Hey, guys! Sorry this chapter took so long to do. But I hope that you like it and thank for all the favs and follows!

Disclaimer: I do not own bleach!

Next morning

"Well, I'm going," Renji said heading over to the ladder leading to the world above.

"Yeah," Ichigo said as he walked over to start his training, leaving Renji, Yoruichi, and me standing in silence.

"Hey, Yoruichi, is he…really okay?" Renji spoke interrupting my silent thoughts. I turned my head to look at him and see what else he was going to ask. "There's no more time left, can he really achieve Bankai by today?"

"Renji, do you remember the first time you stood up on your own?" Yoruichi asked him.

Renji and I shared a glance of shock and confusion, "What? Of course I don't remember!"

"The fact you don't remember means you weren't conscious of it. Then why did you stand up? People are born with the knowledge of how to stand up. Birds all know how to fly. Fish all know how to swim. That's instinct, because they know its instinct people try to be even better. That's what I'm trying to make him remember. He probably knows it deep inside. That he possesses that kind of power. That's why I will believe in him. That he can master the Bankai," Yoruichi finally finished her explanation of why she thought Ichigo could do this. Yoruichi then left and went over to help Ichigo. I turned over to Renji and wished him a farewell. With a small wave, he started climbing up the ladder and I went to start on getting warmed up. After a few stretches and warm ups, I told Yoruichi that I would see her later and that I was going somewhere. She gave me a weird look but didn't ask me any questions. About ten minutes later I was hiding on a roof watching a strawberry blonde, big boobed lieutenant and a short, grumpy captain.

"How is she?" I heard the unknown woman say.

"She's sleeping," Toshiro replied as he placed a kido barrier around the room. Just then something happened off in the distance releasing a weird Reiatsu.

"That was a kyoumon just now. Why did you put a barrier around this room?"

"I can't guarantee how people are going to move. This is to protect her from outside enemies."

"Outside enemies?"

"Let's go," Toshiro replied after a few moments, stopping their conversing. I took this time to jump down from my hiding spot and draw the attention to myself. "You!"

"Me!" I shouted back at him. He drew his Zanpakuto and seconds after the unknown woman did also. I quickly put both of my hands up and said, "Hey, I come in peace!"

"And why should we care. You're a Ryoka and it's our job to arrest you."

"But I'm here to help you! ... I think something really strange is going on here. I'm not too sure what, but whatever it is I don't think it's good," I said trying to convince him to put his Zanpakuto down and let me help him. He let his Zanpakuto drop for the slightest of a second and I knew I was going to win this battle. "You have to believe me; I think something really bad is going to happen."

Thinking for a second, Toshiro let out a deep sigh and lowered his Zanpakuto, "Fine, let's go."

We took off running, towards where I didn't really know. I could hear the lady talking to Toshiro about me before turning towards me and saying, "Hello, I'm Matsumoto!"

"Nice to meet you Matsumoto, I'm Summer," I introduce myself with a small smile on my face. We talk to each other while we were running until we felt Reiatsu rising up on the ledge thing. We both became silent, watching the Reiatsu grow stronger and stronger.

"Could that be the Ryoka?" Matsumoto asked Toshiro up ahead.

"There is too much fighting in the direction of Soukyoku. What else could it be? With the situation getting out of hand, the only thing to do is make an appeal to the people above and try to get things under control," Toshiro said somewhat explaining to me where we were going.

"Are you saying that you're ignoring Captain Aizen's warning?" At this comment she completely lost me, this Aizen again.

"Yeah. That in particular has a hidden meaning. Let's hurry."

Not before too long we came up to a gate and Matsumoto shouted in surprise, "The gate guardians aren't here!"

"This is strange," Toshiro says pushing open the gate and starting to walk across the bridge that led to a building.

"Yeah, you can say that again," I softly whisper under my breath, looking around and taking in my surroundings.

"There are no guards here as well," Matsumoto spoke with a disbelieving tone.

"This has been closed from the inside," Toshiro said before going over to the door at the end of the bridge. "This is the 10th Squad Captain, Hitsugaya. I would like an emergency meeting and permission to enter Central 46." Seconds after he finished swords crossed over the door making a grid.

"The emergency defenses are still active." I stood back and watched them talk about the things that were happening. I took a step back as Toshiro cut the swords in half, causing them to fall to the floor. "That was Central 46's door. Doing this is…"

"The alarm isn't sounding. Even though I broke the door, the alarm isn't sounding. Someone defeated the gate's guard and is already inside. And he locked the door. Setting it so that the alarm would not sound when we arrived," Toshiro explained to the both of us.

"To prevent raising a commotion," Matsumoto and I said at the same time realizing what this meant. We ran forward through the doors that were now unlocking and then made our way down a lot of stairs. When we reached the room at the end, the sight was horrific. The people who had worked at Central 46 lay slaughtered all over the room. I raised my hand over my open mouth as my eyes widened from the picture laid out in front of me. We made our way around the room surveying what had happened. The blood was dry which meant that they had been dead for a while now. Whoever had done this did it a while ago.

The dead silence that had surrounded us vanished as a voice split through it like a knife, "I thought you would be here, Captain Hitsugaya." The three of us turn towards the direction of the voice. Standing there was a guy with blonde hair that covered half of his face.

"Kira! You aren't the one who did this, are you?! Follow him, Matsumoto!" They both took off after the guy that they had called Kira. I went to go leave when my uniform got caught on a loss nail poking out of some wood. I let out a deep sigh, of course just my luck. I turn around and unhook myself from the nail. When I turn back to the door a girl stood there with a look similar to my own when I walked into this room on her face.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known by her, "Hello."

The girl snapped her neck over to me, "You're the girl that was with Matsumoto and Shiro-Chan."

"Indeed I am," I said making my way slowly over to her. "I'm Summer, and you?"

"Hinamori Momo lieutenant of the 5th division," she said standing taller, maybe because she was proud or she was trying to convince me she wasn't scared.

"Well, Hinamori, I would suggest we leave now. I feel nothing good will come of this place," I placing my around her shoulder and start guiding her away from this place.

"Welcome Hinamori, Summer," A voice that I recognized said behind us sending chills up my back.

"Captain Ichimaru!" We both said at the same time. The only thing difference was that I said it with a disgusted tone and she said it with one of surprise.

"Come here," Ichimaru beckoned us to him.

Hinamori started to step forward, but I grabbed her arm stopping her from moving any further towards him, "What makes you think that we'd come with you?"

"Hinamori come. Who do you trust more this girl you just met, or the most trusted friend of your former captain?" Hinamori shook off my hand and started walking to Gin. My eyes narrowed into glared; both he and I knew that I couldn't leave this girl here alone. I took a few quick strides and catch up with Hinamori and Ichimaru.

"This is the Seijyoutou Kyorin. This is the residential area for Room 46. Why are you taking me to this place? Captain Ichimaru," Hinamori asked as we made our way through the building I had entered before.

"Have you come here before, Hinamori?" Gin asked not answering her question.

"Oh, no. Isn't it completely restricted? It's my first time even seeing it."

"It's a favor for the person who wants to meet you. He wants to meet you too, Summer."

"Me?" I questioned raising my eyebrows.

"That's right," Gin said leading us into a completely pitch black room. I immediately place my hands on my Zanpakuto just in case I needed to use it.

"But…" Hinamori started just as unsure as I was.

"See, take a look. Behind you."

"Behind me?" Hinamori said as we both turned around to at what he was talking about. Standing there in the light cast by the room we were just in was a guy who had brown hair and eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses. He looked innocent and nice, but a part of me told me that his looks were deceiving. "Captain Aizen!"

My heart sped up and my eyes widened, this was Aizen?! I grabbed her arm, turning her towards me and quietly spoke in a panic filled tone, "What did you just say?!"

"Long time no see, Hinamori," Aizen spoke making my attention quickly turn towards him.

"Are you really Captain Aizen?" Hinamori asked brushing my hand and my question off. "You were supposed to be dead."

"I'm alive, just as you see," Aizen spoke as Hinamori started to make her way over to him, but before she could get far a grabbed her hand causing her to look back at me.

"Hinamori, I don't think this is a good idea," I said trying to get her to stay here with me.

"Don't worry, Summer. This is my captain, he would never do anything to hurt me."

She slipped her hand out of mine and started walking away again, "I'm not too sure about that."

"Captain Aizen! Captain Aizen! I…" Hinamori leaned into his chest, clutching his shirt so hard it was as if she was afraid that if she let go he would disappear. "Captain Aizen!"

"I'm sorry. I've made you worry," Aizen said as he put his hand on top of her head. I had my teeth clenched tight and my hand on my Zanpakuto, ready to jump if I needed to. "You've lost some weight. I'm truly sorry. For this to have hurt you so badly, but you'll understand. I only had you. There was something that I had to do, and because of that, I had to hide myself. So I feigned death and I-"

"It's okay. It's okay now. As long as you're alive, I have nothing to…"

"Thank you, Hinamori. I'm truly thankful to have you as a subordinate. Thank you, Hinamori. Truly, thank you." Aizen looked up and caught my eye. I knew. "Goodbye."

"Hinamori," I screamed at the top of my lungs as I jumped forward to do something. I tried; I really did, but… I couldn't get there in time, they were too far way.

"What is this? What?" Hinamori said in a soft whisper. I shunpoed over and caught her before she fell to the floor. I felt her body go limp as her blood seeped into my clothes. I stood up, gently laying Hinamori on the ground.

I clenched my eyes shut and I felt my fingernail dig into my skin, "Why?! Why did you have to do that to her?! She wasn't a harm to you, so why?!" I looked up and Aizen standing there with a little stupid smirk that I want to slap right off of his face.

"She simply knew too much for her own good. But let's talk about you Summer Long. You look so much like your father," Aizen spoke as he walked around me surveying my appearance.

"So, you knew my father then?"

"Yes, I did. Your father and I were best friend. The greatest partner any one could ask for. It's really a shame that he got caught during one of our schemes. We could have gone so far together. But oh well, you win some, you lose some. You however, I feel are much smarter than your dad ever was. So, I'm going to offer you a proposition," He stopped in front of me and held out his hand. "Join me, Summer. With me, you could become one of the most powerful Shinigami that has ever lived. You will taste victory and power, and nothing will ever stand in your way again. So, what do you say?"

My mouth dropped, did this guy seriously think that I would ever even think about joining him. "Do you seriously think that I would ever join someone like you? You're crazier than what I thought!"

Aizen frowned at my comment and then let out a disappointed sigh, "Just remember, you brought this upon yourself Summer. Take care of her Gin." He turned around and started to walk out, but I wasn't going to let him get away. I gritted my teeth together and pulled out my Zanpakuto as I started making my way towards him. I didn't get very far when a blade came at me from the side. I deflected the blade to the side. I look forward to see another blade headed towards me. I quickly shunpoed out of the way. I landed on some wet and slippery. Before I could do anything, I lost my balance and started falling to the floor. I didn't get all the way to the floor when I felt something sharp hit the side of my head. I don't know what I hit, but I had I feeling that this wasn't the only thing I wasn't going to know.

So, I hoped that you liked it. This is the end of the Shinigami arc, so I need your opinion on whether or not I should do the Bount Arc. I am also sorry for the lack of updates. I was hoping once school got out I would be able to work on it more, but the week after school let out I started drivers ed! Yay! But my last class is tomorrow, so hopefully now I will be able to focus more on this. Don't forget to leave a review on how you think the story is so far and what direction you think this story should take. Thanks!