Jason calls his former ranger friends to inform them of the most terrible news. He calls Tommy first who he just had seen eight months ago.

Tommy answers his cell phone and says, "Hi Jason, what's up?"

Jason says, "I have some bad news man."

Tommy can feel his stomach tightening. "What is it man?"

Jason takes a deep breathe. "Trini was in a terrible car accident and she did not make it." Both men can feel the tears streaming down their faces. They both talk about the good times they had with their fellow ranger.

"Hey Tommy can you call a few of the others for me; I am still in Japan trying to get the first flight back home," Jason asks him.

Tommy agrees, "Who do you want me to call."

Jason says, "Adam, Zack, and Kim…" He does not finish the last name completely. Before Tommy has a chance to say he can tell Kimberly; Jason says, "I will call her I know the two of you have not talked in almost two years. "

"It will not be a problem," Tommy tells Jason. Although he was feeling just the opposite.

Tommy calls the first two that Jason asked him to call but when he got to the last name on the list he begin to hesitate but decided it was best to get it over with.

Kim answers her phone on the third ring. It took her some time to answer since she did not recognize the number. When she heard the familiar voice of her ex-boyfriend, her heart froze.

Tommy says "Kim, Kim…" before she finally answers.

She wanted to know how he had gotten her number but she said nothing. Finally Kim answers, "Yes, Tommy."

"I have some sad news," Tommy regretfully tells Kim.

Kim begins to feel her chest tightening because she can hear the seriousness in his voice.

"Trini was in a terrible car accident and she is died." Tommy can feel his throat tighten just saying those words. Kim begins to cry and Tommy wished he were there to hold her. The funeral arrangements will begin when Jason returns from Japan." "If you need anything just let me know okay," Tommy tells Kim.

A day later, Kim gets on the first plane back to Angel Grove and is in a trance as she moves through the airport and to her hotel. She tells no one that she is back and falls asleep.

Tommy calls her apartment in Florida, only to find out from her roommate that she is already back in Angel Grove and he thinks ok but where is she. "Where could she be?" He was just about to look up hotels in Angel Grove on his phone before Kim's roommate gives him Kim's cell phone number.

"I thought she would have told someone but here is her phone number," Emma replies. She thought he was just thinking aloud but still answered the question.

In a hotel room, Kim is fast asleep. As she sleeps, she hears a strange noise in her dreams. She was dreaming about when they all were a team together her, Tommy, Trini, Jason, Zack, and Billy. Kim gets up and reaches for her phone which is on the nightstand table. She grabs it. "Hello," Kim whispers into the phone.

Tommy sighs in relief. "Why did you not tell anyone you are in town?"

Kim says, "Well I just wanted to sleep and did not think about it. "

Tommy frowns,"What hotel are you staying at?"

Kim tells him, "Angel Grove Hills."

Tommy says, "I will be right over and hangs up.

Kim begins to wait for him to come. She rubs sleep out of her eyes.

He knocks on the door and she lets him in. Tommy looks at her and thinks she looks the same but with longer hair. He notices that she has been crying and walks toward her. Kim takes a step back but stops when she sees the look in Tommy's eyes. He holds her and they cry together for a while before he tells her let's get something to eat. "How about we go back to my place and you can have a bite to eat?"

Kim tells him, "I am not hungry."

Tommy insists and tells her, "Jason, Zack, Adam, and Aisha will be there."

"Okay, let's go," Kim grabs her purse.

Tommy drives her to his house where everyone is at. They rush over and hug Kim who is about ready to cry again. Kim looks at everyone. Jason looks the most hurt of all because he and Trini had begun to date.

Kim looks at Jason sadly, "I am so sorry and should have come back sooner but never made the trip to visit."

"It is alright," Jason tells her as he heads back to the couch.

Aisha tells Kim, "I know what you mean I have been in Africa and have not visited at all either."

Both woman hug and after the hug Tommy leads Kim to the dining room table. "You need to eat something Kim."

Kim shakes her head no and grabs a beer. She sits down on the sofa.

Tommy joins Kim and holds her hand.

The others notice and wonder if Tommy and Kim will ever get back together.

Tommy thinks what am I doing, she left me and broke my heart but he cannot seem to shake the feeling to protect her.

Kim notices Tommy is being very attentive towards her and wonders why as well. She is pondering an answer when the phone rings and she jumps which causes Tommy to hold her for a while before Jason tells him he has a phone call.

It is his mother wondering if they need any more food or anything. "Hey honey, do you or Jason need me to bring over anything," Mrs. Oliver asks.

"No mother we are fine," Tommy tells his mother.

"Has anyone contacted Kim yet," Mrs. Oliver questions nervously.

Tommy bites his bottom lip. "Kim is here with us and I am okay with it mom." Tommy moves hair out of his face. "She knew Trini longer than I did."

Mrs. Oliver thinks I thought those two would be married by now and planning to give me a grandchild or two. "Okay just call if you need anything."

"Bye mom, I will call you if I need anything," Tommy hangs up the phone. He sits back by Kim who has her hands clasp together. "Kimberly, you need to eat something," Tommy makes her a small plate that she nibbles off before setting the plate down. Tommy tells a story about when Trini was trying to get him to buy Kim a watch that he had wanted to buy her but was too shy to do it at first.

Everyone smiles thinking back to the day when Tommy was so nervous he almost fainted. That gets everyone thinking about Kim and Tommy's relationship.

Kim looks at Tommy who looks at her with an unknown gaze in his eyes.