Scarlett sat in a dim light staring at the decanter across the table. She was desperate to drink, to forget. Rhett had left weeks ago and she was alone. She couldn't stand the empty house. Bonnie's laughter ringing through the hallways and Rhett's snide remarks were becoming only memories. She closed her eyes, and for a moment she could almost smell his burning cigar and whiskey tainted breath. She longed for him more than she'd ever longed for Ashley Wilkes - or for anyone for that matter. She couldn't stand it any longer; she stood from the large wooden chair at the head of the table and grabbed a glass from the decanter table, she gulped the whiskey covetously and made a face as it burned in her throat.

She slammed the glass down on the table, "Damn you Rhett Butler."

Scarlett started up the stairs and called for Mammy to unlace her stays. She'd think about Rhett tomorrow, for now she was going to sleep before the warmth of the whiskey wore off.

Scarlett stayed quiet while Mammy laced her back into her corset the next morning. She couldn't think of anything else but Rhett and Bonnie. Questions rattled back and forth in her head; where were they, why hadn't they sent anything, and would they ever return? Scarlett's thoughts quickly turned to regret – regret for the way she'd treated Rhett through the years. She'd loved him more than she ever knew. It wasn't until the day before he took Bonnie that she'd realized how much he meant to her – and how little Ashley had meant all along. Her mind ran through the events at the mill weeks earlier. Ashley had become almost pitiful as he recounted Melly's condition. She was pregnant – again. Ashley was beside himself, sobbing pitifully in Scarlett's arms. "She's too weak, she'll never live. What will I do without her?" He repeated over and over until Scarlett couldn't stand it any longer. She always thought that when the moment arose for her to be the strong arms Ashley fell into that everything would fall into place; Ashley could stop pretending to be in love with Melanie and realize that Scarlett was the one he truly wanted. She never thought she'd be the one realizing her own love and desire for the man she already had; for Rhett. After telling Ashley to leave the mill and go home to his wife Scarlett rushed home herself. She wanted Rhett to know just how much he meant to her, but she would never get the chance to tell him. He and Bonnie were packed and waiting by the door when she rushed inside.

"I'm leaving and taking Bonnie with me." Rhett said coldly as he placed his wide panama hat a-top his head and picked up a small suitcase.

"But Rhett...Wait, I must tell you I..." He held up a hand to stop her.

"Don't Scarlett, just leave this be. You've been where you truly wish to be today and I have no desire to take that happiness from you my pet. Bonnie and I will go and leave you to your desires." His mocking eyes were blank as he stepped through the door with Bonnie trialing beside him.

The memory faded as Mammy jerked Scarlett's stays and knocked the breath from her lungs. She closed her eyes and sucked in as Mammy finished the last lace.

"There honey chile, you betta get some food in ya fuh taday." Mammy began to head for the door of Scarlett's bedroom.

"Mammy I'm not hungry. I'm not to be bothered today – leave me be." She sat in front of her vanity and began brushing her long black hair across her shoulder. Truth was Scarlett couldn't exactly remember the last time she'd actually eaten. The last few days had been full of misery for her. All she could think of was Rhett and when she did...she drank.

"You's gwine ter eat effin I hafta force ya." Mammy halted at the door and pursed her thick lips.

Scarlett huffed, "Fine, bring me a tray and leave it here. After that you're to leave me alone."

Satisfied, Mammy left the room and headed down the hall toward the kitchen. Scarlett sat at her vanity and continued brushing. When she finished she placed the silver brush beside her hand mirror and opened the drawer in front of her. Pulling out a small square framed photo she seethed. Ashley – he had ruined everything. If it hadn't been for him Rhett would be holding her and she'd be happy. She threw the picture aside and walked toward her bed. Mammy came back in the room carrying a tray that balanced a silver plate of ham and biscuits.

"Here ya is honey, now eat up." Mammy laid the tray on a table beside the bed.

"I will Mammy, now if you'd please go and shut the door." Scarlett was angry, but she didn't want to take it out on Mammy. Poor Mammy had had more than enough attitude during Scarlett's days as a belle.

Mammy left the room and slowly closed the door. Scarlett pushed the tray away and sat silently on her bed. When she was sure Mammy wasn't coming back she reached behind the night table and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. She gulped it down straight from the bottle. With her body warm, she replaced the whiskey back into its hiding place and laid her head back on her pillow. Before she could drift to sleep she heard a faint cry from the front door. "Mommy!" It was Bonnie! They'd returned!

Scarlett jumped out of bed and stammered to the door – she'd never been so excited in all her life. She rushed out into the hallway and toward the stairs. She ran halfway down as Bonnie stumbled up each stair towards her mother.

Scarlett hugged her daughter, "Oh Bonnie, my baby I missed you so."

"Look Mommy, Daddy got me a kitten." Bonnie held a small black and white kitten in her arms.

"Oh he did, it's a cute kitten. No as cute as you though." Scarlett grasped her daughter tight in a hug.

She looked up and saw Rhett walk in through the front door. She almost couldn't contain her excitement, but she only smiled down to him. He removed his hat and bowed gracefully to her – he wasn't happy to be home she could see it in his eyes.

"You run along with Mammy Bonnie, We'll play later." Scarlett stood and patted Bonnie's head as she ran up the stairs towards Mammy.

She stood and held on to the rail as Rhett approached her.

"Mrs. Butler..." He took her hand and kissed it.

" didn't bring in your bags." She stammered.

"Indeed, I don't plan on staying. I came back to bring Bonnie to you. She wanted you while we were away and I would never deprive her of anything she desires." Rhett continued up the stairs with Scarlett walking beside him.

"You mean you're leaving me again, but Rhett please..." She stopped as a wave of dizziness hit her making her grasp the stair rail tight and hang her head.

When she looked back up to Rhett he said, "You're looking pale Scarlett; can this wan-ness mean you've been missing me?" He asked.

"Rhett I have missed you. I've missed you more than you can imagine. I haven't been myself since you've been away. I haven't been eating very much." She stopped at the top of the staircase and faced him.

"You not eating, I never thought I'd hear of anything so odd." He smiled mockingly.

Rhett started to walk towards his room leaving Scarlett holding on to the top of the stair rail. She spun to grasp his jacket and pull him back to her, but just as she grabbed him the dizziness turned black. She let go of his jacket and fell backwards down the stairs. Rhett quickly turned in an effort to grab her before she fell but was too late. He watched in horror as Scarlett tumbled backwards down the enormous staircase. When she came to a stop at the bottom he rushed down the stairs and fell to his knees by her side. He gently ran his arm under her waist and lifted her off the ground. He could see the bruises beginning to form on her frail arms. Scarlett's face was pale as a ghost. Rhett was horrified and with a hoarse cry he yelled for Mammy. The large woman came rushing down the staircase and found Rhett standing with Scarlett's lifeless body resting in his arms.

"Go get Dr. Meade now!" He yelled.

Rhett began to climb the stairs to Scarlett's room. She was barely breathing - Rhett knew he had to get her stays off or she'd never be able to get a deep breath. He gently placed her on her bed and began to remove her pantalets and stockings. He tore her dress open in the front and lifted her gently to his chest; holding her upright he unlaced her corset as quickly as he could. Once the corset was removed he could feel the slow rise and fall of her chest as she breathed easier. He held her close for a moment and then proceeded to place a sleep gown on her unclothed body. He placed her head on her feather pillow and covered her gently making sure not to further injure her already bruised arms. For a moment Rhett stared into Scarlett's face silently begging her to open her eyes.