A/N: Oh my goodness I am the worst person ever and I know it! This has been like half done for sooo long so if it sounds weird I am sorry. I have no excuses for my delayed writing and am hoping that I can fix that.

A/N2: Also I'm telling all My fic readers to add my twitter account its dedicated to fics and fics only. It'll basically be spoilers and help you push me to write.

-Read, Review, and Enjoy!

White light filters in shining delicately on the blonde's sleeping form and she shifts, her eyes scrunching trying to stay in the peaceful slumber she was experiencing. But the sun continues to beat down disturbing her continued sleep

Finally she tries to turn away from the light but a warm body prevents the shift from going off smoothly. A smile takes up her features at the feel of another body next to hers not really remembering exactly who she brought home the night previously but not minding much. She snuggles into the body next to her own earning her a light squeak in return which makes her smirk

Her arm wraps around the small frame feeling something smooth that is most definitely not skin and her brows furrow in confusion; a woman in her bed after a night she can not remember almost always guarantees a nice naked warm body when she wakes up. This is definitely not a naked body she runs the her tongue around in her mouth trying to get the taste of whatever kind of alcohol it was responsible for her inability to remember last night and comes up with only the icky taste of morning breath.

Grunting slightly she flops back to her back and squints her eyes open against the harsh light of the sun blinking furiously trying to get used to its harshness so early in the morning. As her eyes, finally, adjust to the blinding light she stares up confused. It looks likes she is in some type of wood building and she scrunches her nose at the thought of a cabin which leads to the horrible idea of camping She shudders just the thought of camping always put her off.

Finally with a loud exhale she turns to the woman beside her a small smile in place as her dimples pop and her elbow makes contact with the bedding in order for her hand to support her head. But that is most definitely not a woman beside her and her eyes grow wide as a startled yelp leaves her pink lips and she is scrambling to get up as the small light brown creature lets out a shocked yelp and dashes to the other side of the tree eyes wide and fearsome.

Arizona eyed the small animal in front of her cautiously taking in the sight of the rather small deer and slowly her body began to relax as she studied the cute creature. She smiled softly at the obviously frightened animal as she crouched low and held at her hand trying to show it that she meant no harm to it. "Hey there little guy" She smiled softly scooting closer to the animal very slowly. "I'm not going to hurt you" She spoke softly as it started to back further into the wood of the tree before realizing himself and stopped moving, but still held its ears back in cautionary concern.

Her hand ran softly against his soft fur petting the small animal tenderly and carefully making sure to not frighten him once again as she smiled looking at the little thing. "Aren't you cute" She smiled continuing to run her hand on his very soft fur as her eyes drifted around the hollow tree and outside at what was obviously a forest. The blonde frowned to herself as she stared outside looking down at the animal once again. "You wouldn't happen to know how I got out here hmm Bambi?" she smiled wondering to herself trying to stay calm.

"Not really you were just here when I got here last night" The small animal answered back enjoying the stroking the hand on his fur and his eyes closed in appreciation. But with their sudden stop his eyes opened to look at the woman standing above him.

A shocked expression took over the woman's features as she looked down at the animal beside her disbelievingly. She blinked still staring at the animal believing that she had to be going insane or hearing things. She smiled to herself for even thinking something as crazy as the animal speaking a light smile playing on her lips. "Wow, I must be going crazy I thought you just spoke to me, Bambi" She snorted to herself.

The deer looked up at the woman, his eyes narrowing and body bristling with indignation at both being called such a silly name and the woman having the audacity to say he did not speak. As if her were some common animal. This was his home!

He took a defiant step away from her staring at the woman eyes hard as stone, Arizona grew slightly confused at the animal's movement and moved to step closer to the animal, but when she tried it made a snorting noise that sounded oddly like a huff as it took a step back and away from her yet again. "Bambi?" she cooed softly to the little animal as she began to squat.

It was finally too much for him to handle and he exploded. "My name is not Bambi! It is George Oakilson. Son of Alaster Oakilson. And you are in my home do not disrespect me by acting as if I can not speak. You should know very well that the Mytholousry reside in these lands"

Shock took over her features as she stared wide eyed at the animal before her flabbergasted. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish but no words really came out as she continued to stare at the deer before her. Such a cute little creature that she was so used to seeing on nature programs; she blinked giving her arm a pinch trying to wake herself and flinching at the pain the pinch caused angry that it did not seem to wake her.

Finally words started to come out, if not a bit jumbled and disorientated still"…you…you…talk…words…you…mytho…speaking…no…impossible…George…words…you…impossible" She gives her head a shake staring unbelieving at the animal.

George just tilts his head to the side staring up at the woman. No one that is not magical can get into the mythical forest unless they were lured here to be food or of course just an animal, but even animals typically steered clear of the place as they were lower than even mortals on the food chain. "What are you?" he asked curiously sniffing the air and staring at the woman positive that she was no mortal as her scent was that of mythical even her essences was, but he just never came across her kind before so could not place her.

She stared at him still disbelieving all that was going on around her; she was clearly going crazy or had to be dreaming. Definitely dreaming. She had become too fatigued after her run on the beach and her spat at the hospital and possibly passed out once she got home. Nodding as she agreed with her conclusion, she squared her shoulders prepared to get through this with the thought that this was most definitely a dream .

George never was a particularly patient being so the fact that she did not answer both irritated and unnerved him. His first instincts told him that only those who are hiding what they are would not tell him and the only ones that hide them are dangerous. He shifted a bit nervously, ears perking up and alert as adrenaline began to course through his body getting him ready to spring to escape quickly.

One back step gets him pinned against the wall of the tree behind him and he inwardly curses to himself at having ran away frightened earlier. He looks back to the blonde hoping that his scared doe eyes would help him in some way; he knows his looks are there for some protection and stares wordlessly at the woman as she stares with a strange look on her face back at him.

His eyes dart to the opening of the hollow and stares at the long thin vines that are calmly swaying back and forth happily causing the leaves to tinkle magically as the color of the leaves seemed to shift colors. Watching something that he had seen so many times before slightly calmed his frazzled nerves and he looked at the blonde woman again. If she did not want to reveal what she was to him then. George knew it was best for him to try and placate her by not asking least she was dangerous or even worse evil.

He took a deep calming breathe steeling his nerves and met the woman's blue eyes. Neutral questions were going to be the only things that would both be his saving grace and way to gain information. His ears flattened against his head: a nervous impulse.

This had to be a dream. That's right, she was clearly not ready for that run and it must have put some sort of strain on her body. Too much activity before your body has had enough time to heal can be bad for anyone even her. Okay, so this is just some odd dream and it was about time she had talking animal dreams because honestly, watching that many talking animal cartoons could not have been healthy for her psyche.

"Do you have a name?" The question had her retreating from her thoughts to focus back on the adorable creature in front of her. Now that she realized that this was not some weird possessed animal and, in fact, just a dream she could admit that the animal, George, was cute.

And before she could over think things once again she was already retorting. "Doesn't everyone have a name?" Effectively not answering his question which slightly frustrated the Mytholous, she raised a single blonde eyebrow at the odd question.

He just opened his mouth in shock at the smart ass comment that just flew out of the potentially dangerous woman and blinked. The blonde for her part just stood with a smirk on her face looking at the little deer before her, Finally, as if barely realize that it was taking him far to long to respond, George managed to stutter out a reply "Ye…yes IEv…Yes." He gives a nod as if agreeing with his own answer before the silence and a raised brow have him continuing. "It's just…you know my name, but I don't know yours?" it comes out as a question and his ears flick from the sound "I mean, what is your name?"

She smiles showcasing a set of deep dimples in her cheeks as she looks at the small animal before her. He really is the cutest thing ever, and what nightmare starts with a cute little deer? None. That is how many nightmares start with a cute little talking deer. It is like Disney in her mind and she kind of loves it. So, without much of a thought she is speaking to the animal feeling oddly at ease. "Arizona My name is Arizona Robbins and it is nice to meet you Mr Oakilson"

He felt a small bit of pride course through his body at being called Mister; it was something that not even his people would bestow upon him, though that was for obvious reasons there, and it made his ego swell just a bit as he stood just taller. "And it is nice to meet you"

It was quiet for a beat between the two as Arizona silently observed her surroundings realizing that she was in a huge hollowed out tree it was quite magnificent to look at and she stared at it for some time taking in the details readily

"So," George cleared his throat slightly awkwardly trying to think of what to say or how to ask before he gave up on thinking of a way to say it nicely "Why are you here?"

The sound of his voice interrupted the blonde's observation and her attention was once again on the talking animal across from her, She tilted her head to the side still looking at the talking creature before her. "Shouldn't you know why I'm here? Or at least tell me where here is?"

She sounded genuinely curious about her inquires and it gave him pause; he never thought that she could be a lost traveler, but even lost travelers knew where they were in a general sense and she did seem surprised when she heard him first speak. But that did not matter, no human could ever get to the Mythical Forest unless lured there, by a less than savory character, and even then they would not be able to realize he was talking. She had to be supernatural to understand him; he spoke in the Mytho- tongue that only other super naturals were able to clearly understand. Although, he could communicate with other none supernatural animals, they had to be just that: animals. And this woman before him was definitely humanoid.

But still that left questions. Even though he clearly knew she had to be a supernatural of some sort and, therefore, could come into the Mythical Forest at will. Supernaturals did not just come to be in to this place that held extreme magic because they were lost. It was almost daunting just to make the trip into the realm of the Mythical Forest so only those with the destination in mind would come.

He tilted his head in confusion as he looked at the woman. "umm…" he stammered at a loss for words. What was she playing at? Maybe she had some mental deficiency that made her quite not all there. He blinked slowly letting that thought float through his mind.

Arizona's eyebrow quirked this was a rather strange dream, but if it was her adaptation of a Disney movie then surely she had some quest or some evil doer to get rid of. "Well…I don't know…isn't there some like…evil doer I should be helping with or like quest I need to be put on?" she made a vague motion with her hands as if that would help him understand her further, which was a complete failure as he seemed even more confused.

"Well, the worst things in the Mythical Forest are the cave dwellers. Nasty little things that have a nacked for hunting with no prejudice like most of us. They live in the Blossoming Mountains deep within the caves, but they have been coming closer to the ground levels and surface strangely." he had just spouted off there for a moment, but hey those cave dwellers were some nasty things. "But you know…I didn't… call you here?" the last bit came out as sort of a question as he realized what she said. Was she some sort of summoned? They get called upon and have a need to fulfill requests and feats: it gives them a power rush helping them stay alive and young and beautiful.

The blonde blinked taking in all the information; this was by far one of her more indebt dreams. It was so realistic, but still clearly a dream. She looked back at the talking animal and confirmed that this was definitely a dream. "Well, that does sound like it needs getting taken care of." She gave a firm nod; this is where things would get fun and she would be a hero. That sounded pretty awesome in her head; she wondered briefly if she would get a princess and smiled. "Should we go now?"

He nods along with her about it needing getting taken care of before his eyes widen. And he looks at her like she lost her mind "We?!"

"Well clearly I can't go alone; I am new around here after all. And there has to be a reason that I met you so of course we." She states it as if it the most logical thing in the realm.

"I don't think…no I can't go." He shakes his head fear already rising inside of his fur covered body at the image of those terrifying creatures.

"But you have to."


"Look this is going to happen one way or another and you ARE going to be showing me how to get to these Flower Mountains…"

"Blossoming Mountains" he corrects.

"Exactly I don't even really know their names and you have to go because this is your home. You should be a part of this; you and I have to work together form a great bond, have each others back, and have this amazing adventure."

It is a lot of back and forth between the two but somehow the blonde gets the young Mytholous to agree although he agrees timidly on the very adamant argument that she never call him Bambi again. She is beyond ecstatic at the new her dream is clearly the most awesome dream around for have the talking animal!

And the two set off with the sun well at its zenith high above in the sky. Arizona's eyes looking around in amazement at all of the sights around her from the most gorgeous blue sky to the purple trees. It is a day and a half trip to the Blossoming Mountains base and the Elvin city of Arboribus is right in the middle which is where George informs her they will be stopping when they make it.

I know this is basically like filler and who has dreams this detailed? Someone's in denial! (think of that being said tauntingly.)

So yes I went there…I made George Bambi…ha, but he's not going to have George characteristics if you are all wondering!

Arizona has been basically changed…I didn't like what I was going to do with her, but everything is the same. And I am completely changing the meaning of what I am making her too! Kind of the same way I did with Callie and the Sirens!

Hint? Why yes I am going to give you one of those! What Arizona is has a video game about it…it might just be the name of the video game or it might not…who knows? Oh I do! (;