Chapter 18 of "I am not!!!" is here. And this is the last chapter. Sorry, guys but I feel that this is a good place to end it. Please enjoy. And I am sorry for the wait. College has been hectic and my Charmed ideas are everywhere. Anyway, please review!!!!!

I no own Sailor Moon


I left Makoto's around an hour later. I felt so wonderful! I had all my friends back and everything was normal....well, as normal as it could possibly be considering what kind of a life I lead with all of my friends. I mean, come on I fight weird looking creatures on a daily basis.

Anyway, I was walking back to the arcade to me Mamo-chan when I tripped. Now, I can understand tripping when I'm lost in my own thoughts but what was really weird about it was it was in the same place that I tripped when all this happened. I fell on my knees, wincing as they hit the cement. Don't ask me what I tripped on. It just happened and all I know is that it hurt.

But I didn't cry. I didn't do anything but give a giggle and get back up. I wiped my knees off, shrugged, and kept on.

I guess through all of this, I matured a great deal. I didn't really think about that until later that night. I didn't cry as much, I didn't whine, I wasn't as clumsy, and well....I had a boyfriend. I don't know if that last one really makes someone mature but oh well.

My mom even noticed a difference. She came up to my room one morning to wake me up and I was already dressed for school and was coming down for breakfast. She just stared at me for a few seconds, smiled, and then turned around. "Good morning, Usagi. What would you like for breakfast?"

And that made a huge impact on my day. She didn't say a word about my change and that was wonderful. She didn't point it out, say how much I improved, and so on. She loves me and that's all that matters.

My friends and I are even closer. I feel like I have four sisters that will come to my aid without me even asking. They are always there for me and I make sure I am always there for them. I love them all and I know we will all be together forever.

Mamo-chan and I are still together. But we all know that we will be together for a really long time. I love him with all my heart and when ever I feel down, I just think of him and how he treated me when I was hurt so much, and I feel better.

You know, that whole ordeal was necessary. It may have hurt and I may have hated every minute of it but it helped me, my relationships, and my view of the world. I now know that not everyone in the world is perfect. But that doesn't matter. All that matters is your friends, your family, and your love. The relationships you form are what form you.

The End

There it is the last chapter to "I am not!" You may think it was a stupid ending but I think it's good. I wanted the last chapter to be what Usagi thought about all this. But anyway, thanks to everyone who stuck with it! I love y'all and THANKS!!!!!!