Csilla: So, after reading a comment and then re-reading what I wrote in the previous chapter I have to ask: "How many of you saw the little innuendo towards the end?" Now raise your hand if, *cough* like me *cough* you didn't even realize it? Be honest XD

Thanks for pointing that out, Master of the Hellish Yard - I'm always waiting to read your awesome reviews! *3*

Anyways, I'll shut up and let you all read what you came to read :)

( - - - - - - )

Natsu sat curled up in a blanket with a steaming hot cup of cocoa, thinking back on the snowball fight he had had with Lyon and Gray; the thought of the raven's name made the rosette sink within the blanket as he wondered 'what now'. What'll become of them? Gray did just confess to him, well in not so many words... Well, more like no words at all. Numb tanned fingers slipped out of the blanket's warmth to press against the rosette's lips gingerly as he stared at the dark liquid in the cup; cobalt orbs swept away from the steamy liquid past the giggling child on the floor before stopping at their target, who sat on the edge of the couch with his back to Natsu.

Swallowing his fear, the chilled teen slipped away from his spot on the large bay window sill just as Lyon finished his cocoa and ran out of the room - leaving the two love-struck teens alone. Natsu quietly walked over to his friend and asked n a low voice, "Mind if I sit next to you?"

Onyx eyes swept up and over the couch frame before softening enough to melt any of the chills from the rosette instantly; a soft pat made them smile before he sat down beside the raven. The duo sat in silence before Gray whispered: "Would it be fine if we went out tonight to talk?"

"Sure..." was the only thing the rosette could say before Igneel and Ur came out asking the boys if they had any ideas for a Christmas dinner.

-After Dinner-

Natsu and Gray excused themselves after they were done eating before both boys tugged their coats on along with their boots; within minutes both teens were out the door and surrounded by snow. They had agreed that the rosette would pick the most secluded area for their talk so hand-in-hand he lead his friend through the snowy landscape.

"Really? Cliche much?" Gray remarked once they had stopped in the rosette's chosen spot; said teen blushed before muttering: "Well, excuse me... but it was the first spot I could think of..."

"It works... considering..." The raven blush could be seen even under the dim lighting of the street lamps; it was now-or-never: he didn't want to risk any misunderstandings and he really didn't feel right about not admitting his feelings out loud through words.

Inhaling deeply before breathing out long puffs of warm air with his words, "I like you, Natsu... as more than a friend,"

"I like you too, Gray" Natsu's smile made the raven's face contorted as his eyes filled with pain but also relief as the love-struck teen whispered, "Don't let that be a lie for my sake,"

"Trust me: it isn't... I spent a lot of time thinking about it. About you," Natsu looked to the sky as he spoke before slowly letting it fall until his eyes locked with Gray's while he spoke the last two words.

"Sorry that my gift was pretty cliche and all," The raven chuckled, scratching his cheek in embarrassment upon thinking about the hat he had gotten from Natsu.

"Gift? I seem to have forgotten getting one from you," rubbing in his chin as he looked to the side innocently, "so you might have to remind me what it was," He added with a grin.

"So you forgot, eh?" Onyx orbs didn't miss the glint of mischief in the other's eyes but regardless pale hands cupped tanned cheeks as he added, "Who taught you to act like this,"

"Jellal," The rosette chuckled as the raven moved closely slowly before muttering, "Remind me to kill him later," moments before their lips met.

The kiss, now anticipated on both sides, was no longer backed by desperation for the other but now total affection for the other. Gray's hands slipped down from his boyfriend's cheeks before weaving themselves with Natsu's hands; they pulled away only to rest their foreheads against one another, passing warm moist air between them for a bit before Natsu spoke: "Dumb question but," pausing to catch his breath, "this means we're dating, right?"

"Two things... first, not a dumb question and second, I hope so because I really like you," The duo chuckled quietly at the waves of happiness flooding their bodies.

"We should head back before they get mad," Gray suggested in a light manner as he released one of his boyfriend's hands and held tighter to the other.

Natsu merely nodded as the two walked back, hand-in-hand, smiling and blushing the whole way back to the rosette's house; Gray was first to notice something was strange on the porch so as he slowed his pace his boyfriend took notice of what had caught his eye: their parents on the the porch staring at them with knowing looks. Neither of the teens wanted to let go first as they stopped at the foot of the porch steps, looking up at their own parent with eyes filled worry and determination not to let go.

"So, wanna explain boys," Ur spoke first, eyeing her son first then Natsu.

"There's nothing to explain, Mom... It's exactly how it looks," The raven kept his voice calm and collected so he wouldn't piss his mother off.

"And how does it look, Natsu?" Igneel questioned his son before glancing down at the entwined hands.

The rosette inhaled before replying back with the courage of his boyfriend's words: "We're dating, dad"; the words made both teen tighten their grip on the other's hand.

"You heard them, Igneel... Our sons are dating"

"I see that, Ur... but I suppose its about time,"

Neither teen could believe what their parent had just said!

"Wait! You were expecting this?" Gray asked in disbelief.

"Yeah... we even had a little bet about it~" Ur chuckled at her son's reaction to her answer.

"Well as I mentioned earlier, I owe you one request then, Ur..."

"What was the bet?" Natsu chimed in, pouting.

"Whether Gray or yourself would admit to the other that you liked them," Igneel scratched the back of his head as he replied, chuckling a little.

"So why did you think I would admit first?" Cobalt eyes narrowed at his carefree father, who replied point-blank: "Because you and that nice Lisanna Strauss had 'dated' so I figured you-"

"Wait... You mean the girl who died in a car accident in Edolas a year ago?" Ur interrupted the older man with a curious look in her eye.

"Yes, did you know her?" Igneel, knowing his son felt a little at ease nowadays when her name was mentioned, asked.

"More or less... She actually saved Gray's life," All eyes drifted over to the raven who made his eyes directed to the ground beneath him as his mother continued: "About a year ago, Gray was in need of a new liver and quickly... Well it seems when we were ready to lose hope - a liver was found because as I later learned a car accident killing a girl his age had occurred... I'm not even sure if it was really from her or not but... I pay respects to her grave-"

"So that's what it meant..." Onyx eyes shifted over and widened when he locked gaze with his boyfriend, who was smiling at him.

"On Lisanna's grave it said she saved a life..." Gray explained when their parents looked at them with concern.

Their parents smiled down at them before heading inside discussing their sons' relationship, which left their sons alone in the snowy landscape. A soft tug directed the raven's attention towards the source that led to him being kissed softly by his boyfriend, who whispered as he pulled away: "I'll have to thank Lisanna for saving you as well,"

- - THE END - -

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Csilla: I'm so happy that this fic was a success :D I want you all to know (&future readers) that I love you all~!

&thanks again for all the reviews that helped me keep writing this!

Dedicated to my constant reviewers~! You know who you are! ;D

&finally, check out my new NatGray fic that has just begun: Reincarnations

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