Title: I am Not!
Author: Alcandre
Rating: PG for now.

Here's a really random story I just decided to write. There are going to be more chapters when i feel the need and I find the time to write them ^_^. It is rather late now and i have a huge exam tomorrow at 7:15 a.m. Goodness, I am going to do really great on that, I can just tell (that was sarcasm).
I don't own Sailor Moon. *sob* okay, i'm over that! Read and review please!

You know what I hate? No, of course you don't. Nobody does. Most people think I hate studying or getting up early. But I can stand those things to an extent. But the one thing I hate is being called stupid, clumsy, a ditz, and being laughed at.
I mean, I know I am clumsy at times, but isn't everyone? Sure, I trip a lot, but what harm can that do?Okay, okay, so maybe it could hurt someone physically, but that can always heal. ^_^;
Gomen, I haven't gotten to the point have I? Well, life can be surprising. like yesterday for instance...

"Hey, Rei, wait up!"
The miko turned around and gave a smirk. "Come on Odango! I don't have all day!"
I huffed my way up to her. "Gomen, demo I had to tie my shoe."
She snorted (very unladylike) and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You probably tripped."
"I did not!" And, as if on cue, I tripped."Owww!"
And it hurt!
Rei rolled her eyes and I heard laughing behind me. Mako-chan, Minako-chan, and Ami-chan were back there, laughing.
I sat up. I tried hard not to let the tears fall down my face. Unbeknownst to my friends, I had scraped up my knee really bad. I didn't want to cry but, it hurt so bad!
"Goodness, Odango, is there ever time you don't trip?"
"Hai, Rei's right, Usagi, you should try not to trip so often."
I just turned away from Rei and Ami and looked at the ground. I didn't want to hear what Minako and Makoto were going to say. I knew they were kidding but I just wasn't up to it. I wanted someone to actually see me as a person, not a klutz.
I slowly stood up, dusted myself off as best I could and limped away. I just wanted to be alone. Not laughed at, not made fun of, and not seen as a clown.
My friends started calling me back with the usual, "Come on, Usagi!" or "Gomen, Usagi!" or "We were just kidding!"
But I wasn't up to it that day. I just wanted to be alone.
So, I started running. Well, as best I could with a bleeding leg.
I made it to the park and sat and cried my heart out on a bench that was unocuppied.
My leg was bleeding pretty bad but I didn't care. I was just sick and tired of what people thought of me. The tears fell harder and faster. I just let out all the tears that had wanted to fall for years.
I don't know how long I stayed there, but I heard "What's wrong, Odango atama, flunk another test?"

Okay, the next chapter will be up soon. I am just soooo tired! I love feedback and I am in the process of writing a part two to The Kindness of a Stranger! Ja ne!