.

"I'm sure Jake would rather be friends than nothing at all."

Bella stood up, "Then he should return my phone calls."

Dad sighed, "His Dad's worried about him, Bells. Jake's having a really hard time."

Bella stopped walking away and turned, "It's not because of me." I saw her side glance at me.

Dad noted it too – damn police investigating skills – but he didn't address it, "I'm not blaming you. I remember when that was you. You needed a friend and Jake was there. He might be worth another try."

With that, Bella finally escaped upstairs and Dad turned to me. Damn police memory skills. "I know you can hear."

I sighed and pulled my ear phones out.

"Why did Bella look at you when she said Jake's hard time wasn't because of her?" He asked.

I sighed... I really didn't know.

Jacob had come to my room to rant when Bella had told him that she'd always choose Edward over him. I had my eyes closed most of the time until I finally sat up in bed and locked eyes with him.

When that happened... I don't know what happened. It was like the world stopped spinning. And gravity shifted around just us. I felt this strong pull to him and I wanted nothing more than to let that pull take me wherever it wanted too, as long as he was there.

By the look on his face, I knew he felt the exact same thing. And then he just ran out. I tried calling him, even called Embry. But he wouldn't talk to me. And for some reason I felt heartbreak because of that.

I looked at my Dad, "I don't know... Jacob has been ignoring both of us," I tried to keep the pain from leaking into my voice but Dad looked worried so it didn't work, "I don't know what I did..."

Dad put his arm around me, "You didn't do anything, baby girl. Jake is going through something." Something occurred to him, "Aren't you going down to La Push tomorrow?"

I nodded, "Me and Embry are gonna go to Emily's."

"Why don't you see if Embry knows what's going on with Jake?"

And I did just that.

The next day I was heading to my jeep when I saw Bella and Edward in her truck. She looked like she was trying to start her car but it was dead. I instantly knew. Bella was trying to go see Jacob. And Edward killed her car so she couldn't.


I knew I wasn't Bella's biggest fan right now. But she was my sister. I just wanted her to be my sister. And I couldn't do that by pushing her away. I had to leave myself open for her. But I had to be careful to avoid going through what I had to while she was a zombie.

So I waled to her window and knocked. They both looked at me surprised. Bella leaned over and rolled down he window, "Yeah."

"I'm heading to La Push. You in?"

Bella looked at me... gratefully. Edward was giving me a glare though, "No, she's not."

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows, "Was I asking you? Don't act like you have any control over me."

Bella looked at Edward, "I'm going."

Edward looked like the world was falling apart, "It's dangerous."

I rolled my eyes and decided to be funny and mess with him, "Oh, please. They've only phased on me-" I 'paused' and tried to count on my fingers. The look on his face was priceless. I shook my head, "Can't count that high."

"That's not amusing," Edward snarled.

I shrugged, "That's the liberating thing about not caring what you think... I don't care what you think," I looked at Bella, "You coming or what?"

Bella looked between me and Edward. Edward gave her a look, "Bella, please."

Bella got out of her truck and got into the passenger side of my jeep. I got into the drivers side and started my car. Eddie didn't think to kill my car, did he? Ha ha.

We drove to La Push in silence until Bella said, "Thank you."

I shook my head, staring ahead, "Just do me a favor."

"What?" Bella looked at me curiously.

"Find out what the hell happened that night. He'll know what I'm talking about."

With that, I dropped her off at Jacob and kept driving to Emily's. Emily smiled when I came in – she was the only one home. "Hey fellow wolf girl. Embry's patrol got extended another half hour. But he should be back soon."

I smiled, "That's okay. What are you making?"

"Steak and potatoes."

"Oh my god, I have to perfect mash potatoes recipe! Can I help?"

Emily looked surprised at the offer to help. But she smiled through her scars, "I'd be happy for the help."

So we set to cooking. I was just about finished with the potatoes when I heard hollering outside and then the boys stumbled in.

Embry smiled when he saw me, "Hey Callie! Sorry I kept you waiting," he kissed my cheek.

I waved it off, "It's okay. Me and Emily were having some girl time."

He smiled, "You cooked?"

I nodded, "I've been using the recipes Sue gave me for my birthday like... everyday."

He smiled, pleased, "Can't wait to try it." He went to sit down with the guys while me and Emily finished up.

Soon Emily and I dished up the steak and potatoes and put them on the table after taking some for ourselves. The guys dug right in like... wolves.

"Nice potatoes, Emily," Paul mumbled with a full mouth.

"Actually, Callie made them," Emily smiled, proudly. Proud of me?

The boys dropped everything and gaped at me – except Embry. Paul stuttered, "Damn, you can cook?"

I nodded, blushing.

Jared gave me a look, "So you can deal with vampires, you can deal with werewolves, you can hack it in cliff diving at our drop off and now you can cook?"

I shrugged, "Guess I'm not your average girl."

Jared made a noise of agreement, "I'll say. I don't know what the hell Jake's problem is. I'd imprint on you in a second."

Before I could ask Paul snorted, "Forget Jacob," he looked at me, "Marry me and cook for me, Callie." He 'proposed' dramatically, on his knee and everything.

I allowed myself to laugh, "We'll see."

I sat by Embry and looked at Jared, "What's imprinting?"

They all looked at me, like I should know what that is. "Jake didn't tell you?" Jared asked.

I shook my head, "Guess not."

"What exactly happened?" Embry asked me.

I knew what he was talking about, they must know something from Jake's mind during their brain share time. I lifted one shoulder, "I'm not really sure... He came over and was ranting. I opened my eyes to talk to him but we kind of just froze... and then he left. And now he hasn't been talking to me. I'm so confused."

Embry growled, "That pussy. Can't even make a damn phone call to tell you what's going on."

"What is going on?" I asked him.

He looked at me, hesitant. Jared sighed, "Jake should be the one to tell you, Callie."

I looked at them all, "Well it doesn't look like he's going to anytime soon and I think I deserve to know now."

Embry sighed and stood, "Come on. Let's go for a walk."

I followed him almost all the way to the beach. He wasn't going to start so I did, "What the fuck is imprinting, Embry?"

Embry wasn't phased by my cursing but he sighed, running a hand through his hair before speaking, "It's something a wolf does. It's part of the gene."

"What exactly does it mean, Em?"

He looked at me, "It's how a wolf finds its soul mate. When he looks into her eyes for the first time after phasing... it's like she's everything. Gravity isn't keeping you on Earth, it's her. You'll be anything she wants or needs to be happy and safe. Nothing else matters."

I felt my breath catch in my throat. Did he mean...? "And what does that have to do with me and Jake?"

Embry knew I knew the answer to that. But he knew I wanted to be wrong. He answered me anyway, "Jake imprinted on you that night. Before then, after he phased, you guys never saw each other in person. Then your eyes met that night and he imprinted on you. You're soul mates."

I shook my head, "No."

"...what?" Embry asked.

I closed my eyes and whispered, "No," louder now, "I'm not anyone's soul mate. I'm damaged goods. I'm nothing."

Embry stood in front of me and grabbed my shoulders, "You know that's not true. All along Quil and I told you that you deserve more than that Tyler guy. Well here it is. Jake isn't good enough for you. No one is. But he's sure as hell better than that guy."

I opened my eyes and glared at him, "If we're meant to be together, then why is Jacob ignoring me?"

Embry hesitated before he answered gently, "Jake's fighting the imprint."

I knew it. I felt my heart break. Was I really so bad to be with? But I knew he didn't deserve to be saddled with me. I had to do the right thing.

"So am I."

Here it is! I just finished the first part of Breaking Dawn and am starting the second part. It'll come up slowly so bear with me because I have to use the books.

Anyway, REVIEW!
