This is the last chapter, guys! Thanks to my constant supporters SasuCakes15, panda6374, and JoanIncarnate you three are the main reasons I kept writing this fic to the end (: It was a completely different approach than what I normally take. My ideas/plots always seem so farfetch and complicated but I want to write them anyways because I think they're different from all the other fanfics out there... and that's what I like to do (; THE RAINBOW PANDA OUT OF THE BAG! WOOOT! YEAH!



Sorry I'm such a spazz, guys c: Enjoy the last chapter of Borrowed, Not Stolen!

Chapter Twelve: Fresh Starts

Saturday night had rolled on by and just as Naruto had forced Sasuke to promise, the raven was at his doorstep duked out in a casual pair of black pants, a navy blue button up shirt… shoes (of course) and a bouquet of beautiful, red tulips.

Naruto slapped his cheeks and screamed, "Sasuke! These are beautiful!" he was smiling ear to ear as he took the flowers from his beloved's hands and ushered him in. "You came right on time—something I kind of, sort of, expected yet I'm still not ready."

Sasuke cocked his eyebrows, noticing how the blond had only half his shirt button up—leaving a lot of skin to be desired and showed off to the world—his pants not even halfway over his butt… and only one shoe on.

"I called you twenty minutes ahead of time," the raven scolded.

Naruto pouted and folded his arms across his chest. "Twenty minutes is not ample enough time to get a body and face like this," he gestured at himself, "ready for a date with a gorgeous person such as you," he gestured over to the raven that was standing in his hallway looking a little awkward at the random compliment.

Sasuke bit his lip, inwardly jumping over the moon because Naruto actually thought he looked… gorgeous. It wasn't the first time Naruto had managed to throw in a compliment when Sasuke wasn't even prepared for it. The blond was really good at getting him off balance like that.

"I'm not that good-looking," Sasuke scoffed. "Sure, I'm like sex on feet but you know I try to be modest."

"And that's working so great for you. Now go sit down on one of the couches. I'll be done and ready in two more minutes I promise!"

The raven watched Naruto dash up the stairs to his room to put on his finishing touches, leaving Sasuke to face his raging bouts of nervousness that were attacking him relentlessly. 'You've been on dates with him before, Uchiha. Why is anytime different?' There were numerous reasons as to why tonight was abnormal to all the rest. Tonight they would actually consummate their relationship. A week had passed since Orochimaru's scheme backfired and sent the snake bastard right to prison where he deserved. Because of how hectic the station had become since the conspiracy, there had been no time to actually schedule in their date until now. However, every minute the men got to spend together, their nights usually went from innocent kisses and touches to groping and senseless make outs.

"I want you so badly," memories of a few nights ago began to bombard Sasuke's mind, making his pants unbearably tight and a blush dominate his face. He remembered the exact position they were in—him straddling Naruto and practically turning him into mush with all his teasing touches and kisses. They were on Sasuke's couch, groping at whatever skin they could get their hands on—and that was a lot of skin.

Sasuke bit his lip again. He wanted Naruto, in every single aspect of the word. And dammit, he was going to make love to him tonight even if it would kill him!

"I'm done!" Naruto called from the top of the stairs. He dashed down the flight of steps and practically tackled Sasuke when he reached the couch. "I hope you have an exciting night planned. My attention span is that of a five year old so I'm expecting the best out of you!" Naruto beamed, straddling Sasuke's hips and secretly running his hands up and down Sasuke's stomach.

Sasuke's hands came up to Naruto's hips and gave them a gentle squeeze. He smiled that adorable way, crooked way that Naruto loved so much and brought their lips together for a kiss.

"When have I ever let you down, Dobe?"


Naruto giggled as another puffy flake touched his tongue. The stars were so pretty out tonight. 'Like big diamonds in the sky. Iruka would like this.' He turned to see Sasuke fumbling with his ice skates. Yes, ice skates, you read that right. The first stop on Sasuke's wonder tour was a few hours at the outdoor ice rink. Naruto smiled softly at the cute idea and remembered how excited he was to know they were going to the ice rink where they could hold hands and do cute stuff. Naruto liked doing cute stuff, he was that sort of guy.

"Please tell me you've been ice-skating before," Naruto teased.

Sasuke huffed as he finally pulled on his left ice skate, squirming at how weird it felt on his foot. Now for the right one… "Does rollerblading around the neighborhood when I was seven count for anything?"

"Not even close, Uchiha."

"Damn… then no. But I always like a challenge."

"Oh trust me, if a challenge is what you're asking for, I'll definitely fill that for you." The grin scarring Naruto's face made Sasuke rethink this date idea of his… but by the time his right ice skate came on, Naruto had dragged him onto the ice and now he was struggling to keep his balance and not fall on his ass like a complete fool.

"You enjoy doing this to me, don't you?" Sasuke grumbled. After a few minutes with his balance in check, Sasuke thought he was doing pretty well seeing he could skate around without holding onto the sides. Of course, Naruto was a bastard and had to bump into him every time he passed him on the rink.

Naruto simply smiled, spinning around so he was skating backwards and facing Sasuke. He held out his gloved hands and wiggled them a little. "Come on. You make this so easy for me. Have I told you you're extremely cute when you concentrate? Your face gets all scrunched up and you pout in the most adorable way…"

Sasuke snorted and gripped onto Naruto's fingers tightly. The blond chuckled and started to pull Sasuke along. "I think I'm starting to miss your insensitive and perverted jabs…"

"Well if you really want me to… I can point out how every time you move your bulge looks absolutely kissable." Naruto shrugged nonchalantly. It was true, of course. Sasuke was wearing rather dark, tight jeans and they did everything for the man. Naruto was drooling when he saw the raven stand at his doorstep and it took all his willpower not to jump Sasuke right there and then. He did have fun imagining all the situations he could get into with those pants.

"Never mind. I like your attempts at cute compliments better."

"Make up your mind! You can't have it both ways, Sasu."

The raven smirked and without any warning he raced up and grabbed Naruto by the waist, pulling him down by force onto the ice. Naruto yelped as his back hit the ice, hard but he couldn't be angry when Sasuke was straddling his lips and laughing—actually laughing. God, he loved Sasuke's laugh.

"You're such a child," Naruto chided.

Sasuke shrugged and leaned forward, his lips only a few inches away from Naruto's. "You bring it out of me."

And then they connected.


"Oh my God!"

"I know."

"These are freaking delicious!"

"I know."

"Sasuke, I freaking love you!"

This time Sasuke smiled and leaned in to steal one of Naruto's many fries. "I know," he smirked and bit off the end.

Naruto couldn't even pout at the loss of one fry because his taste buds were currently exploding all over in his mouth. Oh God, the flavors! The taste! And to think such a burger place existed in Tokyo! 'That's it. I'm marrying this man. No doubts now.' After a fun time at the ice rink, the two had gotten hungry and Sasuke drove them to their next destination: a small diner located in the shopping districts. Naruto wasn't the sort of guy who got all hung up over the flashy side of life, so he had no problems eating out at a dinner if he was sitting across the man he loved.

The man he loved—felt nice to think that.

"You did good, Sasuke." Naruto complimented in-between bites of the most delicious burger he had ever eaten in his life. "You did very good."

"Well… this was all because I wanted to make you happy… so…" he looked off to the side, taking the straw to his half-empty milkshake hoping his awkwardness would drown down with some of the vanilla milkshake.

No such thing happened.

Naruto was smiling like such a child on Christmas and reached for Sasuke's hands, lacing their fingers and kissing each and every knuckle. "I never knew you could be so sentimental, my dear. I think I like it."


"You can't even deny it!"

"Shut up, Uzumaki!"

"Only if those pretty little lips make me," Naruto purred.

And we all know Sasuke couldn't deny a challenge…

Sasuke grabbed a handful of fries and shoved them in Naruto's mouth.

Challenge officially conquered.


Three hours later and the two men were snuggled up on the couch watching a random Disney movie roll by; Naruto's idea, obviously not Sasuke's.

"I always wanted a magic carpet every since I watched this movie. So then when I was still working underground I went to India in hopes I could "steal" one. Needless to say the people in India nearly sent me to jail with claims I was insane!" Naruto recounted one of the countless stories of his past—the more humorous ones anyways—picking out the random, hilarious ones he had under his belt.

Sasuke slapped his forehead and shook his head from side to side. "Only you, Dobe. Only you. Didn't it ever occur to you that nothing in a Disney movie is real?"

"Excuse me! But I'll have you know a happy ending with your one and only is completely, absolutely, obtainable!"

"Oh really now?" Sasuke cocked an eyebrow, "What's your proof?"

Naruto crawled onto Sasuke's lap and hooked his arms around his neck. He peppered kisses along the raven's open collarbone, up his neck where he sucked particularly hard on a pulse, all the way to the raven's panting lips where he tugged on Sasuke's lower lip with his teeth. "Obviously," he breathed out huskily, shifting his body so he was pressed right against Sasuke's forming erection—the man's neck was a sensitive spot, Naruto had quickly found out one day, "It's true if we're here. Together. Right now. And madly in love."

Those words definitely did the trick. Sasuke's heart must have exploded then, along with his brain, because everything else afterwards was nothing but senseless passion. He pressed Naruto against the couch, his lips roaming all over every expanse of skin he could get. Naruto mewled as a warm pair of lips attached to his neck and sucked, bit, and nipped until there was a noticeable bruise etched onto his skin.

"You just love to drive me crazy, don't you?" Sasuke hissed harshly into the blond's ear, working off those annoying buttons on Naruto's shirt.

Naruto grinned lopsidedly, lifting his arms up so Sasuke could dispose of his shirt and throw it to no-man's land. "Mmm, yes. Yes I do." He purred and easily took care of Sasuke's shirt, tossed it to the ground, and ran his hands up and down the man's chest. He pinched a pert nipple and grinned wider at the groan he got in response. "And you fucking love it."

"I do," Sasuke replied, kissing down Naruto's neck and towards his chest where he attached his lips to a dusky, brown nipple.

Naruto's back arched at the contact. Sasuke was being absolutely merciless towards the sensitive skin. "Ahhh…oooo… S-Sasuke, harder. Bite it harder."

Sasuke took an especially harsh chomp…

"Ahhhhhh!" Naruto cried out, his hips jutting up. Their clothed erections made contacts and both men released guttural moans. Soon, their hips started to dance to the rhythm of their erratic breathing and strangled grunts.

"You like that?" Sasuke looked up from under his eyelashes, licking Naruto's nipple up and down, up and down…

Naruto's head was thrown all the way back, his eyes fluttering rapidly. "Fuuuck yes." He moaned, entangling his fingers in Sasuke's onyx hair.

Sasuke chuckled, switching back and forth between the nipples before he started to get lower and lower. Every inch of skin he kissed, picking out points to bite and suck—leaving his mark on what was rightfully his. When he reached the waistline of Naruto's pants, the blond was nothing more but a squirming mess in his hands.

"Look at you," he whispered, his index coming up to rub slow, soft circles around the blond's erection. "You're about the burst the zipper."

"D-Don't you fucking dare tease me, Uchiha!" Naruto snapped through half-lidded, lustful blue eyes. "Stroke me! Suck me! Do something, Oh God, please!"

"What a beggar…"


Sasuke simply smirked in reply, hooking his thumbs in Naruto's waistband and pulling the zipper down with his teeth in a tantalizingly slow manner. Naruto groaned, his eyes rolling back when Sasuke's teeth happened to scrape his member…

"Hurry up… please… I need you."

"Patience," he pulled off the blond's pants and tossed them over the couch, leaving Naruto's cock fully exposed to the world. It was throbbing, swollen, and red; the tip leaking a fluid stream of pre-cum. Sasuke licked his lips anxiously. 'I want to taste him…' he leaned forward and took an experimental lick…

"Oh please! Do that again!"

"Just a lick and you're already wanting more?" Sasuke teased.

"Well if it means I get those pretty lips on my cock, then fuck yes I want more!"

"A man who knows what he wants. I like that." This time he went in deeper, taking the head of Naruto's cock into his mouth. His tongued darted out to lick the slit, swirling around and around the head, before he pulled back with a pop. He went back down for more—the taste already becoming addicting—and took Naruto in deeper this time.

Naruto's entire body felt like it had just been electrocuted. It convulsed and shivered and trembled. Naruto's hips were going crazy, gyrating and thrusting against Sasuke's mouth wishing for more of that heat. "F-Fuck. Aaaah, dee… deeper. Ahhhh, Sasuke. Ahhh, yes! Oh fuck, faster!"

Sasuke picked up his speed, his fingers coming out to tease the blond's balls. Naruto's head snapped back and his eyes rolled. Incoherent words tumbled out of his lips without shame. All he could think about was Sasuke—Sasuke's lips, his tongue, and the heat. How good this all felt. So… so freaking good.

His stomach clenched, the familiar feeling of an orgasm steadily approaching.

Sasuke slowly dragged his teeth along a vein on Naruto's shaft, coming to the tip where he took another bite. That was it for Naruto. He moaned something fierce and exploded into Sasuke's mouth, coming over and over again until he was a shivering, weak mess on the couch.

Without much warning, Sasuke had to swallow every last drop of Naruto's essence. 'Ugh... it's… going to be an acquired taste.' He'd definitely get used to it later on, he guessed. Naruto, on the other hand, was struggling to come down from his very pleasurable high.

Naruto tiredly lifted up his arm that was thrown over his eyes and grinned weakly. "Do that again sometime, okay?"

Sasuke smiled—the one reserved for the blond underneath him—and crawled up so he could give Naruto a slow and sensual kiss. Their tongues touched and sent jolts of pleasure up and down their spines.

"Anything for you."

"Mmm…" Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck and kissed along his earlobe. "I really want to make love to you right now…"

Sasuke wrapped his arms around the blond's lithe waist and hoisted him off the couch. "To the bedroom?"

"Onwards, my knight!"

They reached the bedroom in record time, only stumbling here and there because they had gotten so engrossed in their kissing they nearly lost their step. The minute they hit the bed Naruto had worked off Sasuke's pants and was rubbing his leaking erection.

"Unnn," Sasuke moaned, his eyelids fluttering for a couple of seconds before he gently pushed Naruto's hands away. "Don't. I'll cum if you keep doing that."

Naruto smirked wryly. "That's the point."

"I know, but I'd rather come inside you for the first time… bury myself deep inside. Pound you into the mattress so hard you won't be able to walk for weeks. I'll have you screaming my name nonstop…" he whispered, biting onto Naruto's flushing earlobe.

"Oh God…" Naruto groaned. "Enter me. Please. I need you… inside…"


"Top drawer," Naruto replied.

Sasuke leaned over and opened the top drawer. Lo and behold, there was the lube. He snapped open the cap and poured a generous amount on his fingers. "This is going to hurt," he whispered, rubbing a sole digit around the tight ring of muscle he was soon going to impale. "But I promise I'll make it bearable."

"It's fine," Naruto reassured, pressing a gentle kiss against Sasuke's lips. "I want this. I want you. So hurry up, my patience is not something to test."

"Oh, don't I know." Sasuke chuckled. He pressed a hard kiss to Naruto's lips as his first finger went in. He felt Naruto jerk underneath him and he mentally scolded himself for causing Naruto pain. "I'm sorry," he whispered, kissing the whimpering blond's forehead. "It'll get better."

He pushed the finger in and out slowly, waiting for Naruto to get adjusted to the feeling. When Naruto gave the single, he pushed in another finger. Naruto groaned loudly, tiny tears clouding the corner of his eyes. Sasuke kissed each and every teardrop away. He picked up a scissoring motion, alternating between that and thrusting every so often. He pushed especially deep one moment and struck a nerve that had Naruto crying out for more.

"There!" Naruto moaned, bucking his hips. "Again!"

Sasuke easily complied, shortly after adding the third and final finger. Naruto started to push back against the fingers, literally riding the digits all the way down to the knuckles. Sasuke held back every urge to so he wouldn't come right there and then…

Finally, he pulled out his fingers. Naruto moaned at the loss but knew something better and thicker was about to come…

"I want you so badly," Naruto moaned, hooking his legs around Sasuke's naked hips.

The raven lined himself with Naruto's entrance and teasingly rubbed against the hole. "I've been waiting for this…" he laced his fingers with Naruto's and whispered, "I'm going in…"

He slowly pushed himself forward, breaking passed that tight ring of muscle. Naruto cried out at the intrusion, a painful burning crawling up his backside. Sasuke groaned low in his throat, his arms shaking. Naruto was so tight and hot.

"You feel… so good," Sasuke whispered, leaning over Naruto's body so he could kiss him for the millionth time that night. "Are you okay?"

Naruto had the urge to reply with a snappy comeback but the feeling of Sasuke throbbing cock up his ass made him hold it back. "Y-Yeah… just… move. Please."

Sasuke slowly pulled back and then… snapped forward. Each thrust earned him a moan and incoherent babbles from the blond that simply sent his mind spinning in every direction. When Naruto truly let himself go, he was beautiful. His face was flushed, his blond hair was plastered to his sweaty face, and his body… Oh, his body was definitely a work of art.

He lifted Naruto's legs up a little higher, aiming himself so he could hit Naruto's sweet spot over and over again. And hit he did.

"Sasuke! S-Sasuke! O-Ohhh… oh my… there! Uhhh… good!"

Naruto was swimming in the euphoria. The feeling of skin on skin, and flesh- marking flesh, the feeling of Sasuke's cock pounding into him and marking him, it was all too much. And when Sasuke reached in-between their bodies to jerk him off, Naruto lost it.

"I-I'm gonna—Ahhh!" hot streaks of white coated his stomach as Naruto rode out his orgasm, grinding his hips around Sasuke's member.

Naruto's inner walls clenched tightly around Sasuke, making the man lose control and spill his essence inside the blond. He moaned the blond's name as he rode out his orgasm. His arms shook as his final spurts left him feeling weak but completed. He flopped on top of Naruto. The blond smiled and started to stroke his fingers through the raven's black mop of hair.

"I've been dreaming of this day, ever since you first handcuffed me to that chair." Naruto chuckled breathlessly. Still so hung up on the idea that yes, he had Sasuke. And yes, he loved Sasuke. And yes, they were going to be together. The kleptomaniac and the cop—it still baffled Naruto's mind but he wasn't complaining about it one bit.

Sasuke smirked tiredly and lifted his head up so his chin rested on Naruto's chest. "And was it up to your standards?"

"I dunno… I think we need a few more rounds to make sure."

+Borrowed: Two Months Later+

"Hey, Iruka. You're looking about as beautiful as ever today. Not that you weren't beautiful yesterday, but I'm definitely seeing more of a glow. Does that mean you're going to wake up soon? I sure hope so! You always play these games with me and this better not be another one or I swear I… probably… won't do anything. Anyways, I didn't come here to only harass you. Remember that guy I was talking about? Sasuke? Yeah, well, I did it. He is officially mine! M-I-N-E all Naruto Uzumaki's and he is… just… the best—the greatest! He makes me so happy, Iruka. I know you would approve of him if you were awake to see him. I talk about you and how much fun we had nonstop. So you gotta wake up soon, okay? You need to see Sasuke and give us you're blessing before we elope and run off!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes at how ridiculous his lover could be and gently cuffed him on the back of the head. "Idiot, what is lying to him going to do?"

"I'm not lying!" Naruto huffed, folding his arms and shooting Sasuke a glare. "It's called support and you can get that in numerous ways."

"I'm sure." Sasuke drawled. His eyes went back to Iruka, though, whose condition still hadn't changed. This was his first visit to the hospital after Naruto finally worked up the courage to ask him to come along. It was a huge step for him, he knew that, and Sasuke was elated that Naruto wanted to take him to meet the man he practically called a father. He could see the love Naruto had for him every time he started rambling off into conversations both of them knew Iruka wouldn't be able to answer. But it didn't matter. In Naruto's mind Iruka's chances of coming back into this world were very high, and he didn't want the man to think he had abandoned him after all these years.

"Your son's amazing," Sasuke whispered. "And I promise to take care of him." He squeezed Naruto's hand a little tighter, beaming at the man beside him.

Naruto smiled back and squeezed. "See, Iruka?" he took the Iruka's hand in his free one, "I told you he was the one! All his words make me turn to goo. Though I don't know if you should know that or not."

Sasuke scoffed, "Oh now you have a conscience."

"I've always had one!" the blond defended, that happy go lucky grin still on his face until it started to lose a little bit of its luster… He rubbed small circles over the Iruka's knuckles and dropped his lips to the skin. "Please come back to me; us. I miss you. Kakashi misses you. And Sasuke wants nothing more than to meet you. So please… come back."

For a moment… there was absolutely nothing but the waning silence growing around the room. And then…

Iruka's fingers twitched.

The End: Don't borrow a heart if you're going to simply use it and return it in the end. Steal it, claim it, mark it as your own. And make sure you take care of it. Love's all fun and games until a heart gets broken.

WISDOM FOR ALL YOU PLAYERS OUT THERE! FREAKING WISDOM^ But really, to be serious. Thank you EVERYONE who added this story to their favorites and alerts and didn't necessarily review. You all have your reasons, but I appreciate the thought that you all found this story good enough to favorite it and add it to your alerts:D. I don't know what I'll do next. Maybe pick up old fanfics. Or start a new one. I have a few ideas running in my mind. Some for Naruto, some for Pokemon, some for Pompous Pep, and... well. Whatever other fandom I like ;o. Naruto will always be on top, along with Yu-Gi-Oh but who knows. Anyway guys, be on the lookout for something new in the months to come (:

Once again, the pandas will forever live on! ROCK ON WITH YOUR PANDA-BAMBOO EATING SELVES.

Love, Fallen. Till we meet again c: