Hello~! I've come to spread diabetes and tooth decay with excessive amounts of pure fluff from the goodness that is Lucky! Each chapter will only be very short and be from random letter prompts! Please enjoy, and don't forget to review!

Written for my lovely Tyki's Pleasure; I do hope you like these~!



A is for Awful

Putrid. Disgusting. Downright awful. And Lavi told Tyki as such.

"I know Lavi, but you have to take it," the tanned man pushed. Lavi moved away from his partner, his back pressed flush against the headboard of their king sized bed. He shook his head furiously.

"No," the youth moaned, before falling into a fit of coughs. Tyki kissed the boy's forehead before once again grabbing the red head's chin, forcing Lavi to look at him.

"You'll feel much better if you do," the Noah tried. After one last huff, Lavi closed his eyes, pinched his nose, and did as he was told. When he reopened his eyes, he saw his lover smile sympathetically.

"There, see? Good bunny," another kiss was placed on his head. Lavi only stuck his tongue out in disgust. But who wouldn't? After all, medicine is awful.

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