Jacob and Renesmee Fan FictionChapter 1

I woke to the sounds of birds chirping in the nearby trees. I jumped out of bed and hurried to the window, pulling back the curtains to see glimpses of the sun peeking out between the clouds. I stretched and made my way over to my walk-in wardrobe, courtesy of my aunt Alice.

I forget to mention, I'm Renesmee Cullen, daughter of Edward and Bella. Alice is my father's adopted sister along with Rosalie, and their husbands, my uncle's, Emmett and Jasper, are his adopted brothers. Carlisle and Esme, my adoptive grandparents, adopted them all. I have paternal grandparents from my mother's side and their names are Charlie and Renee, although I've never met Renee but I have met Charlie. I'm 7 years old, though I look 18 because I'm half vampire/half human; my mom was pregnant with me when she was human and I almost killed her when she was giving birth to me but luckily my father managed to get enough vampire in her system to turn her. Also, I'm currently dating Jacob Black, my mom's best friend from her human life; apparently he's imprinted on me and I'm destined to be his mate, which is so cool and I'm glad 'cause I would hate it if he dumped me for another girl.

Anyway, back to the present. I got dressed in a pair of mini shorts, tank top and a shrug. I put a pair of sandals on and made my way downstairs. I walked into the living room to find it completely empty except for 1 person sitting on the sofa. He's back was to me but I knew that dark, russet skin anywhere. I silently made my way over to him, putting my hands over his eyes, when I finally reached him

"Hey." I said, taking my hands from his eyes and walking round to sit in his lap. "Where is everyone?"

"Hey, babe. There in the dining room, family meeting apparently, we're just waiting for you." He replied, before kissing me sweetly on the lips. Ever since Jake imprinted on me, he's been a part of the family.

"C'mon, let's no keep them waiting any longer." I said, moving off his lap, and pulling him with me. Together we made our way into the dining room, which was just used for family meetings like this one.

"Morning, darling." My mother said as I entered the room and sat down next to her, Jake sat on my other side.

"Morning, mom. What's going on?" I asked.

"Renesmee, we're moving to the England." My father answered.

"Really?" I questioned, before wondering about what would happen with Jacob. "Wait, what about Jake?" I glanced up at him; he was looking at me, and knowing that I was worried, squeezed my hand reassuringly and moved closer.

"He can come with us." Grandpa Carlisle said.

"I will." My Jake said. "I can't be without Ness, and it will be worse if I'm thousands of miles away from her." Carlisle nodded in agreement.

"I love you so much." I projected in to his head, courtesy of my gift. His lips turned up at the corners.

"Right, well, we already have a house in Cambridgeshire, near London. It has 6 bedrooms, each with their own en suite bathrooms and walk-in wardrobe's. A library, a couple of studies, a game room, a swimming pool and the basics: kitchen, living room and dining room." Carlisle explained. "Esme has said that if anyone wants their own home then can have one." Everyone shock their heads 'no'.

"Okay, we will be leaving in a week and a half. When we're over there, Jacob, Renesmee and Alice will be going to secondary school, starting in year 11. Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, Edward and Bella you can either go to 6th Form, College or University, it's up to you."

"Me and Bella are going to 6th Form." My dad said.

"I would rather go to secondary school with Alice." Uncle Jasper said.

"That is fine Jasper, would you prefer to be in year 11 with Jacob then Alice and Nessie can be in year 10 together?" Carlisle asked. "And Edward and Bella, I will enter you in as year 12 students. You will do your As Levels first before moving up a year and doing A levels."

"That's fine." Uncle Jazz and my parents replied at the same.

" Me and Em are going to 6th Form, but we want to be entered in the same year as Edward and Bella." Aunt Rosalie said.

Carlisle nodded in agreement. "That is perfectly fine, Rose. Now, the family arrangements. Edward, Alice and Emmett are our children; Jasper and Rosalie are twins and my nephew and niece – their parents died in a car accident and I was their only family; Bella and Renesmee are sisters who parents died when they were young children – 5 and 3 – and me and Esme adopted them; and Jacob is Esme's nephew." Carlisle explained as we all nodded our heads in agreement to everything he said. "Okay, that's everything. Enjoy your time left here." Everybody got up and left to do there own things.

I still held Jacob's hand and told him that I wanted to go to our spot. It was a waterfall, which had created a huge lake with a small river running off to the sea; we found it when he took me hunting a couple weeks ago. Nobody knows about it but us.

Chapter 2