Comfort Zone

Author's Introduction: Some information about this fanfiction:

This fanfic has somewhat of an Alternate Universe quality to it – however, most things are still the same.

This is primarily a Calzona fanfic, however, there will be mention of other characters, too, to keep the story interesting and not monotonous.

It begins 3 months after the car accident that Callie and Arizona were involved in. While Arizona was in Africa, Callie had still slept with Mark, however, she never got pregnant. Therefore, Sofia does not and will not exist in this fanfiction. The recovery process for Callie is the same, just without the baby complications and factors. This also means that Mark is in no way a third-wheel in Calzona's relationship. Callie and Arizona are married.

Izzie Stevens is still working at Seattle Grace hospital after recovering from cancer.

Addison Montgomery is still working at Seattle Grace hospital, and still works in Peds. However, Addison is only slightly higher in position to Arizona. The two are good friends in this fanfic.

Mark is still in pursuit of Lexie Grey. They are clearly still in love, but both are acting childish about it. Mark has yet to tell Lexie that he slept with Callie, again.

Meredith and Derek are together, but Zola does not exist. They are still trying to get Meredith pregnant and have their own child.

Teddy's husband, Henry, is still alive.

Anything written in italics is considered narration by Meredith Grey, such as during the episodes of Grey's Anatomy.

Anyway! Enough of that! Enjoy! I will try to update as frequently as I can, and I appreciate every review/comment, as it keeps me motivated to continue writing! Thank you for reading.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this Fanfiction, nor do I have any intention of claiming ownership of anything related to Grey's Anatomy. Everything belongs to Shonda Rhimes, ABC, and the entirety of the show "Grey's Anatomy." However, the plot in this fanfic belongs to me, and me alone.

Chapter 1

Comfort. We take solace in the fact that the people we know, the surroundings around us, and the place we live in will always be there for us. We take it for granted... we use it to our advantage. We begin to assign ourselves a certain amount of entitlement to it. Change... well, change is what shakes up our tranquility – presents challenges to our comfort zone. And when that zone is breached, we fight as hard as we can to preserve it.

Arizona knocked on the door to the psychiatric appointment room carefully, with only three thuds. She had just finished her shift, it was late, and she had to drive Callie home. Despite the fact that they lived across the street from the hospital, it was pouring rain just like typical Seattle, and Arizona refused to let her wife get drenched and possibly fall victim to a nasty cold.

After a moment, Dr. Andrew Perkins answered the door and opened it widely to reveal Callie. She was sitting in a chair with her hands scrunched up into her hair, her face contorted to a very annoyed expression.

"Ah – Dr. Perkins, I'm sorry to interrupt the session, I just – ..." Arizona started, but Andrew stopped her, "No need for apologies, Dr. Robbins. We were just about finished." He said with a half-smile, offering it as if he was just trying to be nice. He seemed almost relieved for the intrusion. Callie lifted her eyes from the floor and shook her head, looking to her wife and pointing at the psychiatrist, "This ass will not freaking clear me for surgery! It has been 3 months... that is approximately 90 days of physical therapy, mental therapy, and a hell of a whole lot of no surgery. I mean for my patients, not me." Arizona couldn't help but reveal her dimples in a smile as her wife ranted, she thought Callie was adorable when she was frustrated, but she understood her pain. The blonde turned to Dr. Perkins and raised an eyebrow, "Why won't you clear her, then? She seems back to her old self to me." The man sighed and rested his back against his desk, and crossed his arms. "Really? Tell me, then, when was the last time Callie consented to operating a motorized vehicle?" Callie groaned and rolled her eyes, "Really? Seriously? You aren't clearing me for surgery because I won't drive my car across the street to my house? I live not even 3 minutes away in walking distance." Andrew shook his head, "That's beside the point, Callie." The Latina clenched her teeth and stood up, "You're gonna be beside my fist here in a second if you don't –" But she was stopped by Arizona intervening between the two bodies, "Calliope Iphegenia Torres." Callie stopped, mortified by the use of her middle name. Arizona continued, "Listen, baby. Calliope. All you need to do is drive home, and then I can tell Dr. Perkins you are ready to be cleared for surgery, okay?"

Callie hated it when she was wrong. She hated it even more when Arizona was right. But she was always right, it seemed. Callie let out a breath finally, and nodded. Arizona took hold of her wife's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Don't worry. I'll be right next to you the entire time. And remember, we live just across the street." Callie turned to the psychiatrist and laughed a single chuckle, "I swear, if you don't clear me after this..." Dr. Perkins held up his hands in defense, "Hey. Give me some credit. I know what an amazing surgeon you are. I want you to go back to cracking bones. You just gotta be ready for it." Callie nodded once before turning and exiting the room. Arizona thanked Andrew, and followed her wife to the parking lot.

The two women stood just in front of the entrance to the hospital, within the building. Callie stood staring outside, through the rain, at their recently purchased black SUV. Arizona had her arm outstretched towards Callie, the keys to the car dangling freely from one finger. "You can do this. You. Are. Amazing. Plus, you haven't gone through 90 days of rehabilitation for nothing." With these words, Arizona placed a soft, loving kiss on Callie's cheek. This seemed to break the brunette's daze, and she smiled, turning to look into the bright blue eyes that always gave her strength. Callie grabbed the keys from Arizona's finger, and moved to walk towards the parking lot, all in one quick movement.

They rushed through the rain towards the car, and Callie pushed the button to unlock the doors so they could enter the car. The women practically jumped into the car to escape the cold rain. Callie slowly placed the keys into the ignition, and turned the car on. She flicked the headlights on, engaged the windshield wipers, and clicked her seatbelt into place. Releasing the brake, she looked at Arizona's eyes one last time before beginning, "Thank you. I... I wouldn't have been able to get this far without you. I don't mean just tonight. I mean... the past 3 months. Just, thank you." Arizona tilted her head slightly as a smile spread across her lips, "Thank you for getting better," she replied, "Thank you for living. For me, for yourself. I love you so much." Callie leaned over to kiss her wife's lips passionately, placing a palm on the blonde's cheek lovingly. "I love you too. Now let's go home."

Callie accelerated and pulled out of the parking lot, crossing the street after a few cars had passed, and carefully parked in the driveway of their apartment building. Though it had been a very small feat in the eyes of anyone else, Callie had just overcome her final haunting demon. She had driven a car for the first time since her accident, with her wife by her side. As she released her seatbelt, she grinned devilishly, "Time to get back to kicking ass and cracking bones." Arizona laughed, and they both ran into their apartment, once again evading Seattle's unforgiving weather.

During the elevator ride up to their floor, Arizona embraced her wife closely... her arms wrapped securely around Callie's waist. "I am going to go to Dr. Perkins' office first thing tomorrow morning and demand that he clear you for surgery." Callie smiled and playfully said, "Mm, you better."

And sometimes, change can be exactly what we need.

Please let me know what you think and if I should continue writing this fanfic!