
Disclaimer: We don't own Merlin

A/N: Thank you for all your reviews. Enjoy :D

Chapter 2

Merlin felt a rush of cold air hit his face as he was pulled roughly to his feet and pushed forwards towards the cold air. Confused and disorientated, he stumbled sideways and managed to hit his head on an open overhead locker sending his head reeling back into darkness.

He awoke for a second time in what he assumed to be a van. His face pressed against a wooden floor, and hands tied behind his back, Merlin could hear the engine and feel the motion of the vehicle beneath him. A warm streak of blood trickled down his forehead, mixing with the first tear he allowed to escape his eyes. Realising the blindfold had been taken off of him; Merlin opened his eyes slowly, only to be met with more darkness.

Raised voices drifted back to where Merlin lay. A man's voice shouted;

"Just kill him now! That will be revenge enough. It will break Arthur to know he is dead and it's his fault."

Merlin focused all his attention to the conversation discussing his fate.

A calmer, woman's voice replied;

"No Cenrid. We must stick to Morgana's plan; she knows Arthur the best."

"I don't see your sister doing any of the dirty work! We're the ones putting our necks on the line, and for what?" Cenrid hissed at his wife.

"Have you forgotten how so many of our family and friends died at Arthur's hand?" Morgause shouted as Cenrid killed the engine.

Merlin heard footsteps either side of the van, prior to the doors being flung open. Before his eyes could adjust to the sudden light, he was pulled to his feet by strong, rough hands. Tripping over his own feet slightly, he was guided by one hand still attached to his arm towards, what Merlin could make out to be, a large, grey warehouse type building.

"No, but you seem to have forgotten that on Uther's orders that the mission was carried out. Arthur was just doing his job."

"He was part of it. Don't tell me you've gone soft?" Morgause smirked as she headed off in front, opening the door for her hostage, revealing World War Two Spitfires lining both sides of a massive hanger.

As Merlin walked through the door he was led over to a large group of people, setting a camera up on a tripod. He was forcefully pushed into a chair facing the camera, his ankles being tied to the legs of the chairs by Cenred. Merlin could see Morgause striding over to a small group of people.

"You bitch. Arthur trusts you!" Merlin shouted as he saw who Morgause was embracing.

Morgana turned and marched over to Merlin, smirking as she saw him tied to the chair.

"So our guest has arrived." She leaned down towards him so they were face to face. "Nice to see you again Merlin."

"What has Arthur ever done to you?" Merlin snarled, leaning back away from her.

"Aw don't be like that." She grabbed his face pulling it forward so he was inches away from her face.

She dug her nails into his skin before pushing his face away and walking over to the camera that was now fully ready.

"Now Merlin, you are going to be a good little boy and read what we show you, so dear Arthur can come and rescue you. Is that understood?"

"And if I don't?" Merlin gritted his teeth, slyly testing the bonds that held his arms behind his back.

Morgana merely nodded towards a man to her left that pulled a gun from his pocket and held it pointing at Merlin.

"Also, you dare to say any of our names or where we are and let's just say you won't even live to regret it." Merlin wondered when Morgana had become so bitter and cold hearted. "Now smile for Arthur." She said before hitting the record button.

Arthur and 'his knights' had been researching into the backgrounds of all the passengers on the plane for the last hour and were beginning to get severely frustrated at finding nothing when a video link opened to show Merlin tied to a chair.

"Quick! Come here, it's Melrin. He's alive." Arthur called to the others who jumped up and rushed over as fast as possible.

Anger rose in Arthur as he saw the panic across Merlin's face, the cuts that littered his forehead and cheeks and the tear tracks that led over his cheekbones.

Merlin looked straight into the camera before starting to speak, his voice wavering slightly.

"If you cooperate fully with them then I won't be killed, but if you don't they won't hesitate to kill me. They want 2.5 BILLION pounds in exchange for my life. You have 24 hours to think about their offer. If you accept, you will be given a location to deliver the money to."

Merlin paused, shaking his head frantically, tears beginning to pour down his cheeks all of a sudden. All Arthur could do was sit there and watch, mouth open, feeling helpless.

"I can't" Merlin pleaded. "Please don't make me." A gunshot sounded, missing Merlin by inches. He jumped violently and carried on with a shaky voice.

"Please Arthur, I need your help." He hung his head low as he began to cry relentlessly, the screen turning blank.

Arthur raised his fingers to touch the screen then clenched his fist and banged it harshly against the table, lost for words.

Swallowing his emotion, Arthur took a deep breath and calmly asked "Can we trace it?" at nobody in particular.

Without thinking, everyone glanced towards Elyan, who had been canvassed by MI5 for his computer hacking skills.


Arthur spun around.

"What? Where are they?"

Still staring at his screen, Elyan replied,

"I've got it down to a five km radius in...Northern Ireland. They must have made a mistake with the signal block, it was almost- too easy" He laughed a bit, more out of relief than humour. "Within that area, there are only two places a plane could land easily, the airport- and I'm guessing they didn't go there- and a deserted World war Two hanger."

Gwaine stood up and moved over to Arthur's computer screen "That fits. Look in the background of the video- that could easily be an aircraft hanger!"

"Okay." For the first time since hearing about Merlin's kidnap, Arthur felt something other than fear, dread and guilt; a warm flutter of hope ignited within him. "Right. Lets go."