A/N:So this is one of those "reading the books" thingys except its just reading Percy Jackson because I feel like it. Might be a while between updates….but I'll try my hardest. Enjoy!


Chapter 1

Albus Dumbledore was nervous. More nervous than he had felt in a while. Even with the war. He was about to merge two worlds that had previously been spinning independent of each other, unaware of the secret world that drifted beyond their own private life.

And he had no idea how they'd react. The others might have some idea of the wizards, but the wizards…..Albus was sure there would be accusations of lying, that he was crazy. That was why he'd start small. All those involved with the Order. Harry Potter and company included.

The other teacher with whom he had become acquainted had decided to would be easier of a transition to read the adventures of his star pupil, much like Harry. It would ease them into their world.

That was why he was here today. At number 12 Grimmauld place. To read the books that had been sent. He had already gathered some members of the Order, the Weasleys, and Harry. Even though it was the middle of summer, Albus didn't think he'd mind getting away from the Dursleys.

He scanned the room with calm indifference. Everyone had arrived and was still confused as to why they were here.


Molly Weasley spoke up what everyone was already thinking. "Albus, why were we called here? We didn't have a meeting scheduled."

"You were called here today to read." He said simply.

Arthur and Kingsley gave him questioning looks and there was groans from the Weasley children and Harry. Hermione shushed them, before asking a question.

"Professor Dumbledore, You know as well as any that I enjoy reading," Ron rolled his eyes. "but I don't quite understand why it is so important."

Albus smiled kindly. "I'm glad you asked, Miss Granger. The books we will be reading today depict the life of a boy very similar to you Harry," He sent a pointed glance in his direction, "He and his colleagues will be helping us in the war. It is of the upmost importance that we understand his culture and civilization."

The room broke out into chatter.

Ron looked at him doubtfully, "I don't think many people have lives similar to Harry, Professor."

Albus smiled again. "I assure you, he has gone through similar events. Why, he is even subject to a famous prophecy."

Hermione listened in to their conversation. "Wouldn't we have heard of this before now, then?"

Albus shook his head. "I'm afraid it wouldn't be in most of our news."

Tonks leaned toward the end of the table. "Why?"

By now the entire table had quieted down and were listening.

"Why because they aren't of the wizarding world."

The room was shocked.

"We are getting help from muggles?" Sirius asked incredulously.

Albus mused this. "I wouldn't say muggles. Maybe very usual muggles. Regular muggles don't know of them."

The table looked confused, and asked more questions at the same time, so it became a muddle of voices.

Albus put his hands up in a calming gesture, and the room fell silent.

"That is all I will tell you, I will let the books explain the rest. I'm afraid that is what I will leave you with, but I must go. Happy reading." And with a large CRACK! he was gone and in his place was a book.