A/N: This is a sequel to Platyborg's Agent Predicament, which I wrote as a sequel to the movie, Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension. It takes place in the second dimension, and Annie Jamison, known by most as AJ is my OC.

Official disclaimer for entire Fan-Fiction: I do not own the show, the movie, the characters, the places, the ideas, or otherwise, unless they are original. I am not making profit by writing this.

Thank you in advance for reading this, and I hope you enjoy!

One Summer Day

Platyborg stretched out lazily in the sun-warmed grass, and smiled. He'd just woken up from a nap, and it had been free from nightmares… which was normal now.

Oh he still had a few bad nights. After all, you don't go through something like that and escape completely sane. At first, his dreams had had him either being taken apart by Doofenshmirtz, or, worse still, chasing down his family as Doofenshmirtz's evil general.

He shook off those thoughts, and reminded himself that the mind control chip Doofenshmirtz had implanted was now gone, along with the sensors that had allowed him to be controlled by a remote. Doofenshmirtz might still be out there, but he no longer stood a chance at getting to him.

He frowned worriedly. There's always my family… He's used them against me… twice now! His gaze darted over to the middle of the lawn, where his boys, Phineas and Ferb, where starting to build some sort of train-track.

He stood up, not really feeling like a nap all of a sudden, and scanned the area.

AJ noticed, and came to sit down next to him. "I know. It feels weird, doesn't it? Not having anything to do…"

He nodded .

She brightened, in typical AJ fashion. "But, hey! That just means everyone's safe! Right?"

He gave another nod, grateful that his neck didn't creak and groan like an old clothes dryer. When AJ and the rest of the resistance had saved him from Doofenshmirtz, and practically rebuilt him, they'd made a few, subtle changes to his design.

He could still fly, but they'd coated his metal body so that he could now swim as well. The corners of had been smoothed out, and the spike that had been on his tail was now gone. His weapons, too, had been removed. Now his arms could change into a grappling hook, instead of a mace. There were other useful things for a secret agent too.

AJ reached to pet him, and he began to relax again. His family was safe, just like they had been for the last few weeks. This feeling that something was going to happen, that kept growing stronger with each passing day, must just be nerves. Like AJ said, it was weird to have nothing to do.

"The OWCA is using those cameras that Phineas and Ferb made to monitor the city. If they need us, we'll know about it."

He gave a quiet chatter. Thanks.

She winked at him, with a warm smile, reminding him that she'd be there for him, no matter what, just like always.

Even when those cameras spotted that inevitable sign of trouble…

To be continued...

A/N: Sorry to everyone who's already read Platyborg's Agent Predicament, this just kinda explained what was going on. Not a lot of new stuff here. Next chapter should be a lot better!

Thanks for reading!