A/N-Sorry! I've really been busy with exams and college work, Guides.

Prometheus- Flipping hot as hell xDD Saw it today and I loved it XD

Plan- Im thinking of re-newing all this story, maybe after I finish part 1 cos' its starting to confuse me :) Any suggestions? After this chapter.. You'll all prob' most likely say, "RENEW!" lol xD
But, this chapter (5) and Chapter (1) will be re-newed :)

I got some oneshots (Sherlock) which me and my friend Sarah (Beanie) has done ;D
And, so they'll be up soonies xD

Warnings: Drug use (even though it's crap)
- Some swearing.. I think it's only one swear word from DR. John Watson himself ;)
- Cliff hanger (Crap)
-Another crap thing- A threatening letter (not really)
-OOC character's lol XD I think thats how you say it O.O
- Everythings just crap lol Dx XD

Anyway! Enjoy and review please! :)

Breaking Point

Chapter 5

"Sherlock?" Asks Lestarde's voice from beside him.

Sherlock sighed and stood up, turning his back to the dead body on the floor.

"What is it Lestarde?" Sherlock asks.

Lestarde stepped infront of Sherlock.

"You've been staring at-" Begins Lestarde but Sherlock's attention was drifted away to the figure standing in the doorway and a woman's voice from the doorway said,
"Hello, Sherlock. Did you miss me?"

"Irene Alder" Gasps Sherlock.

John was not happy. You could say he was jealous.

He was literally jealous of a beautiful woman stealing away his Sherlock and working with Sherlock whilst he was at home watching boring T.V all day. Did he just call Sherlock his? He did. You could say John likes Sherlock and the fact is, you can't blame him. But the feeling of jealousy flew out of the window and in came the feeling of dread.

Why the feeling of dread you say? Well, you could say a certain man named James sent him a letter, threatening him.

Hello Johnny-boy!

Ooh, how I miss our chats. You must be loving the attention that our dear Irene Adler is getting instead of you, right? The pain must be thrilling to have.

Let's cut to the chase.

I want you to go on the next case with your lovely Sherlock and Irene.

A suprise will be there waiting for you.

And, John, if you don't do what I say..
Sarah Swayer will die.



Jim Moriarty ;) xxxx

It's not much of an threating letter but still.

The next case, which was the next day, John literally had begged Sherlock for him to be allowed to go with him and.. John wasn't able to go. So, once Sherlock and a worried looking Irene left the flat, John rang work, well, ex work to see if Sarah was in.. She wasn't.

John, in a panic, ran to her flat, only to find her not there.

"Fuck!" Cursed John and just then, his phone rang.
"Hello?" He quickly answered it.

"I told you that if you didn't do what I said.. Sarah Swayer would die.. But I'll give you a chance Johnny-Boy!" Sings out a cheerful Irish voice.

"What?" Growls John.

"I've put a syringe and its very great friend on the kitchen counter and I want you to take it," Says Moriarty's voice on the other end of the line.

"Inject yourself."

"I don't have all day."
John walked into the kitchen and saw it then, the syringe and liquid bottle, but the stuff was already in the syringe.

"What is it?"
"Ooh, interested ain't we?"
"Tell me!" Orders John feeling sweat dribble down his forehead.

"Alright, alright! It's a new drug of course, made by a dear cologue of mine. It's the drug that I injected you with on that night."

There's was a sigh and a click.

"No need to know. Just take it. And, I promise you that Sarah Sawyer will live."
John put the phone on speaker, and settled it down on to the kitchen table.

It was decided then.

He was doing this for Sarah.

He picked up the syringe and and pointed it at his arm, then, he injected himself.

"You surpirse me Johnny-boy" He heard Jim's voice say.
He pulled out the syringe and it dropped to the floor with a crash.

"You know, I never promised that Sarah Sawyer wouldn't be hurt too but I'll return her soon. For now, sweet dreams."

And, that was when John Watson dropped to the floor and blacked out.

"The drug is called NZMR8. It reacts fast-" Begins a doctor from his desk to two men, Sherlock and Mycroft, and a woman, Irene, who were sat down.

"What are the side effects?" Interuptes Sherlock.

"Sherlock!" Snaps Mycroft frustrated.

"It depends on how much you take" Replies the doctor.

"Headaches? Nose bleeds?" Questions Irene, and all men turn to look at her.

"Yes, but like I said, it depends on how much you take. Internal bleeding, amnesia, blood clots, get the idea, yes?"

"What happened to your test subjects?" Quizzes Irene.

From the expression across the doctor's face, Sherlock already knew.

"..Death.." Mutters Sherlock shaking his head with worry.

"And/Or suicide.." Winces Mycroft and silence struck the air even as the doctor said,

"If your friend, John, has this drug, anywhere, anytime, doesn't matter what year, he'll become addicted, he'll start losing his memory.. Already, he should be having hullincations.."

A/N- End of Chapter

Enjoyed ? XD
I hope so.. XD

By the way- The doctor's hiding something ;D

Congrats to Andrew Scott winning the award anyway xD
Sadly, Benedict didnt win one but oh well! Plenty of other chances! xD

Next chapter- Phone call, forgetful and two certain people realise they love the other but they don't do anything about it. Someone overhears John talking to moriarty...
I know that I said some of these things would appear in this chapter but I sadly, failed to bring it in...XDD Meanwhile- Two-three chapters and then, something happens to Johnny-boy ;)

Review pretty please :)