Hey guys, hope I didn't keep those of you who read my previous story waiting too long. I figured showing how they came to what they did would make for a good prologue. Make sure you review with anything you'd like to see in the future, ways I can improve, and just anything you like to I suppose! ENJOY!
6:00 p.m. Los Angeles, California.
"So uh, boss..." A nervous looking Jack Neylon faltered when he saw a young boy, couldn't be any older than 15, was standing in the front door (or at least what they considered to be the front door) of their own hideout. He could hardly look at the kid without promptly looking away. He was just scary. Not exactly beefy and probably not even armed, but his very presence seemed threatening. His eyes were an icy cold, light blue color, full of hostility. Other than that he wasn't very scary. He had cropped blonde hair, longer than most young boys and was wearing peculiar clothing for a 15 year old, black leather pants and a dark colored vest, with what looked like a cross necklace. He couldn't help but wonder what was a young, catholic boy doing at the 'front door' of a Mafia hideout?
"What is it?" A particularly annoyed Rod Ross set down his half full glass of tequila to finally acknowledge the somewhat panicked subordinate.
"Th-th-..." Jack stuttered, and when he managed to risk a glance at the boy standing in front of him with his arms suddenly crossed and his eyebrows raised he felt a rush of embarrassment. Here he was, a certified member of the L.A. Mafia, with a gun in his back pocket, cowering and stuttering in front of a 15-year-old kid. The irritation in Rod's voice wasn't helping matters either.
"Well? Spit it out already." Rod's voice made Jack wince, and with that the blonde raised his head slightly, gesturing a superior stance. He wouldn't look like that if he knew I had a gun in my pocket, Jack thought.
"Th-there's a kid here to see ya..." The kid took a small step forward, obviously not wanting to waste time, but Jack stood his ground and didn't move. Blondie gave a fierce look and sneered.
"A kid? You're joking... well alright, let 'em in." Blondie came in quickly and looked eager to get down to business, whatever that would be. In fact, he actually walked over to one of the zebra printed couches and sat down, putting his feet up on the table. Apparently, Rod found this to be funny, and gave a small laugh.
"You sure got nerve kid. But what is a kid like yourself doing at a place like this?" Rod peered at him through narrowed eyes, though his smile was sickenly good-hearted. Jack knew that look; he was thinking about getting a new pawn he could use for his own personal game. Jack knew that, because that was the same way he looked at him when they first met.
"I'd like to talk to you about a deal..." At this Rod's ears perked up, as they always did when someone mentioned the world "deal". His smile widened.
"... I'll find any mob you want and lead you to unimaginable power, and in return you give me full protection." Jacks mouth fell open at the kid's statement, and Rod let out a hearty laugh that even startled the girl sitting intimately next to him a little. The kid just sat there, looking unamused and took a surprisingly loud bit of his chocolate bar- wait a minute, since when did he get a chocolate bar? Who carries chocolate bars around with them?
"I like you. What's your name kid?" Rod's eyes were a mixture of hunger and amusement, while the kid's were... well, he really couldn't tell.
"You can just call me Mello." Mello. That was, literally, the weirdest name he had ever heard, and he knew some kids from people who had gone to Woodstock.
"Well than, you can just call me boss. But don't think we're gonna go easy on ya just cause you're a kid. You can go right back out on those streets if you can't live up to what you just said." Rod stood up, and motioned for the kid- err, Mello to follow. He led him to the monitor Roy was currently glued to, and nodded to him. Jack walked over, but stayed a ways away from Mello. He wasn't sure whether or not that kid was very trustworthy. In fact, he seemed to be even scarier than Rod, with those eyes and demeanor.
"This is the guy we've been trying to track. But I'm tellin' ya kid, it's impossible." Rod looked at the kid skeptically before glancing back at the picture Roy had just brought up with coldness in his eyes.
"I figured that much. I did a little research and came up with the address of his current hideout. It's actually not that far from here, which is probably why he's been able to kill so many of your subordinates in such a short amount of time." He said matter-of-factly. Rod gave him a strange look. It had finally hit them that this kid had actually chosen their gang specifically, and had really done his research.
"Well what is it?" Rod said in a menacing tone that made even Jack's eyes widen. Mello's, however, remained calm and surreal. It was almost disturbing.
Mello gave the address and Rod made Roy and Skyer check it out. In the meantime, Rod tried to pry as much as he could out of Mello, though the stubborn kid wouldn't budge. In fact, he probably got more out of Rod than Rod did Mello. Jack started to get the idea that Mello was actually manipulating him instead of the other way around, but Jack knew that was impossible. This was just some kid, and Rod was a Mafia boss. If Mello ever crossed Rod it was over for him. If there was one thing Rod was known for it was for his seemingly endless connections. They'd find Mello in an hour, and make him pay. Though I doubt that kid would ever do something as stupid as that, Jack thought. He sure sounded smart, and he most definitely knew the terms.
"So, Mello," Rod was starting, capturing the boy's attention just as he took a strangely loud and rather dramatic bite of his chocolate bar.
"just how old are you, anyway?" he asked, gulping down the rest of his tequila and wrapping his arm around the beautiful young girl at his side.
"Seventeen." He stated and Rod grinned. What the hell is a sixteen-year-old doing at a Mafia hideout asking for deals?
"Well what're ya doing here? Shouldn't you be in school? How can you be smart if you aren't in school?"
"It's a long story, but I assure you, my intellect will be far more than adequate." Mello stated, with a hint of determination behind his voice.
"Yeaaah, okay. But if Roy and Skyer get busted you're gonna be in a lot of trouble." Rod narrowed his gaze at the apparent young man, though he sure didn't look as old as seventeen.
"Understandable." He stated, taking another bite.
"So you have any friends or family who might be looki-" Rod's question was interrupted by Roy, who had crashed through the door with Skyer not far behind, grinning like madmen. Which they were.
"Boss… we found the address the kid gave us… we got him… he's dead… we weren't followed or nothin'. Roy was saying everything in between breaths while Roy was doubled over, acting like he was having an asthma attack.
"Well what d'ya know, the kid's useful!" Roy exclaimed, standing up before walking over to Mello and shaking his hands.
Ever since then, Rod had used Mello's intellect while Mello used Rod's resources. Much to Jack's dismay.
"L-Linda ma'am, there's been an intruder… w-we think they're aiming for the hard drive." Halle Lidner sighed at the obviously flustered recruit. She doubted it was anything she couldn't handle. Instead she started tapping at the keys to the main computer kept in the security section of the prison. Though it was usually people trying to get out instead of in, problems like these were hardly ever difficult and the only struggles she faced with them were all of the overreactions of recruits.
"Don't worry about it, this shouldn't be too difficult. Just stay calm and monitor the suspected section." She tried saying it with a soothing voice to try and calm the nervous recruit beside her.
"R-right." Halle was soon taken aback, however, when she realized the firewall has already been broken through. That was no easy task. She started to tap rather loudly on the keys then, mostly out of irritation.
"Mrs. Linder, there's been another report in the G-block section. Three officers down." A male, and much more experienced (not too mention more calm) officer reported to Halle not long after she had actually received a virus and she herself was actually starting to panic. This was too much at once.
"Have the area restricted and send immediate backup." Halle reported, trying her best to stop the virus, but only managing to slow it slightly.
"Ma'am, we have received an indication of where the first intruder is. We have sent immediate backup." Halle nodded quickly, still too busy slamming her fists on the keyboard only to no avail. Whoever these people were, she was almost positive they'd done it before.
"I'm going to check it out myself, you two stay here and try to eliminate the virus." Halle quickly stood up and pulled out her gun, which was required. Without hearing a response she ran down out of the dark security room and sprinted through the halls of C-block until she came to a quick shortcut she discovered while doing her little "side-job". G-block had more turns than C-block did and it was dark. That was the other unusual thing, they weren't trying to break anyone out, and most people had the common sense not to look for classified information at a prison. With officers around every corner. Although, they were starting to become rather relaxed lately, not much went on here.
She finally came across a large computer room that was completely empty, save for her and the intruder. She couldn't see them because the lights were off and turning them on would mean she'd be vulnerable for a split 5 seconds, and she couldn't allow that. Instead, she pointed her gun at the dark shadow and threatened.
"Drop your weapon and put your hands on your head!" The figure didn't stir. Said figure seemed unusually small, and shorter than usually. It was also skinnier, and Halle guessed that it could be actually be female. Not to mention young.
"Look, you haven't done anything crucially punishable yet. I'm sure that if you stop this now, you can get off easy." Halle tried to sound as reasonable as possible, and even lowered her gun a little. The officers that had been injured weren't dead, or even had any major injuries. In fact, they'd been shot in the ankles. Still a bad wound, but nothing they couldn't completely heal from in a few months.
"Hm." She heard a few clicks and soon realized her mistake; by lowering her weapon, she'd been left vulnerable and the intruder hadn't even dropped their weapon. Thinking quickly she dropped down behind a nearby desk and literally felt the whiz of the bullet fling pant her hand. They're aiming for my hand, she thought. It made sense, get rid of what's holding the gun and you get rid of the gun. What an accurate shot.
"You leave me no choice but to shoot!" Halle took a chance and peeked her head a little ways about the desk and peered around for the shadow that was her enemy. She managed to find her in the corner but soon had to duck when she heard another loud ban
g. She could have sworn she lost a few hairs after that last bullet. She took a gamble and shot over the edge of the desk and towards where she thought she heard the bullets come from. The only sound she heard was metal against metal. She knew she wouldn't be able to get an accurate shot unless she was actually able to see who she was shooting at.
"Why are you doing this?" Halle doubted she'd receive an answer, but like several times earlier that day, things didn't exactly go how she had expected them to.
"Because its necessary." The voice was definitely female, and a little higher than Halle's. The sudden voice caused her to look over, and doing so she managed to catch sight of the intruder. She was blonde, she couldn't tell how blonde, but it was darker than hers. She couldn't catch the color of her eyes. She was somewhat tan, and had a lean face and figure. She was wearing a pair of dark denim jeans and a faded red plaid shirt underneath an extremely long dark green trench coat. You could tell even in the dark it had been worn from years of use.
She didn't get too long to evaluate, however. The girl leaped onto the desk in front of her on her hands and turned with her gun pointed at me specifically. Halle felt a sharp pain on her hand and the gun quickly flew across the room towards the girl, who quickly jumped off the desk and grabbed it, running out the door and down the hall afterwards.
Halle could only sit there, clutching her bleeding hand and and cursing up a storm.
"Ma'am, the intruders managed to escaped. The only thing we were able to identify was a white-haired man who we suspect implanted the virus." A voice sparked up from her ear piece. The news made Halle curse even more.
"Did they get to the hard drive?" Halle asked, though she already knew the answer. There weren't too many officers in the building and she was rather positive the girl could've gotten past any recruits posted around the hard drive. She just wished the area surrounded the hard drive which carried so much classified information mainly revolving around criminal incidents in foreign countries would've been more heavily secured. The throbbing in her hand distracted her from her thoughts. Maybe she should just switch her "side-job" to "fulltime-job".
The one thing that did seem out of the ordinary to Halle, however, was the rosary bracelet she saw tucked inside one of the inside pockets of the girl's trench coat.