*Shea's POV*

Why? Why did she have to come back now? Why did mom have to do those things? Why hadn't I stayed home with her like she asked me to? Why can't life just go back to normal? Because life just plain sucks ass.

"Shea, are you in there?" Adam asked. I smiled weakly and kissed him. "I'm gonna go talk to someone," unfortunately, Portman overheard me.

"Don't even think about it, Shea. Because if you do, I'll never talk to you again," he glared at me.

"Is that a promise?" I asked. He doesn't know her, or me.

"Because I could care less if you did stop talking to me. You know nothing about her. Or me. Like the day he left and took her with? I was supposed to stay home and watch her. Make sure Mom didn't do anything stupid. But do you know what I did instead? I went to school so I wouldn't miss hockey practice. So I wouldn't miss out on the game. Did you know that Dawn and I used to sit up at night listening to Mom and Dad yell at each other? Did you know that when it got so bad at home, we climbed out of my window and went to the park? No, you didn't. Because at that time in our life, you could have cared less about her, and me. I'm only going to say this once, so listen closely. You don't own me! And if you think you do, go screw yourself into the ground, because if I feel like talking to my sister, I will. You can't stop me."

"Dad was an ass, Mom wasn't the best person in the world. But that didn't give Dad the excuse to take her and not come get us from school," he countered.

"Dean William Portman! I swear, you've got a problem with the fact that Dad skipped town. He couldn't get us from school without the school finding out and calling Mom and she would have eventually found us, and we would have been back at square one," I yelled at him and ran out.

It was raining pretty hard, but I didn't notice. I ran as fast as I could to her dorm. I knocked on the door. Dawn opened the door and stared at me.

"What do you want? Haven't you guys caused enough damage for one day?" Langston glared at me.

"I'm not Dean, I'm Shea, and I want to talk to my sister," I said softly.

"Go away, LA, I wanna hear what she has to say," Dawn said. He glared at me, but moved from the door and to a chair.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't stay home with you that day when you asked me to. I'm sorry about Mom. I'm sorry Dean is our brother, because he's gonna be a dead duck, pun intended, when I'm finished with him. I'm sorry for what you had to go through. I'm sorry that I didn't pay any attention to the things Mom said to you when you left a room. I'm sorry that I wanted to go to a hockey game after school more than I wanted to protect my baby sister. I'm sorry that I didn't hurt Dean before you left, because you could have helped. I'm sorry I broke my promise. I'm sorry that Dad died. I'm sorry I didn't let you come in my room that night Mom threw a vase at you. I'm sorry you went to the park alone that night. I'm sorry that David beat you up that night at the park. I'm sorry that I didn't try to find you and Dad sooner. Most of all, I'm sorry I'm dripping on your floor at the moment." I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

*DC's POV*

I started to smile as Shea started to apologize. "LA, throw me the towel, will you?" I asked.

He tossed it to me, and I tossed it to her. That night we had a long talk and Julie even said she would switch rooms with Shea so we could be sisters again.

We were at practice one day when Ted, or should I say Coach…since we are on school grounds…m called us in. "Okay, everyone, we'll be doing a scrimmage, 1st string against 2nd," he told us.

"We're going to die, we're going to die," Shea muttered to me.

I just shook my head, " Just keep the puck. After I get Portman to knock into a wall, I'm going after Charlie. LA, Fulton, and then Adam," I directed. I then directed the others in what to do. Once we got into our positions, Coach blew the whistle and we were off.

Skating in front of my brother I was the normal kind of little sister, I was a pest. Soon he got pissed off and started to skate toward me. I backed up and then ducked, he flew over me and landed on the ice, his legs going every which way, not to mention his stick that skidded and ended up stopping next to the wall.

"Better watch your temper, you never know what might happen," I smirked and skated full speed ahead—toward Charlie.

Taking my stick, I hit the back of his knees lightly and then skated away while he fell and skated off, in search of more prey, and I found it too…with Mendoza. He may be fast, but he can't stop…so lets use it to my advantage. I skated right in front of him, well it was more like my foot and stick did, but who cares? He still went sprawling. By then Portman had gotten up and he started to barrel toward me.

I snickered and skated right toward him, giving him a head butt. I fell, but I was on top of him, so it was much easier for me to get up and skate away. I made it just in time to see Shea score on Julie.

At the end, Charlie came up to me, "You play well, dirty, but well," he complemented me.

"You have to, if you want to play in New York," I shrugged it off and went to change my shirt, not even bothering to change my sports bra into something else. I could survive wearing it for ten more minutes.

I walked out into the crisp air, not even bothering to put on a jacket or anything, the air was nice against my warm skin. That's when I noticed Mendoza was staring at me. Well not really at me, but at my breasts. The next thing I did wasn't exactly the best idea I had in a long time, because I grabbed my breasts and jiggled them. "Look up at my face, these don't talk. Besides, women like it a lot betters when you get lost in their eyes, not their breasts. Besides, I have a boyfriend." I snapped.

"Hey DC, what are you going to do after this?" Shea asked, tactfully changing the subject.

"I was thinking of finding a trashcan and lighting it on fire, why?" I asked, joking.

I smiled as I saw LA smack himself, "Fuck, don't do that, that just brings back bad memories," he said.

"What you don't like running from the cops?" I teased. Adam's eyes bulged, along with Shea's.

"I don't want to know," Shea said and started to jog off. I ran to catch up with her. I forgot my key, and I knew she had hers.

We were silent the way home and Shea opened her mouth while we were undressing, "So is it a hobby of yours to out run the cops?" she quipped.

"Yeah, well it was, until I got caught one time Dad was home. That's how I got to know Ted so well. He would stay while my dad was away. But last year Dad had a heart attack and he was forced to stay home and not travel by his company. That's how he died you know, from a heart attack. His second one," I said softly.

"Oh?" she inquired.

"I was brought home by the police, again. It was late, like 1 in the morning and I didn't have school the next morning. Well I was caught with a guy that was dealing drugs. Once they found I was clean, they just carted me home. But that's how dad got the heart attack, he was worried because I was out so late, and then I came home with the cops. The cops told him why they were bringing me home, and as soon as he heard the word drugs, he started to clutch his chest," I paused and went on. "I caused the heart attack. He was dead even before the ambulance got there. I caused him to die! I killed him!" I yelled and sunk to the floor, finally letting out what had been bottled up inside of me all summer long.

Shea rushed over to me and took me into her arms and rocked me back and forth. "You did not kill him, he just had a weak heart. I mean, a second heart attack? He was sick, it was just a matter of time," she whispered as I cried.

Finally I cried myself to sleep. With some difficulty Shea lifted me to my bed and went to the phone that was situated between the beds.

The phone rang and rang and finally Kenny picked up, "Hello?" he asked.

"Hey Ken. Can you put Dean on for me, I need to talk to him If he doesn't want to talk, too bad, he needs to listen," she threatened. Soon Shea could hear Portman's breathing. "Look, I know you don't like her. She may be a pest, I should know, I live with her! But she's your sister. Your goddamned little sister. Now you listen and listen good. She thinks she killed Dad," Shea could hear the sharp intake of breath…maybe she was getting though to him.

"She thought she killed him?" he squeaked.

"Yeah, so you better get down here so when she wakes up, she can see you do care about her, you big lug head," Shea used the old nickname for her twin.

"I'll be there," he promised and hung up.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, there stood Portman and LA, "Sorry Devil, once the damn kid found out where I was going he followed me like a shadow. I couldn't get rid of him!" Portman apologized.

She just shrugged and turned to LA, "Langston," she used his real name…just to see him cringe, "you're not coming in here unless you bring your brother."

"No! I don't want to see you two love birds," he complained.

"We have to put up with you and Dawn all the time, so this is just payback," she explained.

"But we've known each other longer," LA protested weakly.

"But we're older. Now git," Shea ordered. LA just sighed and turned and walked down the hall, he was going to find his older brother for his girlfriend's older sister. Was this a messed up life or what?

I'm sorry, but there now is going to be a five review/chapter rule. The more you review, the quicker the chapters come. Thank you and have a nice day. Oh yeah, thanks for the reviews that I have received, I loved them!