The start of this story takes place before the events of Skyward Sword. After the first few chapters, it will proceed during the events that take place.
Amana is an original character and not part of the Zelda character, therefore she is copyrighted to me.
Zelda characters and official game events belong to Nintendo.
The sun shone brightly down on the lands in the sky, embracing them in pleasant warmth. The light spread as far as the skies, stretching to and beyond the horizon. Below, the weather turned dismal – faded into something much more sinister.
Dark clouds existed as the barrier between Skyloft and the surface as high winds whistled past. The usual white clouds vanished and left horrors in their wake; the surface endured weather much more dangerous than the world above.
Warnings spread throughout the islands, to stay on land and avoid flying at any costs until the winds died down. A safety precaution even the most skilled flyers obeyed.
Zelda braved the treacherous assault. Her loftwing flew towards Skyloft, attempting to get Zelda to the main island safely. The Lumpy Pumpkin grew smaller as the distance between them and the small island grew. Lightning raced along the dark surface beneath them, sparking upwards in rapid bursts.
The loftwing caw'd and shot up rapidly to avoid the blast. Zelda gasped and clung to her loftwings neck, the feathers slipping between her fingers. Screaming, she lost her balance and fell to the clouds below. Her bird dove fast, then flew upwards sharply as another blast of lightning held her back.
Zelda disappeared beneath the eternal barrier.
Out of everyone's reach.
The first chapter will be uploaded soon; I will try for weekly updates, if my schedule allows it. Please let me know what you think; I'd love to know!