A/N- This is just a little something that I'll probably update each weekend. It won't be really long I'm thinking between 5 and 10 chapters. I've just been frustrated lately; im full of ideas but I struggle to get them down. Plus im in exam season so I came up with this… not to complex but something with substance. I think they're called drabble fics.

The idea to write in this style came from the awesome fic The War Is Over by MariahajilE you should check it out.

Right I'll be gone. I hope you all stick around.

To my Darling Jacob…

I know this comes years too late but I hope you read on. And I hope this letter has found you in happiness and contentment. Because I am neither but I find an odd slither of peace of mind in the hope that you are both and more. It's me, Bella and I owe you this story.